Chapter 6: Training session (2)

•Scarlett POV•

"So Lady Diana, have you found something you want?"-Scarlett

I ask Diana, I saw her inspecting my rapier collection.

"Um…not yet princess, all of this are amazing that I can't decided"-Diana

Diana answer my question and shyly scratch her check.

After a while Diana pick a Blue rapier. I noticed something afar from the window. I look at the 3 people inside my storage room.

'right, they didn't notice'

I thought as I scratch my neck.

Anne look at me suspiciously thinking im about to make trouble again.

'I'm hurt how she look at me like that, bohoo. Im not even going to do it!...well…maybe?'

Just as I finish my thought, I averted my eye at Anne's stare. Anne's expression went up as she guessed what I'm thinking. I quickly walk to Diana to not get busted.

"Oh you pick Poseidon"-Scarlett

I said to Diana, she look at me dumbfounded.

"Poseidon? Is it the name of your rapier, Your Highness?"-Diana

Diana ask as she inspect the rapier.


I answer, I noticed something from the window again. I sigh and went back talking to Diana, After a while of talking…I mean me talking about swords. I noticed it again.

'seriously, they are not going to give up are they?'

"Well we are done! Let's get into training now!"-Scarlett

I said to them, Anne has been staring at me for a while now. I glance at the window and laugh for no reason, making Diana, Julie and Anne startle.

"Is everything alright Princess?"-Julie

For the first time when we enter the storage room, Julie ask with concern on her face.

I walk to the window before I answer.

"I'm fine, thank you for the concern"-Scarlett

Touching the glass, I glance at Anne. I saw her expression quickly turn into terror knowing what I would do.

I quickly open the window and stand on it. I look back again and saw Diana's expression, it was a surprise look mix with anxiety.

Before jumping on the 3rd floor. I open my mouth to say something.


I said to them cheerfully, as I jumped down with my back falling first. I grabbed the branch near me, I climbed the branch and proceed to run straight with a grin on my face. The last thing I heard before I run was Diana's voice.

(A/N: nammo- see you/ya

*It's a made up language.)



I stop running after a couple of minutes, I took out my sword from my hip that was in there the whole time.

"I thought that you guys are smart, I guess not since you're still here"-Scarlett

I talk knowing they won't answer, I look around me. Trees surrounded me everywhere, I glance at my left.

Facing to where I glance at, I slightly bend my body to gather momentum. I run in full speed in a matter of second making me disappear at my position. I was at the man's back in the blink of an eye

He noticed me and slowly look at his back, I saw terror in his eyes.


I grinned as I let out my husky voice. I thrust my sword to his back where his heart are, taking out my sword from his body. I hold his body preventing from falling from the tree that I'm standing on.

I put the body aside, resting at the trunk. I saw blood flowing from his body, I then put my right foot to his shoulder.

I quickly throw a daggers hidden from my sleeves to the south east. I heard a man's screamed due to the pain.


I look at the dead body again.

"Sighh, if you're going to save him. Make sure you're quick since you are far away from him"-Scarlett

Without looking back to the person im talking, I sighed. I heard many quick steps from afar, I stretch my arm for a little bit.

'quite fast….for a normal person that is'

I thought as I run from my place in the blink of an eye and appear at the front of the woman's sight.

Running towards her, stretch out my arm. I saw the woman took out a sword, our distance between us was 5 meters. I saw her open her mouth to mumble.

Before she could mumble something, I grab her head down making us fall from the tree. A loud crash echoed the place, standing from the ground as I let go my hand to her head and stepping on her body to avoid her getting escape.

"Hmm, lets see. Are you perhaps trying to assassinate me or Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I ask bluntly with my honeyed voice.

(A/N: honeyed words or honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking)

"ugh..! Im not telling you!"-Woman

The woman trembled in pain, she yelled at me making me slightly annoyed.

I change my foot that pressing her body to her face.

"you know, if you just used your mastered techniques you wouldn't be here right now."-Scarlett

I blurted out, looking at her sword not afar from our position.

"Say, why did you use a technique that your not mastered with?"-Scarlett

I casually asked as if I'm asking about the whether.

The woman didn't answer but only let out groan. I put a little pressure on my foot, the woman screamed in pain.

"Sigh, right. I should take that other guy out"-Scarlett

I shrugged as I look at my left.

"oh! Wait, maybe he's already dead"-Scarlett

I added. I look around at my surroundings and notice a group of Knights coming here.

Knocking out the woman, I quickly run to the other man. I saw the man's arms hanging by my daggers, and blood bleeding out on his stomach.

"Oh? You're not dead yet? Well that's good I guess"-Scarlett

I drawled, I noticed that the man was unconscious. I took my daggers from his arm and his stomach, I grabbed the man and proceed to walk to the unconscious woman.

I arrived there and saw my master and knights surrounded.

"Ah! Master!"-Scarlett

I cheerfully wave my arm to her, I gave the unconscious man to the knight near me.

"What happened princess?"-Kara

My master ask, my master has a stern face but I know she's worried about me.

"An assassination attempt but luckily I, the great princess beat them"-Scarlett

I bragged arrogantly making my master chop my head with her hand.


I thought covering my head. Suddenly remembering something, I stand up properly and run.

"I have to go! Oh! And there's another one in there!"-Scarlett

I shouted while running and pointing the direction where I killed the other man.

I can almost see the training ground, I saw them waiting at the training ground. Leaving the forest that surrounds the training ground, I cheerfully greeted them.

"Hheeyyy!! Im back!"-Scarlett

I smile at them cheerfully waving my hand.

•Diana POV•

[A while back]

I was surprised to see the princess jumped of the 3rd floor, I look at Anne to see her reaction. She let out a sigh, then walk towards the window to close it.

"Forgive me for the princess's action, she seems to have an emergency to attend to."-Anne

She apologize while bowing to me.

"no it's okay"-Diana

I responded

"I didn't know the princess know Khàfishi, since it's a difficult language"-Diana

I ask, amazed by the princess.

"ah, yes. The princess has many hobby, that's why princess Scarlett knows a lot"-Anne

Anne explained.

"Please follow me, I will lead you to the training ground"-Anne

She added, walking ahead of us to the door then close the door.

In the hallway of the 1st floor, we heard a loud crash making us startle. I look at the window to see a bunch of knights running towards the forest.

"Miss Anne, what's happening?"-Julie

Julie ask behind me.

"Please don't worry, the princess made that sound. Ah, please call me Anne instead, Miss Julie"-Anne

She requested with a smile on her face.

"Then please do the same to me"-Julie

Julie also requested with a sweet smile.

Arriving at the training ground, I saw 2 knights talking to Anne. After a couple of minutes, I heard someone walking at the forest. Looking on it to see who it was, It was the princess who cheerfully wave at us while saying.

"Hheeyyy!! Im back!"-Scarlett

"what's that sound earlier princess?"-Diana

I ask

"I just accidentally cut down a tree so don't worry"-Scartlett

The princess reply, waving her hand

I noticed that there's blood on her sword, out of curiosity I ask her.

"what is that blood on your sword princess?"-Diana

I ask again pointing at her sword

"this? Its just some creatures blood, no worries."-Scarlett

She replied as she playfully swing sword.

•Scarlett POV•

"Are you ready Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I asked while stretching me body.

'good thing there's no blood on my clothes'

I thought as I mentally sigh

"Yes princess"-Diana

She answered with serious face

"then please have a fight with me"-Scarlett

I requested to start our training.


She mouth letting out a cute voice

"oh! I mean please have a spar with me, so I can know your strength"-Scarlett

Correcting my word, I explained to Diana.

"Ah, yes princess"-Diana.

Diana approved my request while bowing to me.

After Julie and Anne step aside, I look at Diana.

"then shall we spar for 5 minutes? Is that okay to you Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I propose

"Yes, that's fine princess"-Diana

Agreeing to my proposal, both of us ready our position. Anne counted for us.


After hearing the signal, we didn't move in a slight bit, observing our enemies.

A rustling of leaves in the tree can be heard.

I saw a leaf falling down at the front of us, slowly come down to reach the floor. Upon touching the floor, Diana make the first move by launching straight at me.

Blocking her attack with my sword, I jump back putting a distance from us.

"you have an amazing strength Lady Diana, I can't believe you stop practicing and you still have the strength"-Scarlett

I compliment Diana

"thank you for your compliments princess"-Diana

She thank me, giving a slight smile.

After that Diana attacks, blocking her attacks. A loud sound can be heard every time the swords strike together.

'I should attack now instead of defending'

I thought as Diana distance herself.

This time I'm the one who attack, running straight from her. I change my sword position slightly horizontal, attacking horizontally.

I stop my attack an inch away from her neck.

"I lost"-Diana

She acknowledge, raising her hands up.

I stand up properly.

"what a coincidence, 5 minutes is up"-Scarlett

I mentioned, smiling cheerfully

"It was a nice spar Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I added

After that, we rest for a bit then start the training.

"Well then Lady Diana, first lets start the basic shall we"-Scarlett

I stated, putting my hands on my hips.

"From what I can tell to our spar is that you don't have a problem with stamina"-Scarlett

I added

"then, we'll continue to the next basic. Which is practicing the basic of the skill technique that I will teach you Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I continue, pointing at Lady Diana

"what kind of sword technique are you going to teach me princess?"-Diana

She ask me.

"Mwuahaha! Good thing you ask Lady Diana!"-Scarlett

I laugh, raising my chin. Feeling my nose got long.

"it's a technique I learned from another place, the techniques is...Drum roll please!"-Scarlett

I jabbered, I saw Anne's expression but ignore it.

"Iittttsss Critical Slash!!"-Scarlett

I effused, raising my hand and imagining words appearing on it.

Dumbfounded from my energy, Lady Diana claps slowly with confusion on her face.


Anne cough, giving me a warning then proceed to talk to Julie back.

"Then, let me explain it to you Lady Diana. Just as the name it can make the enemy in critical condition but it depends."-Scarlett

I explained, I took a stick nearby

"the pattern of it is Z, you start at the top and end it at the bottom"-Scarlett

I added, drawing the information of the 'Critical Slash' in the ground using the stick

"The Critical Slash target point is the neck, torso and thigh."-Scarlett

I continue as I draw the target point in the ground.

"I see, I understand the concept of it princess."-Diana

She enunciate, putting her hand to her chin. Understanding every word I said. Stretching my back, I look at my watch and it's already 11:00.

'I'm getting hungry'

I thought looking from afar.

"Okay! Then Lady Diana let's start"-Scarlett

I said as picking up my precious sword, I saw Diana do the same.

"First, I'll have you to practice swinging horizontally until tomorrow. Is that okay Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I ask

"Yes princess, please teach me"-Diana

She accepted looking determined.


I smile ear to ear

I guide Diana at practicing swinging horizontally, after a couple of practice I noticed that Diana is getting a hang of it.

An hour later after the training, the maid remind us that lunch is ready.

"you should stop for now Lady Diana and Princess Scarlett, Lunch is ready"-Julie

Julie mentioned lunch, hearing the word lunch I aggressively turn my head towards her making her startle.


I beamed from hearing the word lunch, my eyes sparkle as the thought of eating food and cake after an exhausting morning.

I look back at Diana who's looking exhausted as she wipes her sweat with a towel that Julie gave her.

"Lady Diana lets go!"-Scarlett

I grinned, stretching my hand out to her, inviting her to eat.

•Diana POV•

…AGAIN…I can't seem to resist to grab your hand Princess… I wonder why?

It's warm…unlike her hand that I hate…

I really can trust you princess

Please don't break my trust, just like her…

Because I really trust you princess