Chapter 11: Unexpected Person

Scarlett POV

"Their room is nicer than I expected although the elegance of the room is blinding my eye"-Scarlett

I look around at the room while covering half of my eyes with Anne and Julie behind me as Diana who are beside.

"Of course, Your highness, since you are the only Princess of the Stainad Kingdom"-Anne

Anne explained as she places my luggage at the side of the wardrobe and began to place my clothes inside.

"Julie you could put Lady Diana clothes in the other drawer"-Scarlett

I informed Julie, she nodded and began to place Diana's clothes on the drawer.

I took my black coat of my body and place it on the back of the chair, Anne saw my action and give me a glare.

I only smile at Anne and lift up my hand to fix my hair.

"I'm going to stroll for a while"-Scarlett

I informed them as I walk out while I wave at them lazily.

I gently close the door and went down stairs as our room was on the 3rd floor, as I walk to the 2nd floor hallway, in an open room, I saw someone wearing a cloak on the window.

I just walk pass the person as it wasn't my business, suddenly I heard a sound of object drop on the floor and rolled toward my feet.

I took a glance on it to see what it was, it was a white mask with a smile face engraved in it. The person's presence suddenly disappears.


I hummed as I crouched down to pick up the mask, I patted the mask to get rid of the dust.

I stand up and went back to going down the stairs.

"Ah! Your Highness, are you perhaps going out? We could assign someone to guide you in the city, Your Highness"-Receptionist

The receptionist notices me, he beamed as he talks to me.


I thought to myself as I stop walking.

"No need"-Scarlett

I smiled at him while I lazily wave my hand to him, leaving the inn with a mask on my hand as the sound of the bell was left behind.

I roam around in the city while listening to the latest rumors or news on this city, it was fortunate that nobody recognizes me when I walk on the streets.

'It's reasonable since nobody think that the princess of the kingdom is leisurely walking on the streets alone without knights on her'

I thought to myself as I look around inside the buildings.

"I heard a rumor about swords, where is it?"-Scarlett

I mumble to myself as I keep walking, I turn right and saw a big fountain but mine was bigger.

Scanning around, I found an old building in the middle of the looking brand new type of buildings.

I walk toward it, as I arrive, I look at the window to see what this building is. My eyes widen in surprised as to see my favorite thing.

'My Babies!!'

I happily thought to myself as I smile, without wasting anymore time, I went inside the building and directly inspected the swords in display.


The sound of the bell was heard by a woman in the counter as soon as the door was open.

I look around on the display to observe the sword that might suit my taste. I felt a presence approaching me but I didn't mind it as I focus on looking at the swords.

"Do you think this is good for me?"-Scarlett

I spoke as soon as I pick up the red sword, not looking to someone as if I'm talking to myself and focus on the sword.

The person who thought that she concealed her presence was shock when she heard my word, the whole room was quiet.

"Ah yes, you have a nice eye for swords miss"-Woman

The woman spoke in her husky voice after a while without speaking, she continues to approach me. She looks like she's in her early 30's base from her voice, while she's half a head taller than me

"Are you the owner?"-Scarlett

I ask her another question with nonchalant voice, still not looking at her but on the sword that I was inspecting.

"Heh, your quite rude, aren't you? You suppose to look to the other person when you're talking to them miss"-Woman

The woman

The woman spoke without being respectful to her costumer, though I was the one being rude at first.


I ask her with slight mischievous tone on my voice, I look at her causing her to be stunned as she saw my face.

The woman suddenly kneeled down to me; her head was down as her posture was still as if she had done this before. She wore a simple white long sleeve and a black pants.

"Greetings to Your Highness Scarlett Lyons Perkins, may you pardon me for my rudeness earlier"-Woman

The woman suddenly greeted me as she stated my full name while asking for forgiveness, her body didn't move in panic as she didn't feel panic for offending me.

I stood there for a while as I observe her movements and her face, as I look at her, she reminds me of a commander in the capital.

"You are Commander Aeris Hunter, Commander of the Red knights Corps, also my Father's former right-hand knight"-Scarlett

I stated her name and rank as soon as I recognize her in a calm manner however, as soon as I said the word father, my voice turned cold as I look down at her expressionless.

"It's a great honor for Your Highness to recognize me when I'm in this state"-Aeris

Commander Aeris responded to me without her breaking any sweats even though she heard the coldness of my voice, she still in the kneeling posture as she spoke to me.

I took a chair nearby and drag it where I was earlier, I sat down on the chair on a crossed leg while I hold the hilt of the sword in my other hand as the tip of the sword was standing on the floor.

The aura around me started to get cold as I look at her, narrowing my eyes.

"Stand up"-Scarlett

Ordering her to stand up as it was quite annoying to see her kneeling on the ground.

Commander Aeris stand up as soon as I ordered her, she look at me with serious look on her eyes.

"It's nice to see you again, Commander Aeris, how long has it been since we've seen each other?"-Scarlett

I sweetly smiled at her as I spoke, forgetting the event that happened earlier while I control my aura.

"It's been 7 years, Your highness, Your memories is still great as ever"-Aeris

Aeris answered with a shallow smile on her face.


I smiled at her as I spoke a word, still holding on the sword.

"So…are you here because of my father?"-Scarlett

My voice suddenly turned cold as my expression from earlier quickly faded, narrowing my eyes as I coldly look at her while my mouth was flat, not a hind of smile was seen as I questioned her with seriousness on my tone on my voice.

Aeris look at me with a stunned expression, she was quiet for a second before answering me.

"No, Your Highness, I'm here because of my business. I started this business a year ago and I have never been in a mission that given by His Majesty since I retired from being his right rand"-Aeris

Aeris explained slowly without feeling of anxiety can be seen on her face as her voice was serious as usual however, I notice the slight movement on her eyes that only lasted for a second but still catch on my sight.

I didn't continue to speak to her when I heard her explanation, I stare at her for a while as she stand there motionless with a stern look on her face. Taking the sword that I held earlier, I walk out the building. Before I left the, I held the door frame and move my head to look at her.

"Tell father that he doesn't need to check up on me, I can take care of myself"-Scarlett

I smile at her as I told her off, the coldness in my eyes didn't disappear. As soon as I close the door, I heard her sigh heavily.

I stand on the front door of the shop motionless, gripping the sword that I took, I let out a frustrated sigh.

Aeris POV

I let out a frustrated sigh as soon as I saw Her Highness left, although I knew that she heard me.

'Did she really have to take my sword?'

I slightly grumble in head as I remember Her Highness took my sword when she left.

Closing my eyes then open it after a while, I walk towards my desk. Opening the desk, I took the magic tool called 'Chain Mail', this magic tool allows you and the other person to send a letter in just minutes while when sending it to post office would take months to obtain the letter.

This magic item is expensive as it was hard to create, this world uses magic items although people wonder how they make these magic items when us Humans can't use magic.

Some theories says that there has been magic in this world all along but it was sealed by someone a long time ago and we forgot to use it as time pass.

And some says that us Humans can never feel magic but we can create magic item.

I took a parchment paper on the desk and began to write letters to His Majesty.

Only the sound of writing on the paper was I heard as sat down on the chair, after finishing writing, I took a scented envelope and put the letter on it.

Tapping the chain mail to turn it on, the appearance of the chain main is a simple wooden rectangle box, about 2 inches height, 8 inches length and 5 inches width.

I carefully place the letter on the chain mail, the chain mail light up a blue light at the sides of the magic item.

After waiting for seconds, the letter disappears as the light also disappear. I waited for a while waiting for His Majesty to reply.

'I wonder if their misunderstanding would solve soon?'

I pondered as I wait for the letter, holding my chin on my hand.

After waiting for 5 minutes, His Majesty sent me a letter. I began to read the letter that His Majesty sent to me, after reading all of the content I place the letter on the drawer.

'Stay low huh? Well, Her Highness would probably sense my presence if I tail her"-Aeris

I mutter to myself as my voice echo on the room.

Scarlett POV

Strolling around in the market while holding foods that I brought, leisurely looking on the stalls.

On the right side, I notice a jewelry shop. A sudden idea come on my head, as I enter the shop, the end of the sword accidentally hit the door.

I look back and saw a scratch on my newly attained sword, my eyes widen as I saw the scratch. I felt my world fell; I slowly took my sword near my face too observe the scratch.

"Noooo!! My baby!!"-Scarlett

I lamented on my sword, yelling and crying causing the costumer and the staff of the jewelry store to startle and look at me weirdly.

The staff walk towards me cautiously while I lamented on my sword, he taps my shoulder making me look at him.

"E-excuse me miss you're disturbing the costumers, please leave this building before the knight forces you"-Staff

The staff stuttered as his cheeks was slightly redden as soon as he saw my face but continue to do his job.

I stare for him for a second and wipe my non-existed tears on my eyes, I reach out my pocket and took a bag of full gold coins then throw it to the staff.

His eyes widen for a bit before he spoke.

"Let me get my manager first miss"-Staff

He informed me as he smiles wryly and walk out.

I just stand there while pouting as I gently caress the scratch on my sword. Many people stare at me while I notice that some men have a light and severe blush on their cheeks.

'Heh, I guess my looks stunned many people'

I arrogantly thought in my head as I slightly smug.

After waiting for a while, a man in a suit approaches me. I felt that something from him causing me to be cautious, then again, I can beat him in one hit.

"Hello there miss, welcome to our jewelry store, what do you need miss?"-Manager

He kindly smile at me as he stretches out his hand.

I look at him for a second then at his hand before turning around to look at the jewelry in display.

"We have the nicest quality of jewelry in the city Milady"-Manager

He ignored my action and still continue to talk to me as he approaches to me.

Ignoring him, I continue to look for the jewelry that I wanted. Seeing that I ignored him, the manager went silent and distance himself from me.

In the corner of my eye, I notice an attractive green gem laying on top of the shelf. I slowly walk toward it, I took the green gem and inspected it. I turned it around to see each of its side, I smile in satisfaction.

I turned my head to look at the manager, I smiled at him and I saw his reaction was priceless.

"I want this to be made as a necklace, I'll give you the design later"-Scarlett

I smile at him as I pointed out the green gem.

The man looks dumbfounded, his smile stiffens before he squeezes out a ugly smile.

"M-Miss I think you have mistake—"-Manager

Before the man could finish his word, I threw another 2 bag of gold coins.

"Is this enough?"-Scarlett

I grinned at him as I hold my waist while I rub my index and thumb together in my other hand.

Before letting the man spoke, I left the jewelry store while waving my hand to them, leaving the manager and the stuff stood there looking dumbfounded.


I hummed in joy as I walk back to the inn with a wide grin on my face.