Chapter 2: Good Guy

•Diana POV•

After a few minutes of running, we stop at the front of the bakery shop.

As I look around to see our surrounding, I look at the princess and notice something from her.

"Princess your hair is a mess now"-Diana

After I said that, the princess who were looking at the bakery shop look at me with a surprise look.

"really?? I guess I'll remove it, its annoying anyway"-Scarlett

Said by the princess while laughing.

I saw the princess slowly remove her hair accessories, after that she let her hair down.

I saw her long golden hair shines when her hair fall down to her back.

After she let her hair down, the princess look at me then laugh while saying.

"Am I really that pretty? For you to be stunned?"-Scarlett

'stunned? Me?'

I thought to myself since I didn't know I was stunned.

"your pretty too, you know that Lady Diana"-Scarlett

She said to my while smiling

I narrowed my eye when I heard the princess voice.

'teasing me?'

"You know you're a good guy"-Scarlett

"Me? A good guy? Princess have you heard of me?"-Diana

I said to the princess, I'm surprised that somebody call me a good guy

"of course, I'm a princess after all! But I don't really judge a book by rumors"-Scarlett

'rumors? Isn't it supposed to be a cover?'

Hearing no response from me, the princess decided to explain her words.

"Get it?"-Scarlett


I look at the princess with a hesitant face

"no? Then let me explain it to you, normally it would be a 'don't judge a book by its cover' but since its your case I change the cover into rumor because your full of rumors!"-Scarlett

The princess said as she happily explains to me

"Aren't you"-Diana

'offending me?'

I decided to not saying it out loud and think it for myself.

"Offending you?"-Scarlett

The princess look at me with a silly look

"If I am then, I'm sorry"-Scarlett

As the princess said that, she bow down her head.

"princess, you don't have to bow down to me. You're a Royal you shouldn't bow you heads down to anybody"-Diana

I said to the princess, although my voice are probably clear when I say that but in reality I panic a little.

Hearing I said that, the princess lift her head up, suddenly she laugh

"I knew it, your'e really a good person"-Scarlett

She said while smiling kindly at me.

I was dumbfounded when the princess told me that I was a good person again.

'wait, isn't this a good guy card'

I thought to myself since I only thought that this only happened in the books.

I hear the princess laughing

"your face looks silly!"-Scarlett

As I heard that, I subconsciously touch my face

"princess, aren't you offending me?"-Diana

"Forgive me, but..pfft!!"-Scarlett

As she said that, the princess started laugh hard

My face went red, due to being embarrassed, I shouted at the princess.


I said while my face is blushing hard

"okay, okay"-Scarlett

As the princess said that she wiped her tears in her eyes due to laughing so hard

"Its just that your showing different expression than your cold face, you look beautiful when your like that"-Scarlett

The princess look at me while she said that.

I don't know why but I feel shy when the princess said that to me.

Many people compliment me due to my title, they compliment me because they have intentions.

"Oh? Are you feeling shy?"-Scarlett

The princess said with a teasing voice

"thank you"-Diana

I said to the princess while I lower my head

"You don't really have to do that actually"-Scarlett

As the princess said that, she walk towards me and pat my head

Feeling the warm hand on my head, I lift my head to see the princess.

In my eyes, I saw the princess shining, due to the sunlight hitting her golden hair, I saw her smile, the sweet smile that she gave me when she reach her hands to me, I saw her red eyes glow beautifully.

'so pretty'

I thought to myself

"I understand how you feel"-Scarlett

I snap back to reality when I heard the low voice of the princess.

I can feel that she's sad from her voice, but when I look at the princess, I don't see any sadness in her expression.

I can only see her smiling at me, her smile feels like its telling me that its ok.

After the princess patted my head, she withdraw her hand on my head.


As we heard the voice, I saw the princess flinch.

I saw a maid and a Knights behind her walking towards us.

"A-Anne! How's your day?"-Scarlett

The princess said while releasing a frightened voice.

"Worse, how about you princess?"-Anne

As the maid said that, she's already at front of the princess looking furious.

"Great actually"-Scarlett

The princess said with an arrogant look

Hearing the princess reply, I saw Anne put her hand on her face and inhale deeply, feeling tired.

'I feel bad for this maid, the princess really is the mischievous princess'

"You…shameless princess"-Anne

'I can agree with you'

After Anne talk to the princess, she look at me with an apologetic face and said.

"I'm really sorry Lady Diana for dragging you into the princess mess"-Anne

Anne said while bowing to me

"No, no its fine"-Diana

I said to them since its really fine.

"Then please excuse us, lets go princess"-Anne

"yeah, yeah"-Scarlett

As the princess walking towards the carriage, I heard a metal sound.


I notice a golden thin plate in the floor, as I pick it up to see what it is, I saw the princess name written it.

As I was about to speak to the princess, I saw her already in the carriage and saw the carriage is already moving.

'ill give this to her when I can meet her'

I thought to myself as I put the golden thin plate into my packet.

After that I saw my maid walking towards me.

•Scarlett POV•


I said as I lay myself to my bed, feeling tired I decided to sleep for a couple of minutes.

I woke up having a blanket on me, I remember that I didn't put a blanket when I fall asleep.

'its probably Anne'

As I thought that, I smiled while holding the blanket.

I look at the window to know how long I slept, I saw the sky turned dark.

I got up from my bed and walk to my closet to find my hood that I use earlier.

As I take the hood, I search the pockets of the hood and noticing my guild card isn't in my hood.

I try to recall the scenes that happened earlier.

'oh? Lady Diana took my guild card?'

I smile as I think of something.

'I guess I'll visit her tomorrow then'

I thought while smiling and walking towards the door.


After I woke up, I told the maid to prepare my bath, after that I went to the dinning table as usual.

"Anne, do I have any lesson today?"-Scarlett

I ask while we're walking in the halls

"No, princess"-Anne

"Okay, ill rest in my room for a day since I don't feel well"-Scarlett

I said while I open the door on my room

"Should I call a doctor?"-Anne

I saw Anne's concerned face

"No need, thanks"-Scarlett

I said to her while smiling to lessen her worries

As I walk to my room, the maid told me that the bath is ready, after I bath i saw Anne's waiting at the door.

"Anne, you can go now"-Scarlett

I said while I put my self to the bed

"I understand princess, get well"-Anne

After Anne spoke, she bowed and leave the room.

I waited for a couple of minutes before I got out of my bed.

Feeling that Anne really left my room, I walked towards the closet and change my clothes and brought my sword

After I prepare what I needed, I wrote a letter indicates that I will be visiting the Duke Mansion.

After I put my letter in my desk, I walk towards the window. As I look down, I ready myself from jumping out on my room that place in the third floor.

'every time I jump here, I cant help to think how much of a monster I am'

As I thought that, I let out a small chuckle.

I jumped out of the window, I perfectly landed on the land without making a sound.

After seeing that nobody saw me, I walk myself from the forest.

'The distance of Duke mansion to my Grandma's mansion should be estimated as 1 hours and 30 mins on a carriage, now if I walk towards there it might take 3 hours and 50 mins to go there'

After ten minutes of walking down on the forest, I saw buildings at the end of the forest.

'ill just ask a coachman to take me there, it's a good thing I brought money'

As I walk to the town, I saw many food stalls, thinking I haven't eaten yet I decided to buy foods before finding a carriage.

After I brought a lot of foods, I went to find a carriage.

"Excuse me?"-Scarlett

I said as I walk in their shop

"Do you need something miss?"-boy

A boy with a purple hair and blue eyes, who looks like an 13 yrs old, wearing a simple clothes answered me.

"Yeah, I was looking if you have a carriage and a coachman to go to the Duke Mansion"-Scarlett

"um, Miss is it Duke Alphenfist or Duke Shawn?"-boy

Asked by the boy who were nervous.

'right, I forgot that there's 2 Duke in this kingdom. What kind of princess am i?!'

I embarrassedly thought to myself

"The Duke Shawn mansion"-Scarlett

"Im sorry miss but, unfortunately our coachmen are fully booked and the carriages are all in use"-boy

Nervously said by the boy

"I see"-Scarlett

I said as I turn my body to leave

"wait!! Miss I'm not done yet"-boy


As I heard the boy's word, I turn myself towards him

"although we don't have something that you want, we have a horse that is for rent. Fortunately miss we have a branch near the Duke Shawn Mansion, after you go there, you can return the horse on our branch miss"-boy

He carefully explained it to me

"How much is it?"-Scarlett

"5 silver miss"-boy

As I rummage for some silvers in my pocket, I asked the boy for some questions

"Why 5 silver? Isn't that kind of expensive?"-Scarlett

I questioned him

"We're not trying to be scammer here miss! Its just that the horse that we're renting for you is a bit special"-Boy

He nervously explained

"How so?"-Scarlett

"He's much stronger and much faster than the other horse"-boy

He responded as he was leading me to the stable.

At the stable, I saw 3 horses, one who have color of brown, the other is black and the last one is white.

"his name is Sky, I hope you take a good care of him miss and here's the note that you needed when you return sky in our branch miss"-boy

He spoke as he give me the note while touching Sky

As I take the note, I gave him a pat on the head, seeing his confused look

"you did a great job, here I'll give you a tip"-Scarlett

I smiled at him while giving my pay and my tip to him.

I walked towards sky to slowly to let him know me, after 2 minutes of being cautious, I caress sky's face and gave him an hay for him to eat.

"I think your ready to go miss"-boy

"Then, I'll be going"-Scarlett

I replied to him while I get on the horse.

As I was halfway through the Duke Mansion, while I was riding sky I noticed that the northeast of the sky was gray, knowing that it would rain I made sky run faster.

'Great, it should be raining when I arrive there'

As I arrive at the duke mansion it was already raining hard, before I went in to the duke mansion I went to the branch where I return sky.

•Diana POV•

After I finished my morning routine, it was already raining hard, as I walk to my room, the maids who pass by me greet me with a smile.

I went in to my room, I can only see darkness except for a faint light coming from my window, as I was about to about to turn on the lights, I saw a movement in the corner of my eye.

I look at the window where I saw a movement, in that moment, a flash of light strike, I saw a human figure with a horn on top of its head and its glowing read eyes.

Feeling scared, I screamed hard, I drop down due to feeling scared.


A sound of the thunder joined my scream, covering my voice.

I saw the figure move, trying to open the window, I heard a small voice, due to the sound of the thunder I couldn't understand what its trying to say.

After the sound of the thunder ends, I can finally hear its voice, a familiar voice.

"lady Diana its me!"-Scarlett


I trembled

"yes its me, sorry to scare you"-Scarlett

She assured me while turning on the lights on my room.

Seeing that's its really the princess, I let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me to death, princess"-Diana

I muttered

"I'm sorry, here let me help you"-Scarlett

She giggle as she offer her hand to me

"why are you here princess? And how did you even get here?"-Dianna

I asked while I patted my butt

I look at her and notice that she's drench

"Princess your drench"-Diana

"Yeah, I was going to ask you if you have a spare clothes"-Scarlett

She asked while she scratch her head, looking silly

"yeah, um…I don't know if my clothes will fit you though princess"-Diana

I said while looking embarrassed

Seeing the princess figure, I look at my body.

'although as embarrassing as it is, my figure is better than the princess'

"Its fine, ill just remove my cloak, thanks anyway"-Scarlett

She expressed as she removes her cloak

"about your question earlier, I'm here to take my Guild Card"-Scarlett

She added as she gestures a box in her hand

"Guild Card? I didn't know you're a member, princess"-Diana

"Yeah, I'm an S-rank actually"-Scarlett

She blurted out as she scratch her cheeks


I exclaimed to the princess

"Ahem,that's amazing princess"-Diana

I added as I cough to hide my embarrassment


She smiled

"Anyway, how did you get here princess? This is the 3rd floor"-Diana

"I have my ways"-Scarlett

She smile at me mysteriously

After that, I walk towards my night stand to get the guild card, seeing the princess is busy looking at my room I ask her a question.

"What are you going to do now after you got the guild card, princess?"-Diana

I asked her as I pick up the guild card and walk towards her

"Hmmm, well I'll just stay here"-Scarlett

She blurted out looking confident

"without my consent?!"-Diana

I expressed with a silly shock face

She look at me tilting hear head

"you wouldn't want to?"-Scarlett

I look at her bewitching face, almost making me agreed, I avoid her gaze.

"w-well I have to ask my Dad first princess"-Diana

"really?? Thanks Diana!"-Scarlett

She smiled at me

"Princess, did you just call me 'diana'?"-Diana

I asked the princess feeling strange since

'nobody called me 'Diana' except for my family'

"Is it too early for tha—Aachoo!!"-Scarlett

Just as she about to finish her sentence, a sneeze interrupt it, she covered her nose while sneezing

I heard her sneeze, due to being worried I walk towards the princess and hold her hands, feeling her cold hands I told the princess to remove her clothes.

"princess your hand is freezing! You should take off your clothes and change"-Diana

I said to the princess worrying she might caught a cold

Unfortunately she ruined my worries for her

"I didn't know you were this bold"-Scarlett

She grinned at me with a teasing face

Remembering my action, my face turned red

"Princess!! I was just worried about you! And I'm not like that!!"-Diana

I wail to the princess as she giggled in front of me

"you're really fun to tease"-Scarlett

She said with a charming smile