Role model

Something was going inside Theo's mind. Her mood was kind of off as she changed her dress while lost in deep thoughts.

It's not like she didn't realized her love for Jasper but accepting it was a very big issue for her. Her mother, the Priestess become the role model for her when it come to love and live.

She didn't cared about fated mate and another world just went where her heart took her unafraid of her upcoming death but even after she become the role model but Theo still felt it hard to accept that she have fallen in love.

She have committed so many crime, does she really deserve to fall in love and what if the other person also be faithful to her.. in the end she will have to abandon him once she turned 25.

Just like how her father is living right now, the man have to live a lonely life, too, if he marries her and remain faithful but she can't take betrayal!