Chapter 3: meeting the Shawn Family

•Diana POV•

'How-How could she said something like that!!! So shameless!!'

I thought to myself, feeling embarrassed to what she said I decided to change the topic.

As I notice a sword on the side of her waist, I decided to bring it up.

"princess, why did you bring your sword?"-Diana

I asked the princess

"Oh this?"-Scarlett

As she said that, she take out her sword and bring it in front of her face

"I just bought this yesterday, I was going to do a quest today but you know"-Scarlett

She added as she lower the sword to her face.

[Knock knock]

Not hearing the sound knocking of the door

"What is it made for princess?"-Diana

I asked while looking interested

"just some blood of 'The Night Monster' and some golds"-Scarlett

She said in a monotone tone

"Princess how did you..?! Right you're an S-rank"-Diana

I muttered as I held my hand to my head

[Knock knock]

For a second time we didn't hear the sound of the knock on the door

"was it really shocking?"-Scarlett

She asked while giggling

"well, I know that some of the Nobles join the guild but princess I didn't expect you to be this high rank"-Diana

I answered the princess

"I can be scary you know? Do you want me to show you?"-Scarlett

She asked while having a carefree smile on her

Feeling curious, I agreed to the princess.


After I said that, I feel the aura around me change, I saw the princess in front of me change her expression, she put the edge of the sword in my neck 1 hand away.

'So fast! I didn't even saw her move!'

In that moment, I feel like I'm a prey who was about to get eaten by the predator, I look at the princess eye, as I look at the princess eye I only saw darkness in her red jewelry eyes.

I blink for a second and the darkness that I saw on her eyes are no longer there, as if it was just my figment of my imagination.


As the maid who open the door, a flash of light strike, on the maid view you can see Diana having a sword pointed at her neck and a woman a who looks like Diana's age, looking like she's about to kill, with her glowing red eyes, the maid feels scared.


As the maid shouted, Diana tried to calm down the maid who fall

"Rose! Its me!! Its fine! She's the princess"-Diana

I reassured Rose who's feeling scared

"I'm not a intruder"-Scarlett

She calmly explained to Rose

"Here let me help you"-Scarlett

She added as she give her a hand

As Rose recognize that the other person is the princess, she reach the princess hand and apologize

"I-I'm really sorry princess, please forgive this maid"-Rose

She apologize ash she lower her body

"get up, its my fault so don't apologize"-Scarlett

She said to Rose

'its hard to forget the look of the princess face, I thought that the princess threatening face wouldn't be scary since she always put a smile face'

I thought that I glance to the princess who were smiling while Rose apologizing to the princess


"are you hearing like a heavy footsteps?"-Scarlett

She asked to me


I answered her

After I answer I saw a man with a dark green hair and green eyes standing in my door holding a sword

"Diana are you okay??!! I just heard a scream"-???

As he said that, he run towards me and checked my body

"Haa.. thank goodness that your okay"-???

He sigh of relief while hugging me

"I'm fine now brother"-Diana

I said to him while I tap his shoulder

Yes, he's my older brother, he's the second oldest son of our family

A few minutes has pass my brother still hasn't let me go

"Brother you can let me go now"-Diana

I said to him as I was trying to break free from his hug

"How can I let go of my cute little sister~"-Brother

He answer as he squeeze me from his hug

'what is he doing!! Didn't he see the princess?! This is embarrassing!!'

"b-brother! The princess is here!"-Diana

I panted as I try to breath from his hug


He asked as he look up

"oh, how rude of me to act like this in front of you, your highness"-Brother

He added as he let go of me and bow his neck

"Ahem, Princess this is my second brother, Kane Borton Shawn, you probably meet him princess"-Diana

I said as I introduced my brother to the princess

"hey, how are you doing?"-Scarlett

She asked my brother, she looks like they're familiar with each other

"I'm fine , princess"-Kane

He answered, he look at me

"I didn't know you were friends with my little sister here"-Kane

He added as he smile towards the princess

"We met yesterday, and came here to take my guild card since Lady Diana pick it up"-Scarlett

She explained to my brother

"I didn't expect you to be close with the princess, Diana. Since Princess stop attending school at the age of 14"-Kane

He said while looking at me

"I just happened to talk to the princess yesterday"-Diana

"Anyhow! Lets go!"-Kane

'go to where?'

I thought to myself

"where brother?"-Diana

I asked him looking confused

"oh right I forgot, mom and dad told me to get you but I forgot since I heard a scream"-Kane

He explained to me while looking silly

'is there something to talk about?'

"then lets go, her grace and his grace is waiting for you"-Scarlett

She spoke while giving a innocent smile

"Pardon me?"-Diana

I asked the princess

"Oh? I'm not coming?"-Scarlett

She question to me looking dejected

"Um, i—"-Diana

"Then let's go!"-Scarlett

The princess shouted as she follow Rose who was leading the way

'how shameless can the princess be??!'

I sigh while thinking

"can I talk to you?"-Kane

Hearing my brother's voice, I look at him where he was at my side

"yes, you can"-Diana

I answered him

"what do you think of the princess?"-Kane

He ask me as he put his hands on my shoulders

"She…fine, she's really nice to me"-Diana

I answered him honestly

Hearing my answer my brother let out a sigh of relief

"that's good"-Kane

He smiled at me

I saw my brother walking out, as I saw his back retreating, I can feel a bad promotion coming.

•Scarlett POV•

As I follow Rose to see the duchess and the duke, I look around to observe the interior design of this mansion. Surely enough this is worthy of being a Duke's Mansion.

'wait, why am I reviewing their mansion?'

I thought to myself

I look at my back to only see the siblings walking together while laughing


"Do you need something, your highness?"-Rose

She look back at me while asking and looking worried

"lts nothing, I just thought that Anne is probably furious right now"-Scarlett

I answered her question.

Hearing my reply, Lady Diana walk towards me and said

"Pardon me for being rude, but your highness don't you feel sorry for Lady Anne?"-Diana

She asked politely

"although I feel sorry for her, but you'll only live once!! So you should live happily"-Scarlett

I happily said to her with a smile on my face as I look behind me where Diana are

After I said that, we arrived at our destination. On my front, you can see a double door with a golden rose attach at the sides of the door.

Rose walk towards the door and knock and said

"Your Grace, Young Miss and Lord Kane is here. And I would like to inform Your Grace that the princess is here as a visitor"

"the princess?!"-???

A female voice shouted because of the shock, silence filled the room after that.

It came to my mind that the voice that I heard is similar to the Duchess Shawn. Knowing that Lady Diana And Lord Kane got called by the Duke and the Duchess, I already presume that the voice from earlier was from the Duchess.

"Let them in"-???

This time a man with a deep voice sounded. It's Duke who order Rose to open the door.

Hearing the order from the Duke, Rose open the door and letting us in.

As the door open, I can smell a nice aroma coming from the tea that the duchess was drinking.

In there I saw a long table where the Duke and the Duchess sat, in the room I can see a 2 bookshelves in the both side of the room. With a red carpet underneath the table and a big window with a balcony where you can see a nice view.

I saw the Duke and the Duchess got up from their seat and respectfully bow to me.

"Good day, Your Royal Highness"-Duchess

Said by the Duchess with a sweet voice

"Good day to you Your Royal Highness, please sit"-Duke

He said while offering me a sit opposite from his seat.

As I sit from the comfortable chair, I saw the two siblings sit besides me.

"Why did you call me mom?"-Diana

Diana ask to the Duke.

Seeing the Duke's serious expression, the whole room surrounded by a heavy atmosphere. As the Duke opening his mouth I can feel the anxiety from Diana and Kane.


He paused while looking at the Duchess, he continued his words

"I want you to learn more about swordsmanship"-Duke

As the Duke said that, the atmosphere in the room became less tense.

The Duke's word made the three of us confused.

Silence filled the room since the three of us couldn't comprehend the Duke's word.


Diana's voice broke the silence in the room, she confusedly asked the Duke

"Pfftt! HAAHAHAHAH"-Scarlett

I laughed at the Duke's word, seeing me laughing the Duke and the Duchess release a heavy sigh

"You really are something, Princess"-Duke

He said as he sighed again and look at me

"Forgive me Duke but Its really funny"-Scarlett

"Its fine princess but can you teach Diana how to wield a sword?"-Duchess

This time the Duchess ask me

"Well, I'm fine with it to be honest but she has to go my mansion that I'm currently staying with"-Scarlett

I answered them.

Hearing my response the Duke made a relief face, I look at the window and saw that the rain has stopped

'its almost noon, I should get going'

I thought to myself as I look at my pocket watch

I stood up from my seat and gave the address to the Duke that I wrote earlier for Lady Diana

"here's my address Duke, its my Grandma's Mansion and I'll be staying there"-Scarlett

I said to him as I hand the address. I look at Lady Diana

"you can come anytime Lady Diana"

I continue saying, I look at The Duke and the Duchess

"well then, I have to get going to hunt please have a great time"-Scarlett

I added lastly while walking towards the window

"Princess, there's a door!"-Diana

She shouted at me

"that's not my style"-Scarlett

I smile to her while jumping out of the window.