Chapter 12: Inn

Diana's POV

After Princess Scarlett leave the room, I heard Anne let out a sigh before picking the coat on the chair.

I saw her folded the coat nicely before putting it back on the chair, I wonder why she didn't put it in the laundry basket as Julie usually do when I forget to do it myself.

"Lady Diana you can rest now, please call me or Julie on the other room"-Anne

Anne stated as she gives me a slight bow so as Julie, I wave my hand and smile at them.

They gently close the door as they leave, I stand there waving my hand when they close the door.

Putting down my arm, I let out a sigh as I went down on the side of my bed. I took out the book on the luggage, caressing it for a second before opening it on the bookmark that I left in the book.

Opening the book gently, I immersed myself in the book as I read the sentence of the pages and imagine the scenes.

Immersed in the book, I was reading the book for a long time now, unknown of how long I have been reading.


The sound of a knock come through me causing me to stop reading, I look at the window to see the sun setting down.

"Who's there?"-Diana

I ask as I close my book at look at the direction where the door is, waiting for the other party to answer.

"It's me Lady Diana, Julie"-Julie

I heard Julie's voice outside the door as she confirmed it was her, I slightly fix the hem of my dress before letting Julie in.

"Come in"-Diana

I said to her as I open the book back and read, I heard the door slightly creak as Julie open it, I could smell the snacks that she brought.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Julie place the plate that she's carefully holding on the table.

"I brought some snacks for you Lady Diana"-Julie

Julie smile as she sat next to me, although she looks like a timid person however she's not, although she's slightly strict to me but she's like a kind big sister to me.

"Thank you"-Diana

I said my thanks to Julie with a sweet smile on my face, reaching out on the snacks, I took one piece of the biscuit then took a bite making a [crunch] sound

'It's sour, I like it'

I thought to myself as wipe the crumbs at the corner of my mouth while slightly licking the top of my lip.

"Is that the book that the princess lent you?"-Julie

Julie seems to notice the cover of the book I was reading; she asks as she slightly tilted her.

I look at Julie first the look at the book.

"Yeah, this is a great story"-Diana

I smiled as I caress the edge of the book.

'Such as the plot twist'

I thought to myself

Julie raised her eyebrows as she me smile, stunned to see my smile.

"We're lucky to meet Princess Scarlett, Lady Diana"-Julie

Julie smile at me as she places her hand on my shoulder.

Before I could respond to Julie, the door suddenly open causing us to flinch.

We both look towards the door, wondering who's in the door.


It was Princess Scarlett who opened the door, she happily shouts as she raises both of her hands with a cheerful expression on her face.

After the door was suddenly, there's another sound of the door opening and closing. I'm guessing it was someone next to our room who opened the door and closed it.

"Princess Scarlet! Your bothering Lady Diana and the customer, Keep your voice down"-Anne

Anne walks toward Princess Scarlett; I saw Princess Scarlett flinch as she heard Anne yelled at her.

Anne reaches out Princess's ear and started to pull her ear, Princess Scarlett let out a cry as she tilts her head toward where her ear was.

"OUCH! OUCH! A-Anne! Let go! This is a crime! A crime!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett let out a yelp as she glares at her.

Julie and I are slightly dumbfounded but then soon smile as we let out a laugh when we them fighting each other.

"I'll arrest you for a crime!"-Scarlett

I heard Princess Scarlett yelled in aggrieved tone as she pointed on Anne while she rubs her reddish ears on her other hand, Princess Scarlett's expression was cute when she had slight tears on the corners of her eyes due to the pain of Anne pulling her ears, she glared at Anne as she spoke.

"Oh? Is that so? Feel free Princess~"-Anne

Anne gloat on Princess Scarlett as she waves her hand dismissively, her tone was full of derisive.


Princess Scarlett let out a groan as she admits her defeat as she lowers her head, she then abruptly raised her head as if she suddenly remembers something.

"Ah! Right! I almost forgot!"-Scarlett

The Princess blurted out as she took out a clear wrapper full of snacks from her magic bag, she gave one from Anne, Julie and to me.

Anne took the snacks from the Princess's hand; she squinted her eyes as she observes the snack.

"Where did you get this?"-Anne

I saw Anne raised her eyebrow as she looks at Princess Scarlett with a serious expression on her face.

Julie and I are both dumbfounded of how the atmosphere suddenly turned serious, we both look at each other to understand what was going.

I glance at Princess Scarlett to see her reaction; she only looks at Anne with neutral expression on her face as if she didn't catch Anne's serious tone.

"Don't worry~ I'll take care of it later"-Scarlett

The princess cheerfully smiles at Anne as she flips her hand.

"Princess, you shouldn't buy this! They wo—"-Anne

Before Anne could finish her words, Princess Scarlett interrupts her.

"Shh, I don't wanna hear it~"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett interrupt her as she shushes Anne, she put both of her hands on the back of her head as she walks toward the door.

"Let's eat dinner together!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett added as she looks back at us, we both agreed at Princess Scarlett while Anne let out a sigh before coming with us.


After eating in the dinning room, the four of us went back to our room. Anne and Julie bid their goodbye to us and enter their room beside us.

As soon as we enter our room, Princess Scarlett stretches out her arms while letting out a groan.

Princess Scarlett and I make a sudden eye contact, I flinch slightly as we made an eye contact.

The Princess smile, she began to took off her top. Seeing the princess's action, I hurriedly look away, looking as if I'm minding my business.

"Lady Diana, we should sleep early, we have to leave early tomorrow"-Scarlett

Princess mentioned, I could still hear the sound of clothes being remove beside me.

"Yes, Princess"-Diana

I responded to the princess as I walk toward the other side of the bed and began to remove my top clothes to change my outfit into night gown.

"You don't have to be formal Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett looks at me with a smile on her face, when I heard her word, I took a glance at the princess.

We made eye contact; my eyes widen when I saw the princess only have her undergarment on top.

My eyes couldn't help but wonder on the Princess's abdomen, I saw her well-structured six packs abs, the beautiful toned muscle on her arms.

[Badump] [Badump] [Badump]

I could hear my own heart beat getting louder and faster on my ears, the sound of something beating echoed in my ears, just like when the Princess compliment me earlier.

I quickly look away; I could feel my hand started sweating. Heat started rosing from my ears to my cheeks, even without touching it I knew my whole face is steaming hot.

I'm in a mess.


I replied to Princess Scarlett, hoping my voice wouldn't stutter however, as soon as I replied to the Princess, I stuttered with nervousness on my voice.

'Please…don't let Princess Scarlett'

I thought to myself deeply, hoping the Princess wouldn't notice the nervousness on my tone as well as the mess on my heart.

'What's happening to me...?'

A question that I am dying to know the answer pop to my mind, I thought to myself as my heart still beats messily.

I couldn't forget the image that I saw…


Princess Scarlett let out a hum, as if she's correcting me. It didn't seem like the princess notice the nervousness on my voice. She looks at me with her eyes squinted, she spoke in silvery voice.


I spoke informally at the Princess, hearing my reply Princess Scarlett smile at me. My heart calmed down when I replied to her but when I see Princess Scarlett smiling at me without her clothes on top, her beautiful flat abs, her slim waste, my heart beat rapidly…

That didn't help at all…

I quickly look away; I open the drawer and began to dress quickly. My hands trembling due to my heart beating messily, squeezing my hands to calm my heart as quietly inhale and exhale.


After we change our clothes into our night gown, I pick up the book at the side of the bed. I walk toward to the chair with a window next to it, I sat down comfortably and began to read.

The sun had already set down, creating a nice gradient of blue and red. The inn had magic lantern; I push the button at the bottom of the lantern causing the lantern to lit up.

I saw the princess took things on her bag in the corner of my eyes, she then took out a red sword on her bag.

I saw Princess Scarlett carefully place her on the side of the bedframe, I heard her sigh as she looks at the sword.

After awhile of looking at her sword, Princess Scarlett took out the document on her bag and began to sort out the documents on the table.

In a blink of an eye, hours have pass. A knock on the door stops me from reading the book and look up towards the door, Princess Scarlet who were reading the document didn't glance or look at the door open her mouth to speak.

"Come in Anne"-Scarlett

Princess spoke as she continues to look on the document.

'I wonder how the princess always knew who's behind the door every time they knock'

I thought to myself as I look back on the book, seeing that I'm almost reading the book, I let out a small yawn as I cover my mouth hoping the Princess wouldn't see my action as how embarrassing it is If I was seen.

Unknown to me, Princess Scarlett took a glance at me when I yawn as I close my eyes.

The door was opened, it was Anne who opened the door. Anne saw me and give me a bow as I smile at her, she then glances toward the princess and walk toward her.

Thinking that they're going to talk about important things, I look back at the book and decided to finish it today.

"Here Princess Scarlett, I thought you need this"-Anne

Anne took a small box from her pocket and gave it to Princess Scarlett; she took the small box from Anne's box and open it.

"Thanks! Anne really knows me~"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett smile at Anne as she let out a hum.

Anne smile at Princess Scarlett then patted the top of head and shake her hand, messing Princess Scarlett's.

Princess Scarlett slap Anne's hand, she let out a groan as she glares at Anne. Anne let out a chuckle while Princess Scarlett pout at her.

I saw Julie at the door, I tilt my head wondering why she's here. Julie saw my action and walk toward me with a smile on her face thus, I couldn't help but also smile.

"Good night Diana"-Julie

Julie whispered to me as she kissed my forehead.

"Good night"-Diana

I responded to her with a sweet smile on my face. After that the two left the room and went back to their own room.

I felt the fatigue are already coming to me, I closed the book I was reading and yawn as I cover my mouth.

I took a glance at Princess Scarlett who are busy with the document on the table, I stand up from my seat and look at Princess Scarlett.

"Good night, Princess"-Diana

I said my good night to the princess, she looks at me and smile as she said her good night to me.

I walk toward the other side of the bed, fortunately it was wide enough for three to four people to fit in. knowing that the princess would sleep beside me, an unknown anxiety comes to me.

I sat on the bed for a second before laying down, as I switch on my sleeping position, I heard a sound of writing on the paper.

Knowing that it was Princess Scarlett, I tried to sleep peacefully but was in vain as I am not used to someone on my room at night.

I closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep immediately however, the longer I think about sleeping, the longer I couldn't sleep.

After some time, pass, I move my body to the side where my back is on the other side of the bed, hoping I would fall asleep this time.

The sound of writing on the paper calmed my thoughts, as I thought of nothing, just the sound of writing on the paper flowing on my ears, I slowly fell into a peace slumber.


It was the middle of the night when I was awakened by the movement beside me, I slowly opened my eyes to see who was moving.

I saw glowing red eyes on the side of the bed where Princess Scarlett is sleeping, although the whole room is dark, only the light of the moon slightly brightens the room.

I could only see the outline of Princess Scarlett and her eyes, curious of what the Princess doing, I continued to look at the princess who are sitting on the side of the bed.

The princess eyes were coldly looking down, it was different from what I'm used to see.

I saw Princess Scarlett covered her other eye; I heard her sigh. Princess Scarlett looks at my direction causing me to suddenly close my eyes, my heart start palpitating, afraid of getting found out by Princess Scarlett.

After seconds has pass, I felt the side of the bed suddenly feel lighter as if Princess Scarlett got up on the bed.

Feeling that I've been watching Princess Scarlett for a long time now, I let myself fell asleep.

-3rd person POV-

Scarlett got up from the bed, she took a glance at Diana before she walks toward the drawer.

She took a black cloak and put on the chair, she then took a black blouse and pants.

Scarlett removes her night gown and carefully wear the outfit that she took out.

After wearing the black clothes, Scarlett took the black cloak on the chair, she then wears the cloak. Scarlett opens the box that Anne gave earlier, it was black magic contact lens, Scarlett took one out then on the other hand, she opens her eyes.

Scarlett places the magic contact lens in her eye then put the other to her other eye, she closed her eyes for seconds before opening it again. Her red jewelry eyes are now inky black eyes that look like a hole that well suck you away from reality if you stare at her.

Scarlett took a glance on Diana before walking toward the window, she slowly opened the window, a cold breeze passes the window.

Scarlett sits on the stool with her back outside the building, half of her body is outside of the building. Scarlett raises her arms and grab the cornice of the window; she exerted some strength on her hands, gripping on the cornice.

Scarlett slowly lifts her body up as she grips on the cornice, Scarlett swings her body slowly. As she swings harder, she let go on the cornice as soon as her body is outside the building.

As she let go on the cornice, she exerted a lot of force to let her body go up. Scarlett quietly landed on top of the window, her cloak waves through the wind as the cold breeze.

Scarlett exhaled releasing a white air due to the cold night. Scarlett jumps on the window, quietly landed on the roof.

Scarlett looks at the scenery as she stands up, after a while she glance at the northwest of the inn, her expression turned cold, her inky black eyes glowed on the chilly night with a smile on her face.

Scarlett jumps the building, heading to the direction that she took a glance at.


Diana who are sleeping peacefully in the bed, didn't notice Scarlett who came back to the inn after 1 hour of leaving the room was full of blood on her clothes as well as her cloak.

Only the outline of her back can only be seen while her extremely keen black eyes glowed in the dark room, giving the bloods on her body glowed slightly from her black clothes.