Chapter 4: What Do I Think About Her?

•Diana's POV•

Silence filled the room as the princess leave the room, Feeling the silence in the room the Duke broke the silence.

"Ahem, since the princess agreed I suppose tomorrow is good day for you to start"-Duke

"But Diana before you learn swordsmanship to the princess, we should know what do you think of the princess?"-Duchess

The Duchess ask Diana with a concern look on her face, hearing the Duchess word the Duke and Kane couldn't help but show a concern look on their face too.

"Well…the princess is fine, she's okay I guess?? I mean I don't know mom and dad because we only talk yesterday"-Diana

I confusedly told them what I feel towards the princess. Not knowing what to answer

"But don't you guys met at a party or something?"-Kane

My brother ask this time, not knowing what to answer I was quiet for a bit.

"Brother did you forget that when there's a Royal bouquet the princess only show up for a bit then disappear"-Diana

Remembering the events that happened every time there's Royal bouquet I answer my brother's question.

"oh, right I forgot"-Kane

He said while looking silly

'well that's because you're busy talking to the ladies!'

"Are you fine with her Diana? If not we could tell the princess that we change our minds"-Duchess

My mom asked me again, seeing my mom is worried about me. I couldn't help but show an weak smile to my mom.

"Mom its fine, I think that I can fully trust the princess"-Diana

I said to her while giving her a smile to reassured my family

"we just don't want you to be hurt again Diana"-Duke

My father said to me as he hold my hand and pat my head.

"Its really fine dad, the princess is a nice person. Thank you for worrying about me"-Diana

I assured them and giving them my smile

"aahhh!!! My sister is really kind!! Who said that your evil!! I'll kill them for telling my cute little sister that she's evil!!"-Kane

My brother wailed at me as he hug me tightly making me hard to breathe.

"Brother!! You're crushing me!!"-Diana

I squeal at my brother who was hugging me VERY tightly, tapping my brother's shoulder he let go of me.

"hehe sorry Diana, I just couldn't help to hug my cute little sister who is very kind and generous"-Kane

Kane blurted out as he wiggles his body looking like a worm.

"That's enough Kane, your embarrassing your sister"-Duke

My dad scold my brother as he smack his head.

We laugh as my father scolded my brother just like our usual routine in our family, yet I couldn't help but think about the princess. Is the Princess and her family is happy together?.

'but base on the rumors that I heard Is that they get along really well'

As I thought of it, I suddenly realized why am I questioning about the princess family's relationship? Is it because for second I saw the princess eyes with envy on her eyes?.

Thinking really hard about it, my face without me realizing turned into concern face. Seeing my face quickly change my family couldn't help but worry.

"Is something wrong Diana?"-Duchess

My mother ask me quietly, fearing that she will be worried more I decided not to say anything.

"Its nothing mom"-Diana

I gave her a reply that will lessen the worries of my mother.

•Scarlett's POV•

It was already noon when I started my quest, it was an easy quest that request me to kill 10 bonehood that is attacking a village. Bonehood is a monster that has the appearance of a wolf with a horn on top of its head and as big as a crawling bear.

'well, that was easy'

I thought as I wipe the sweat in my forehead.

'I killed more than I was supposed to'

I continue to think as I count the corpse of the bonehood. Packing the corpse into my magic bag, I look at the scenery on me and I suddenly remember something.

Putting the magic bag on my body, I walk towards the hill that I saw on the southeast.

I walk for 20 minutes to get there, taking out my pocket watch I check the time and it was already 3pm.

As I reach the hill, I search for a specific place where I remember the place in my memory. It took me a couple of minutes to get in specific place, I move aside the bush in my sight. After I clear my sight, I saw the most beautiful scenery in the town.

I saw the horizon with beautiful nature, the sky is turning into red orange as the sun is almost setting, the cool breeze coming from the plants and nature.

I walk towards the cliff and sat at the edge of the cliff

•3rd person POV•

As Scarlett sat on the edge of the cliff, making her feet fall of the cliff. she lay down her sword on the grass. Looking at the scenery, Scarlett's grinned as she thought of how nice it is to see this with someone.

Remembering what she thought, she frown as she thought of something disturbing.

"What's the point, its not like she'll be back"-Scarlett

Squeezing the edge of the cliff, She muttered as she look at the scenery.

If a person saw Scarlett, they will probably feel sorry for her. If you look at her, you can see her as a sad child. Although you can't see in her face but if you really look at her eyes, you can see her loneliness coming from her eyes.

Her jewelry red eyes, if you look at it you will probably get sucked as if it looks like an dark abyss.

A strong wind blow from Scarlett's direction making her yellow hair scattered and covering her face.

After the wind pass, Scarlett's expression quickly change as if the loneliness from her eyes was only a figment of imagination.

•Scarlett's POV•

"Haaa, what a nice breeze"-Scarlett

I muttered as I inhale deeply, inhaling the fresh air I look at the scenery once more.

"muaahh well, its time to go home"-Scarlett

I yawned as I get up and pat the dust on my clothes.


I heard a rustle sound on my left, I look at my left side where the sound was coming from. I saw the bush move, thinking it's a monster I pick up my sword that is lying on the floor.

I slowly walk towards the bush, lowering my presence to avoid getting notice. As I reach the bush I saw a fluffy ball wiggling, I raise my brow and seeing the body of the creature. I let out a displeased look, not giving a second thought I killed the creature in a matter of seconds.

"ugh, why does it have to show up now?"-Scarlett

I scoffed as I put the creature's body aside with my sword. Looking around, I check if there's more creature lurking around.

' I swear if I see one of those again, I will literally kill it without hesitation'

Scratching my head, I let out a big frustrating sigh. Sensing another presence, I quickly change my stance into a fighting stance, hearing a heavy footsteps I thought all of the possibility to find what monster I will fight.


Hearing the growl, I immediately know what monster that I run in. 'a horned bear huh' thinking that I grinned as I was amused of thinking of getting a material from the horned bear to make dagger.

"What a coincidence, I need your materials to make my dagger."-Scarlett

I spoke to the horned bear knowing it wont reply to me.

"this is getting fun"-Scarlett

I chuckle as the horned bear appear in front of me, seeing the horned bear I jumped towards the horned bear.

Seeing my movement the horned bear instinctively guard its body, feeling my presence the horned bear felt fear. Fear that the horned bear never felt before, the fear of getting killed by someone stronger than you, the fear of like a prey that couldn't move due to the predator's eyes staring at them waiting to kill them.

It was too late that the horned bear realize that it messed with a wrong person, and its was too late that the horned bear realize that instead of guarding its body, It should've run instead.

I felt the spine of the horned bear split as I cut it into two. Blood splatter everywhere including my body, seeing the horned bear fall. I walk towards where the head's of the horned bear are, kneeling in front of the horned bear head I slice the horned of the horned bear with my sword.

"Hmmm hmmm"-Scarlett

I hummed as I put the two horn of the horned bear into my magic bag. Looking at my appearance I couldn't help but let out an helpless sigh.

"Sigh, here I am thinking of going back home clean"-Scarlett

I sighed as I stand up and put the horned bear corpse into my magic bag.

After cleaning up the corpse, I walk back where I settle the horse that I rent with a bloods on my body. I rode the horse and went in the gates, before I go home I went in the guild first to retrieve my rewards and sold the horned bear corpse.

•Anne's POV•

I look at my pocket watch and it was already 4:00pm, knowing the princess she would've arrive at this time.

'why is the Princess make so much trouble?'

I thought to myself as I walk in the hallway. I've been with the princess since she was a child, I've seen something from the princess and the relationship between her families.

Snapping back from reality, I enter the princess room and prepare the bath for the princess knowing that she'll be exhausted from fighting.

It took me a couple of minutes to fill the bath, exiting the princess bath I heard a commotion in the hallway. As I was about to take another step, I saw the princess entering her room. To my surprise I saw the princess with bloods on her body, I run towards the princess to check if there's any wound on her body.

"Haa, thank goodness your okay princess"-Anne

I let out a sigh of relief as I hug the princess.

•Scarlett POV•

I felt Anne's warm as she hug me, thus I couldn't help but let out a smile.

'I should probably explain this to Anne'

"Im fine Anne, this is not my blood and besides I've been doing this in a long time now. So you need to be worried"-Scarlett

I explained it to Anne as I wave my hands.

Anne look at me and let out a sigh then said.

"You had me worried princess, its rare for you to return with bloods on your body."-Anne

Anne said to me as she slowly put her two hands together and place it on her cheek.

"Because you're a clean freak princess when your doing your quest. You return home with clean clothes, in fact it was TOO clean that I wondered if your going to your quest or messing around"-Anne

She added as she give me a smile, a normal smile to the other perspective but to me it was a dangerous smile.

Memories of doing something quickly put in to my mind.

I quickly open my mouth to say something to her.

"You're thinking too much Anne, there's no way I would do that"-Scarlett

I said to her calmly, not showing any lies.

She look at me for a second and close her eyes then she opened her eyes after 5 seconds, almost believing what I said. She then look at me with a suspicious look on her face then sigh.

"I've known you for a long time princess, but I don't know if you're too good at lying or you are telling the truth"-Anne

Anne give me weird look, I can see doubt in her eyes as she look at me.


I grinned at her as I stick out my tongue and giving her a peace sign, not giving any comment on her words.

"please don't 'hehe' me princess"-Anne

She said as she put her hand on her forehead.

'Anne really like to put her hand on her forehead, well it is my fault though'

I averted my eye as I thought of it.

"ahem, I will go to my storage room now"-Scarlett

I cough as I change the subject.

"you should take a bath first princess"-Anne

Anne reminds me as she gesture to give my sword to her.

Like a routine, I gave her my sword and enter the bathroom. After 30 minutes in the bath, I got out and exit the bathroom. I saw Anne carefully clean my sword.

"thank you for doing this as always Anne"-Scarlett

I thank her with all my heart.

"This is nothing princess, it is part of my job. Would you like to change by yourself or should I assist you princess?"-Anne

She asked me as she removes some dead leaves on the rose on my table.

"No, I can do it myself"-Scarlett

I waved my hand indicating I will do it myself.

After changing my clothes, I take my sword that is carefully lying in the stand.

I place my hand on my hips and said

"To the storage room!"-Scarlett

Anne look at me weirdly again

'this is the second time she look at me like that today'.

"What are you doing princess?"-Anne

She asked me while looking at me weirdly again, not processing to what I did she asked me another question.

"Are you perhaps sick princess?"-Anne

This time she asked me with a look of concern.

"No, I was just playing around."-Scarlett

I couldn't help but answer to Anne's question with a serious voice.

'here I am thinking to be funny, also Anne gave me a weird look for the third time. Should I be happy?