Chapter 1: Fateful encounter

In the southeast part of the continent there's an kingdom called Stainad, in that kingdom there's a princess who were called a 'mischief princess' for being always fooling around in the kingdom.

And there's a Duke's daughter for being known as a villainess in the kingdom. This is where their story began


In the unknown mansion, in the balcony there's a woman who was sitting in the chair reading a book. The woman who was Reading a book has a golden hair that pass on her shoulder that shines when sunlight hits the hair, has a red jewelry eyes that looks like a pool of blood and has a red glossy lips.

This woman is the first princess in the kingdom Stainad, Princess Scarlett Lyons Perkins also known as 'mischief princess' in the kingdom


As the maid's voice rang into my ear, I look at the maid as i stand up in my seat.

Knowing what I would do, the maid run into my direction.

Seeing the maid run into my direction, I quickly put my feet on to the railing of the balcony as I ready my self from jumping on the balcony. Unfortunately my luck isn't on my side today as the maid who run into my direction caught my wrist and stopping me from jumping on the balcony.

"Unfortunately for you princess I stop you from jumping on the balcony, now please stop being stubborn and go to your lesson your highness."-maid

"ughh… come on! You know I hate lessons Anne"-scarlett

She's Anne Warren, Daughter of the Viscount. She's my personal maid since I was a child.

"I do not care your highness, please stop being stubborn and go. Lord count is waiting for you in the other room"-Anne

"This is a crime! A crime!"-Scarlett

"how so your highness? I was merely doing the king's order. Now please go to your lesson before I tell this to his majesty"-Anne

As Anne saying that, I heard her voice getting cold, a chill run down to my spine. I imagine my father adding more lesson when he hear this.

"FINE! Fine! You win. Ughh I just want to rest!!"-Scarlett

"Please remember your etiquette when your in front of many people, your highness"-Anne

"Yes,yes I understand"-Scarlett

As I said in a lazy manner

As we walk in the mansion to go to 'hell', I just thought of an nice idea

"hey Anne"-Scarlett

"Yes princess?"-Anne

"I want to go out"-Scarlett

"you cant princess"-Anne

"What?! I'm on a break! How cant I go?"-Scarlett

'this is unfair!!' I thought to myself

"I'm afraid that you would cause trouble again, princess"-Anne

"trouble? I've never done that!"-Scarlett

"Please stop lying princess, his highness is tired from cleaning up your mess"-Anne


As I said in a annoyed voice, since I hate getting scolded.

Anne's noticing my annoyed voice she decided to change the topic

"Princess, if you really want to go out I suggest you should take at least 2 guards on you"-Anne

"Really? Thanks!"-Scarlett

I said in a cheerful voice.

'I was thinking of sneaking out tomorrow if she didn't allow me' I thought to myself

"Please don't even think of sneaking out tomorrow"- Anne

I flinch when I hear Anne's word, thinking she can read my mind

"well good for you I've never thought that"-Scarlett

"Stop lying your highness"-Anne


I said in a serious voice

"Yes princess?"-Anne

"Are you a mind-reader?"-Scarlett


Anne looking at me with a concern face, she's probably thinking that I'm crazy


"Im concerned for you princess"-Anne

As she said that, we already reach our destination. In that room is where I meet 'hell', I look around and saw a window. As I was about to turn my body towards the window. Anne's hand grab my shoulder.

"I'm not going to let you jump in the window your highness"-Anne

she said with a scary smile


—the next day—

"Princess its already morning"-Anne


As I woke up from Anne's voice, I sit up from the bed and got my self out on the bed

"Do I have any lesson today?"-Scarlett

I said as I walk myself in the desk to wash my face

"you only have a sword lesson, princess"-Anne


"Do you want me to prepare the bath princess?"-Anne

"ah, do that"-Scarlett

Seeing Anne walking to the bathroom, I sigh myself.

Just like any other day, after I bath, I went to the dinning room where I ate breakfast

"Good morning mother"-Scarlett

"good morning"-Hazel

"Good morning sister"-Alex

On the dinning table, a beautiful woman who looks younger than her age, has a silver hair and blue eyes. Sitting on the center of the table, Is the Queen of the kingdom.

Hazel Tate Perkins. My mother

On the other hand, a young man who has a handsome face, has a silver hair and a red jewelry eyes, sitting on the left side of the dinning table. Alex Wayne Perkins, He's the first prince in the kingdom also my younger brother.

"Scarlett, you have a lesson today right?"-Hazel

"Yes, mother"-Scarlett

"Alex want to have sword lesson with you, go with him okay?"-Hazel

"sure, mother"-Scarlett

I said while smiling

"Sister, can we have a duel?"-Alex

"Sure, be sure to beat me!"-Scarlett

As we ate breakfast, I went to my room to change my clothes and went to the training ground outside of the mansion

As I walk to the training ground, I saw Alex talking to the instructor




I flinch as I said that

"Are you okay princess? Your were spacing out just now"-knight

'spacing out? Was i?'

"really?? I was thinking of sneaking out tomorrow. Don't tell it to anyone okay?"-Scarlett

Hearing my reply, the knight's face turned pale. He's probably thinking that I'm going to cause a trouble

"Princess!! Come on! Let's get into practice!"-Instructor

Hearing my instructor calling me, I run towards him to start the lesson.

Normally I would complain having a lesson, but since I like fighting and swords. I was eager to learn.

3 hours pass in a blink of an eye, having my lesson end I called the maid to prepare a bath for me


"yes princess?"-Anne

"Prepare the 2 knights and tell someone to prepare a carriage"-Scarlett

I said as I grab the towel that Anne's gave me

"I understand"-Anne

As I saw Anne's back going away, I went to my room to have bath.

At my room I saw a maid cleaning my room, as I was about to ask if the bath is ready. The maid who was cleaning the room saw me and told me that the bath is ready, after she said that she left my room with dirty bedsheets

After I bath, I saw Anne at my room. As she see me sitting in the chair, she dry my hair and style my hair a bit. I wore my outfit and put a hood on.

(I'm literally bad at describing the dress so I can only provide you a picture)

Outside of the mansion, I went in the carriage and I saw Anne sitting on the carriage.

"wait, you're also going?"-Scarlett

I said in a confuse voice

"Yes princess, you thought you're going to be alone?"-Anne

As Anne said that I saw her smirking

'Are you kidding me?!! Ugh.. now my plan is ruined!'

"your not planning of escaping from the knights when you go out, are you?"-Anne

"Why would I ever think that"-Scarlett

Actually that was my plan all along, I am really starting to think whether Anne is a mind reader.

After a couple of minutes, we arrive at the town.

"Princess, what do you want to buy?"-Anne

"I'm going to buy a new sword"-Scarlett

I said while I rest my chin on my arm that was place on the window of the carriage.

"Your getting a new sword, princess?"-Anne

"yeah, I heard that the blacksmith that I often go has a new sword"-Scarlett

After a couple minutes walking, we arrived at the blacksmith shop.

"Princess, you're here"-Blacksmith

"I heard that you have a new sword, I'd like to see it"-Scarlett

"I knew you'd come here to see it, good thing that I stored the sword"-Blacksmith

As I saw the blacksmith enter the shop, I look at the 2 knights behind me.

"You two, stay here for now"-Scarlett

""Yes, princess""-2 knights

After I ordered the knights to stay, I went in the shop.

"where's the sword?"-Scarlett

I said while looking around

"You're really excited aren't ya, princess?"-Blacksmith

He said as he rummage his storage

"Ah there it is!"-Blacksmith

As he said that, he lift a red sword, that has rose around the handle

"here ya go princess, so do you like it?"-Blacksmith

"yeah, its nice"-Scarlett

I said as I held the sword that the blacksmith gave me

"the weight is okay, its not too light and its not to heavy for me"-Scarlett

I said as I swing the sword around

"and I like the design, so how much is this?"-Scarlett

"Its suppose to be 15 gold but just for you princess, it will be 10 gold"-Blacksmith

"really? Thank you!! I'll give you more materials for my sword next week in return!"-Scarlett

I said as I Puff my chess and making an arrogant attitude, after that I look at Anne who was standing beside me.

"Anne, can you buy a food for me? I saw a food stall right there, I think its going to take awhile, I still have a lot to discuss to mister here"-Scarlett

"Yes, I understand princess but—"-Anne

"don't worry I wont make trouble for mister"-Scarlett

As I grinned at Anne

"then please wait here princess"-Anne

As I saw Anne leaving the store, I talk to the blacksmith about the sword

"Mister, where's the bathroom?"-Scarlett

"Its in that hall princess"-Blacksmith

After I learned where's the bathroom, I walk to the hallway that the blacksmith point at.

Luckily I saw window, I jumped out of the window and run far away from the shop.

•Anne's POV•

After I bought the food for the princess, I walk back to the blacksmith shop only to find out that the princess run away AGAIN.

I look at the 2 knights who has a pale face, they probably think that their Captain are going to scold them again.

'Honestly, I shouldn't have trust her word knowing she's a trouble maker'

"let search around the street, the princess probably hasn't gone that far"-Anne

""yes!""- knights

•Scarlett POV•

After a minutes of running, I found myself in a unfamiliar alleyway.

I heard a voices on the side of the building, due to curiosity I peeked on the wall, sticking out my head, I saw a beautiful woman with 3 people around her.

•Diana POV•

(10 minutes ago)

As I walk to the town, I saw a familiar faces,3 people walk towards me.

"Fancy meeting you here, Lady Diana"-Girl

"Yes, fancy meeting you 3 here"-Diana

I said cold voice, I saw their face tense as I spoke, surely they would leave me be after this.

"it's rare to see you here walking on your own without a knight, Lady Diana"-Girl 2


"If you want Lady Diana, we can let you borrow one of our knights for you, so you can be protected"-Girl 3

'are they mocking me?'

"Sorry, but I don't need that, I can protect myself on my own"-Diana

As I said in a cold voice

They probably think they can humiliate me.

"Please take our knights, Lady Diana"-Girl

As the girl talk she walk towards me, she stop at close distance

Weirdly enough she fall to the ground.


"I'm really sorry Lady Diana!!, but is it necessary to push me?"-girl

'push you? You literally fall by yourself, and now you're blaming me? How iconic'

"What have you done Lady Diana!!"-Girl 2

Shouted by the other girl, hearing their shouts many people circled us.

{Oh my gosh, is that the wicked princess??}

*If you're wondering why I use princess because Diana is the princess of the duke family

"Lady Diana! This is getting out of hand! we're only trying to help you, you don't have to push her!"-Girl3

Said the 3rd girl in front of me assisting the girl who falls with an aggrieved voice.

"push? She falls over nothing, You can't blame me for her clumsiness, ladies"-Diana

I said while smirking

'I hate getting accused'

"Don't lie Lady Dia—"-Girl


As I heard the voice, I look towards where the voice was coming from. I saw a blonde hair girl with red jewelry eyes coming towards us, as she walks here, she tripped by her sword.

I hear her muttering

"Damn this sword! Even though I want to look cool, now I look like an idiot!"-Scarlett

•Scarlett POV•

As I saw them arguing, well one-sided arguing, I hear one of the girls accusing the other girl.


I said to them confidently, after I said that a beautiful girl who has black hair and green eyes look in my direction. I walk towards them to talk but unfortunately, my sword tripped me.

"Damn this sword! Even though I want to look cool, now I look like an idiot!"-Scarlett

I embarrassingly mutter to myself, Deciding that nothing happen, I stand myself up and walk in their way

Strangely I saw the 3 girls with a strange face, it's a normal reaction if you saw someone tripped, actually

As I stand next to the black haired girl, I recognized her instantly, She's Diana Regan Shawn, the only daughter of the Duke Shawn Family, She's also known in the kingdom as Wicked Princess.

'imagine getting a cool nickname, I wish I had a cool nickname'


As I said that, People around me bow down to me, seeing their respect to me, I raise my hand to stop them

"okay, stop, stop no need for that"-Scarlett

"Good afternoon, your highness"-Diana

"Good afternoon to you all, but I heard that your accusing Lady Diana for pushing you"-Scarlett

As I said that I look at the girl who accuses Lady Diana

"princess, we're only trying to help Lady Diana but…I didn't know that Lady Diana hate me this much to push me"-Girl

As she said with a sorrow voice, normally I would comfort her but since I saw what truly happened, I feel disgusted.

"Are you lying to me?"-Scarlett

I said with an innocent smile on my face

"of course not Your highness, how could we"-Girl 2

"Stop lying, I saw you fall and Lady Diana didn't push you, in fact, she didn't even touch you"-Scarlett


As she said that, the 3 girls turned their face pale, they probably thinking of offending the Royals.

'seriously, aren't they dumb? Thinking of something like that and thinking nobody is going to see them? What a bunch of idiot'

"There she is!! Catch the princess!!"-knights

As I hear the voices of the knights, I ready my self from running, as I was about to run I heard a female voice.

"Lady Diana!! Please stay there!"-Female


As I thought that to my self, I look at Diana who was behind me, stretching my arm towards her.

"Come on lets go!!"-Scarlett

I said to her with a sweet smile that i can show to her.

•Diana POV•

As I hear the knights and my personal maid voice, I noticed that the princess beside me seems to be preparing for a run, the princess look at me and stretch her hands towards me.

"Come on lets go!!"-Scarlett

As the princess said that I saw her sweet smile.

Unknowingly, I reach my hands towards her, I don't know why but there's something telling me that to reach her hand.

And to my surprise, I easily trust this mischievous princess.

'why do I feel like I can trust her? I usually don't trust anybody except my family but why do I trust you, princess?'

After I reach out my hands to her, the princess pull me and we started to run.

'is it just me but why is that the princess's hand is so warm even though she wear a gloves on her hand'