Chapter 7: Interrogation

•Scarlett POV•

Sitting at the dining table with Diana sitting across from me with Julie, Anne places the food with the help of other maids after that she sat down beside me.

"You don't have to be anxious Julie, it's fine for you to sit here with us"-Scarlett

I said, reassuring her. I look at Diana and continue my word.

"Please Lady Diana make yourself at home, although this is late"-Scarlett

I shyly scratch my cheek.

"Julie, you can eat here with us. Princess Scarlett is glad to have you and Lady Diana eat with us"-Anne

She added my word.

After that we ate lunch peacefully whilst talking and getting to know each other. During at that time, I learned that Diana like reading just like me.

After eating lunch, we rest for a bit then after resting, Diana and I proceed the training.

During our training, I observe Diana, and I noticed that she improves quite faster than normal people.

'Hmm, maybe Diana can handle that skill with enough training'

I thought seriously while observing her.

The afternoon pass by without trouble, as Diana are about to leave. I gave them a little gift, hugging her as a result making her stiff, I open my mouth to speak.

"Lady Diana after you give that to the Duke, how about you live here for a couple of months? It's kind of inconvenience to go back and forth, isn't it? Please tell him that"-Scarlett

I remark.

Considering my words, Diana and Julie bow to me then proceed to walk to their carriage. I wave at them as they leave.

I stretch my arm upward, letting out a groan. My master walks up to me with a serious look.

"Princess, it's time to go"-Kara

My master reminds me, I look back at her with my hands on my head. Giving her a bored look.

"Is everything ready?"-Scarlett

I ask, turning my body towards the mansion. As I walk down the path with my master and Anne behind me, I notice a black rose on the side of the path.

I stop tracks and go towards the black rose; I crouch down to touch the flower.


Humming joyfully, I pick up the flower and stand up. I look at the black rose, lost in thought.

"Princess, that's a nice flower you pick"-Anne

She praised me, smiling.

"I know right? This is nice for a gift"-Scarlett

Agreeing to what she said, I sweetly smile at them. We proceed to walk to the house after my master spoke.

"You should pick more, your highness"-Kara

She suggested with a slight smile on her face,

Hearing the suggestion of my master, I let out a chuckle.

"Master, I don't think they need two flowers since the one won't be needing it for now"-Scarlett

I smile as I stated in a silvery voice.

(A/N: silvery (adj): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant)


Walking down the stairs to the basement, humming as I took a step.

Stopping at the door, I say hello to the knights guarding the door as they greet us.

"Which room?"-Scarlett

I ask to my master, turning my head back at her to see her face.

"It's room 13, Your highness"-Kara

She replied.

Arriving at the room 13, I saw the two assassins that I defeated earlier are now hanging in chains.

I opened the door making the woman assassin look up to us. I sat down to the chair at the middle of the room, sitting in crossed leg and resting my arm at the backrest.

"Before we start, I have a gift for one of you"-Scarlett

Grinning as I announce, twirling the black rose on my hand.

"Nice gift, right?"-Scarlett

I ask, looking at the flower and glance at the woman.

"Princess, you should start now or else you might miss dinner"-Anne

She mentioned, hearing the word dinner, it makes me hungry just thinking about eating desserts later.

"Then, who sent you?"-Scarlett

I questioned the woman without beating around the bush, leaning forward.

"Like hell I'm going to tell you!"-Woman

The woman cursed, frowning.

"That's okay, there's a lot of ways to make you talk"-Scarlett

I assert, casually smiling at them.

I saw the other assassin move, I heard him groan as he looks up. His face was dumbfounded not knowing what's going on.

"Oh? Is the sleeping beauty awake?"-Scarlett

I lampoon him, I gave him a little tap on his cheek to fully wake him up.

(A/N: lampoon=publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm)

The man groan after I tap his cheek, he looks around to see where he was. His face quickly turns into shock when he sees my face and my master's face at my back.

"Hello, let's get into the point, shall we?"-Scarlett

The man was confused to what I said.

'Is he new? Tsk tsk what kind of boss send a newbie into a mission of assassinating a princess?'

I thought shaking my mind, causing the man to become more confused.

I stand up from my seat, placing the flower on the chair. Going towards him, I grab his chin to look at me.

"Tell me, who sent you?"- Scarlett

I question him in a honeyed voice, looking at him coldly. Staring at him with my red jewelry eyes.

At first, he didn't make an eye contact on me, but as I slightly squeezed his chin, causing him to panickily look into my eyes.

"Now, tell me"-Scarlett

I ordered him in a low voice.

I saw his pupil shrink slowly open his mouth in fear.

"I-its… Master---"-Man

Before the man can spill the information, the woman shouted causing him to startle and whisper his answer.

"Don't you dare tell her!!"-Woman

The woman yelled, suddenly move causing the chains to clatter. I felt a flash of irritation.


The woman let out a groan when I side kick her face. Spitting the blood from her mouth, the woman laughs as she looks at me fiercely

"You may be a princess, thinking you're all great but you're just a spoiled brat"-Woman

The woman mocked me, causing me to laugh.

"Pfft! Is that all you've got? Are you trying to anger me?"-Scarlett

I laugh as I ridiculed the woman's word, wiping my tears.

"Shut up! You're just a weakling!" -Woman

The woman was fumed in anger, her temper spark. She pushes her arm to attack but unfortunately the chains stop her causing her to grunt.

"Did you forget? I'm the one who beat you"-Scarlett

I smirk as I reminded her.

"What position are you in?"-Scarlett

I ask casually, picking up the flower from the chair and sit on it.


The woman asks in confusion.

"Haaa, I said 'what position are you in?' don't tell me you're deaf?"-Scarlett

Mocking her as I sigh, I spin the flower in my hand, glancing at her coldly with a smile on my face.

"I'm not deaf! I'm master's right hand"-Woman

The woman revealed about her position, hearing her answer I let out a snicker causing her to irritate.


I thought, mocking her in my mind.

"So, you are useless then"-Scarlett

I bluntly said causing the woman to be furious.

"What did you just say?!"-Woman

The woman raged, attempting to move forward but unable due to the chain on her body.

"He didn't tell you? I mean It's obvious, he sent you with a newbie here and why would he send you? His right hand. He's just throwing you out, you're useless to him"-Scarlett

I assert, smiling at her.

I saw her face stunned as if she's thinking 'how did she know his gender'. She let her head down as if I've hit something.

"Did I hurt your heart?"-Scarlett

Teasing her, slightly titling my head as i put my index finger on my cheek, smiling at her.

"Shut up, your dead grandmother must've hated you"-Woman

She snickers, looking at me with anger on her eyes.

My smile quickly fades, hearing her saying 'dead grandmother'. I felt rage on my body, coldly looking at her, she smiles as if she knows she hit something inside of me.

"What the fuck did you just say?"-Scarlett

I cursed as anger stirred in me.

I stand up from my seat, placing the crooked flower that I grip on the chair. Going towards her, I stop when there's 3 meters space between us. Sending a death stare on her, causing her to shiver.

At that moment, the woman knew that she should've said that. Her anger quickly replaces into fear as she looks into Scarlett's eyes.

Before she could say something, I kick her face, stronger than earlier causing her nose to bleed as well as her mouth.

I could hear her gasping when I kick her, I look at her as if she's an insect that needed to be killed but I restrained myself with a couple of more kicks on her face.

As soon as I stop my action, the woman cries in pain. She looks at me with terrified and desperate expression, I look at her coldly, trying to maintain myself.

"Anne, prepare a room for Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I ordered Anne without looking away at the woman.

"Yes, Princess"-Anne

She accepted, leaving the room.

"Master, take her out"-Scarlett

I ordered my master this time, staring at the woman and look at the man beside her, who's been quiet the whole time after he tried to spill the information.

As my master take out the woman, I walk to my chair first to grab the flower, then proceed to walk towards the man. I held up his chin to look at me that has been hanging his head down in fear.

"I have a gift for you, it's a black rose. You will probably have this gift for like a couple seconds before I kill you."-Scarlett

I blurted out as I put my gift to his tied hand. I took out my sword from my hip, I look at his expression one last time.

It was full of fear and regrets with a little bit of anger on his eyes. I thrust my sword into his chest causing him to cough blood on his mouth.

I release my sword to his body, blood flowing down to his body. After he took his last breath, the flower on his fand fall as his grip loosened.

Staring at the man's body, I dozed off. Remembering what the woman's word, my jaw tightens, gritting my teeth. As the headache starting to appear, frowning as I put my hand on to my head.


It hurts


The headache was getting severe, both of my hands was gripping my hair due to severe headache.

Kicking the wall causing it to make a hole. Holding the bridge of my nose, I took a deep inhale and exhale.

Exiting room 13 in silence, went towards my room. Sitting at the side of my bed in dazed, laying down at the bed, I stare down at the ceiling not knowing how long I have been staring.

[knock knock]

I hear the knock but didn't answer, still staring at the ceiling with a severe headache.

"Princess, dinner is ready"-Anne

As she said, opening the door. She looks around to find me, as she saw me laying down in the bed with bloods on my clothes.

Approaching me, she stops, sitting beside me. Wiping the tears that flows in my check that I didn't even know it was in there.

I feel empty…

I stop staring at the wall, I look at her. I saw her expression; I can see her eyebrows lower and pull together. Sadness can be seen from her face and her action.

'it's been a while since she looks at me like that.'

I thought, letting out slight smile on me.

"Anne, do you think…that grandma hated me?"-Scarlett

I ask in a low voice.

"Of course not Princess, we all know that Queen Dowager love you. Don't think about what the woman said."-Anne

She comforts me while caressing my cheek.

I felt my heart warm up; I move towards her. I look up to see her face, she was sweetly smiling at me.

"A hug…I want a hug"-Scarlett

I requested acting like a child.


She agreed, smiling at me.

I move closer that my head is just an inch to her stomach. I snuggle my head as I hug her body, she patted me causing me to start falling asleep.

'So warm'

Was the last thing I thought as my eyelids keep getting heavier, I fall asleep at Anne's embrace.


I found myself in a dark place; I can't seem to see my body. I walk forward, not knowing where I go.

'It's been a while since I've been walking'

I thought.

I look at my hands, observing it. I saw the dark place fading into white, I look up. My pupil shrinks when I saw an old woman drinking tea, I could feel my heart beat faster.


I ask in confusion. The old woman looks at me when I spoke, drinking her tea then smile at me.

"I hate you Scarlett"-Grandma

Her kind smile faded, then turn into disgust and anger.


I ask in confusion, before I could continue my word. I suddenly open my eyes; in confusion I look around in the room.

"Where am i?"-Scarlett

I ask in myself, not fully awake yet.

"It seems you're not fully awake yet Princess"-Anne

She said noticing that I was not fully awake.

A sudden headache came, I hold my head to support it.


I groan, feeling the headache.

Anne notices my groan as she takes a cup of water and give it to me. I took the cup and drink it.

"What time is it?"-Scarlett

I ask as I place the cup on the nightstand, rubbing my temple.

"It's 9 in the morning Princess"-Anne

Answering me as she looks at her pocket watch, she takes the cup and put in on the tray.

"Oh…. I'll be at my office if you need me"-Scarlett

Informing her as stand up from my bed while rubbing my temple and bridge of my nose, Changing into an outfit.

"Yes princess"-Anne

She proceeds to walk out the room while giving a bow to inform the other maids.


As I enter my office, I was met by a bunch of documents sitting on my desk. I sat down on my chair and began to check the documents.

Working on the documents, the headache hasn't gone yet. Tapping the desk as I do my work, I check for the time and its already 10 in the morning.

'I've been working for an hour? Feels like a day now'

I thought as I continue to tap my desk and work on the documents, half of it is complete as put it on the other section for documents.

30 minutes later, immersed on my work. I felt a presence on my door, without looking up I answer it without them speaking.

"Come in"-Scarlett

Letting the person on to my office, not looking for who it was as I'm immersed on my work.

"Excuse me, Good morning Princess Scarlett"-Diana

She greeted as she gives a polite bow, standing in front of me.

"Please take a seat Lady Diana, Unfortunately I am busy but don't worry I will be done in a minutes"-Scarlett

I informed her as I look up to see her face, tapping the desk slower than the previous taps.