Chapter 5: Training session (1)

•Scarlett POV•

I entered my storage room with Anne by my side, Inside of the storage room different kind swords and dagger are nicely secured with glasses can be seen.

"I'm so happy every time I go here"-Scarlett

I look at my swords as I speak, finding for an empty rectangle glass where I store my swords and dagger.

Placing my sword nicely, I look at the black double edge sword, black leathered grip, black cross guard with a dragon sculpted on it and a fuller filled with glowing blue material gorgeously secured on a glass.

Walking to my black sword, my eyes shows craziness and my mouth is drooling.

"shadow's fuller is really nice"-Scarlett

I muttered as I drool over my sword

"Princess, you're drooling please wipe your saliva with a handkerchief"-Anna

Anne reminded me as she offer a handkerchief.

Snapping from my thoughts, I quickly swipe my drools with my sleeves. "Ahem"-Scarlett

I cough as I hide my crazy obsession with swords.

"Princess, you have so many swords and dagger now. When are you going to stop?"-Anne

Anne ask me with a dead pan face.

I couldn't apprehended to what she said, I stare at her blankly. It took me a seconds before I understand what she said.

"ha..HAha..HAHAHA stop? What are you talking about? "-Scarlett

I slowly laugh as I said my word while I put my hand on my mouth to cover, my face quickly change from laugh to normal expression. "there's no way I will stop Anne, there's so much sword and dagger in the world and think how good it is when it's made by an God blacksmith" I added as I put my hands on my both cheeks, looking like a crazy obsess person. Well I am.

"Please act like a princess, your royal highness"-Anne

Anne reminded me again, I look at her expression. Every time I brought Anne here with me she always look at me WeIrDlY, the first time I brought her here when I was child I was surprised how she look at me but as time pass by I was used to it.

Taking shadow from the glass, I caress its fuller. Drooling from the nice texture of the sword, I look at Anne and ask.

"where's mother and alex? Have they gone back home in the palace?"-Scarlett

I ask Anne as I touch the cross guard, feeling the dragon engrave in it.

Anne look at me then look down.

"Yes, princess. The Queen ordered me to tell you that they will be back home in the palace and will be visiting again in next 6 months"-Anne

Still bowing Anne continue her words.

"The Queen also told me that 'you can go back to the palace whenever you want, you can also stay there whenever you want but come back at special occasions'"-Anne

After repeating the Queen's word, she fix her posture. She look at my expression, being used to this Anne stays quiet.

"I see"-Scarlett

I let out a sigh, putting my finger at the point of the sword.


Anne with a melancholy expression she whispered.

"oh right! Lady Diana from the Duke Shawn is coming here tomorrow for training session."-Scarlett

I said as I remembered about the discussion with the duke, making a fist on my left hand and spreading my right hand placing my fist into my palm.

Anne didn't respond to my words, her dumbfounded look makes me wanted to laugh at her.

Silence filled the room.

"Pardon me?"-Anne

She ask, I saw her mouth slightly twitching.

"I said Lady Diana from Duke Shawn is coming here tomorrow for training session"-Scarlett

I repeated my word, I put back my sword and secured it nicely.

Loss of my words, Anne slap her forehead weakly and inhale deeply.

"Princess, are you trying to kill us?"-Anne

Anne look at me, she asked me with a croaky voice.

"What? No that's preposterous, I just forgot to mention it to you"-Scarlett

I confess to Anne, she look at me for a bit then turn around.

"Since you FORGOT princess, then I will be going and we will start cleaning now."-Anne

She glance at me while saying

"since we don't want you to embarrass yourself in front of Lady Diana"-Anne

She added as she walk out from the storage room.

I saw her walking out, I scratch my head. Glancing at my daggers I walk towards it.

I woke up like any other day, I ate my breakfast and took a shower. Walking in the hallway with Anne, I ask her about my schedule today.

"Anne, do I have any lesson today?"-Scarlett

I ask her while reading my book as I walk.

"No princess, I move your lesson in next week with the help of the Butler Sebas since you will be having a training lesson with Lady Diana."-Anne

She look at me while holding a flower pot on her hands.

"Please be careful walking while watching princess, you might trip"-Anne

She added

I look at Anne, I gave her my best smile

"Thanks Anne!"-Scarlett

After that we talk on our way to my room. I entered my room and walk to my closet to change my outfit into my training outfit.

After changing, I quickly went to my storage room to pick one of my sword.

The storage room was place in the 3rd floor just across my room. I open the window and jumped out of the window.

I grab the branch of the tree that is near our house, I quickly let go of the branch, making a perfect landing.

Taking out my pocket watch, I look at the time and it's 10 in the morning now.

'this should be the time now'

I thought walking to my destination.

•Diana's POV•

It was 9 in the morning when I left our manor, I check my pocket watch that was given to me by my Dad. It's already 10, my maid told me that it will took half an hour to travel from our manor to the princess's manor.

'since there's still 30 minutes before the arrival, I could read some of the book I haven't finished reading'

"Lady Diana are you hungry? I have snack that I have prepared young miss"-Julie

Julie ask. Julie is my personal maid since I was young, an older sister figure to me.

"no need, I'm still full Julie"-Diana

I smile at her, I am really grateful for my family and the staff at our manor.

I went back to reading after I declined Julie's request. It took me 2 books to finished the book that I didn't finished in the past.

I look at the window of the carriage and was surprised to what I see.

On the front gate of the Princess Grandmother's manor, several maids was align to greet me. I get off the carriage, as soon as I step the floor the maids greet me.

I look to my right and saw a familiar face, it was Anne, Princess personal maid. And beside her, an elder man who wear a suit for butlers.

"Welcome Lady Diana to the Queen Dowager's manor, where the princess currently staying at."-Sebas

He greeted me with a little bit of explaining.

"Lady Diana, please follow me, I will lead you to the princess's office"-Anne

"Ah, there's no need for that Anne"-Scarlett

I heard the princess voice, I look at the was coming from. I saw the princess walk behind the gate with a sword, I glance at her sword and notice a…blood?!

'did the princess kill someone??'

"pri-princess pardon me but did you perhaps k-kill someone?"-Diana

I anxiously ask the princess.

The princess look at me then at her sword.

"Oh this? Its nothing. It's a creatures blood so you need to worry Lady Diana"

The princess talk cheerfully as she wave her hand to reassure me.

"Well then, follow me then Lady Diana. We will start training now"-Scarlett

She added.

•Scarlett POV•

I lead Lady Diana and her personal maid to the training ground.

" I heard that you have practice swordsmanship 2-3 years ago?"-Scarlett

I ask

"yes, actually I have learned the basics of wielding a sword"-Diana

"I assume you want to learn sword techniques, am I right?"-Scarlett

I ask Lady Diana. I look at her expression, she look at me with seriousness and determination.

(A/N: I don't know if it should be sword skills or sword techniques. Let me know what's the best to use)

"yes, princess. I have only inherited my family techniques, my father hope that you would teach me more techniques your highness"-Diana

Diana request as she bow her upper body.

"Stand straight Lady Diana, I have one last question. What kind of sword do you use?"-Scarlett

I ask as I put my one hand to my chin and the other is to my hips.

"I use a rapier princess"-Diana

Diana reply

"but unfortunately princess, my father didn't let me bring a sword"-Diana

She added with an apologetic face.

"its okay, I have a lot sword on my storage room. I can let you pick what you want, but first let's get you change first Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Before I continue, I look at Anne who is beside me.

"Anne please lead them to the guest room and tell the other maids to prepare snacks"-Scarlett

Instructing Anne what to do, I glance at Lady Diana's personal maid.

'she look timid but she's probably different than her look'

I thought to myself, I approach Lady Diana's personal maid.

"Hi there, what's your name?"-Scarlett

I greet and ask her.

"Good day to you Princess, I am Julie Light, I came from the Earl family"-Julie

Julie introduce herself as she respectfully bow to me.

"Anne will be going to tell you what you need"-Scarlett

I look at lady Diana and continue

"treat yourself at home Lady Diana"-Scarlett

After I said that, Anne lead them to the guest room.

'Rapier huh..'

As I wait for them, I stretch my body for a minute. 5 minutes has pass and Lady Diana is still not here.

I noticed that Butler Sebas is walking towards me with a letter on his hand. As he arrive I ask him.

"Do you need something Sebas?"-Scarlett

"Good day to you Princess, there's a letter sent for you"-Sebas

He handed me a letter, I saw an familiar seal on the letter knowing who sent it.

I open the letter and saw a 2 scented paper.

•Diana POV•

It was uncomfortable walking to the hallway with the maids whispering about me, but I was use to it and didn't mind much. One thing I noticed is that this mansion is full of plants.

"Lady Diana is there something wrong?"-Julie

Ask by Julie who is walking behind me and Anne beside her.

"No, Its nothing"-Diana

I replied to her as I shake my head.

Walking towards the training ground, I saw the princess reading a letter seriously. Unknowingly I stop from walking, I stare at the princess. Admiring her beauty, her long yellow hair shine as the sunlight hit, her expression as if she's reading a serious letter.

I snap out of my thoughts as the princess glance and speak to me.

"oh! You're already done Lady Diana"-Scarlett

The princess said as she smile to me cheerfully, at the same time giving the letter to the Butler and giving him some instructions.

I look away from the princess, feeling my cheeks becoming hot from embarrassment still giving my noble aura.

'what am I thinking?!'

I thought as I mentally shake my head

I look back to the princess again not wanting to be rude to her, I saw her heading towards me.

The princess stop 2 meters away from us, she stare at me from head to toe as she hold her chin. Seeing the princess actions, I felt a little bit insecure but still kept my image.

"You look beautiful in that Lady Diana, you have a nice skin and a beautiful face"-Scarlett

The princess compliments me with a serious face, hearing her compliments I felt my cheeks burning.

"thank you princess"-Diana

I thank the princess as I try myself not to expose my blush.

"Oh? Are you perhaps shy? You don't have to be shy you know~"-Scarlett

She said as she teases me. Before I could say something to the princess I heard Anne cough.

"Sorry, sorry"-Scarlett

The princess apologize as she stuck out her tongue and giving me a piece sign.

"Ahem! Anyway, lets get you a rapier Lady Diana"-Scarlett

The princess added as she motion us to follow her.

•Scarlett POV•

I lead them to my storage room, I opened the door and I can hear their amusement.

'hehe be amazed!'

I thought to my self feeling arrogant.

"Princess when you say that you have a lot of sword, I thought you have 30 of them. But I didn't know that you have about hundreds of them Your Highness"-Diana

Diana said in awe.

"Hehe! What can you say, I've known for being addicted to swords"-Scarlett

I say with full confident. Then I look at Anne and saw her expression, Anne glare at me again.

"Ahem! Anyway, Lady Diana you can pick a rapier over there."-Scarlett

I cough as I avoid the glare that Anne's giving me. I walk towards where I store my all rapier swords.

I saw Diana's eye sparkle as she saw my collection of rapiers. She saw me staring at her, she cough and look away.

"you don't have to be shy~ Lady Diana, you can look at them if you want"-Scarlett

I tease Lady Diana, seeing her face beet red and trying to hide it. I softly laugh at her reaction