Her fated partner?

"Sir, I felt nice that someone with such a high responsibility and noble status is protecting and escorting my daughter," Mr. Castillo humbly said.

The aide of the Valmanchal kingdom and famous for his authority, power and skills was now in front of the vice captain, who seemed to be nervous in front of him.

He didn't cared about Theo thinking that she doesn't deserved his protection but still as his responsibility, he kept looking out for her just in case of emergency.

Unique power unlike this world humans could behold, he didn't cared about those unique powers in Theo, too! But now he acted like a fan, who was nervous seeing his idle.

Theo was baffled by the way he looked at her father and acted so cautiously and his reply to Mr. Castillo's word was more scary and baffling.

"No, it's my honor to serve her". He politely replied.