Chapter 13: Carriage

Diana's POV


I slowly opened my eyes; I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. I look to my side only to see Princess Scarlett sitting on the side of the bed.

"Good morning, Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett greeted me a good morning with a cheerful expression on her face.

I flinch as I saw Princess Scarlett, I quickly sat up from the bed. Due to the sudden movement, I suddenly felt dizzy that I closed my eyes while I rested my head on my hand.

Seeing that I was dizzy, Princess Scarlett hurriedly supported me as she held my arms.

"Take it easy, Lady Diana, I'm not a ghost"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett joke as she let out a low laugh.

'How embarrassing...'

I thought to myself as I remove my hand from my head, a knock from the door could be heard causing for the both of us to look.

I notice that the sun hasn't rise yet as I took a quick glance at the window.

"Come in"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett spoke as she stands up the bed took out her coat and hang it on her shoulders.

"Princess the carriage is already ready and I already ordered the food"-Anne

It was Anne who knock on the door, she opened the door as she spoke.

"We'll eat after we have taken a bath and change our clothes"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett spoke as she walks toward the window, the princess opened the window.


Hearing that there's a knock on the door, I walk toward the door thinking it's Julie however, Princess Scarlett stops me just as I about to open it.


Princess Scarlett ordered me, hearing her words I stop myself from moving. I took a look at Princess Scarlett as I wonder why she stop me but there's a part of me knows why.

"Close your eyes, Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett looks at me then smile; I was dazzled by her smile that I immediately close my eyes while stepping out a little.

As soon as I close my eye, the door suddenly opened. Princess Scarlett immediately throws a dagger that was hidden on her sleeves, the dagger flew right through the man's head.


I heard something fell beside me.

"Tsk, the sun hasn't rise and yet this"-Scarlett

I heard the Princess click her tongue as she spoke, I heard footsteps coming towards me causing me to open my eyes.

My eyes first look at Princess Scarlett who were smiling at me then at Anne who have a wryly smile. Remembering that I heard a [Thud] near me, I look down to see a man wearing cloak lying down on the ground with a pool of blood.

A normal person would scream when they saw a dead body, but when I look at the man I only flinch as I step away from the body while my body tremble.

Before I could close my eyes, my eyes were suddenly block by Princess Scarlett's hand.

"I'm sorry to let you see this scene, Lady Diana"-Scarlett

The princess apologized as she throws the bed covers on top of the man's body, the blood stained through the blanket.

My vision was returned when Princess Scarlett took out her hand on my eyes, I then look down to see the body covered with the blanket.

"I'm not even interested in the throne"-Scarlett

I heard Princess Scarlett mutter as she scratches her head, her expression was something as if she's talking about the food that she dislikes.


Anne sigh as she left the room.

"Lady Diana let's go"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett smile as she reaches out her hand to me, I place my hand on Princess Scarlett's palm and we walk toward the diner.

Anne went back to the room with knights on her back, Anne ordered the knights to clean the dead body before she went back to us.


Princess and I both ate our breakfast together, while eating, I saw some knights entering at the corner of my eye.

My curiosity grows big as we ate. The waiter gives us our drinks before I decided to speak.

"Princess…earlier, was that an assassin?"-Diana

I slowly ask as I took sip of my drink, I look at Princess Scarlett's eye with confidence.


Princess Scarlett answered without much of a care as if she's used to it, she just gave me a smile as she spoke.

"Are you afraid of me?"-Scarlett

The princess asks me as she put both of her hands in front of her chin while her hands clasp together as her elbow rest on the top of the table, she smiles at me while looking into my eyes.

This might be my imagination but as soon as we met our eyes together, I could saw the slight fear hidden on her eyes.

That question hit me.

'Am I afraid of her?'

I questioned myself, I look down as I keep my mind in my thoughts.

'It's normal for the Princess to fight, so why did I tremble?'

I ask again to myself. This time, I raised my head to look at Princess Scarlett who are smiling at me just like when we met.

"No, I'm not afraid of you Princess Scarlett"-Diana

I subconsciously answered Princess Scarlett's question with confidence in my voice. I came back to my senses when I saw Princess Scarlett's shock look, I quickly cover my mouth in shock.

'Did I just say that?!'

I thought to myself in panic as I slowly look up to Princess Scarlett, my eyes widen when the Princess smile in relief.

Her smile was just like when she reaches out her hand to me but more dazzling at this time yet there's a little bit of pain that I don't know why.

"Fufu, is that so? Then, please don't be scared at me"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett laughs as she spoke those words, I felt that those words mean deeply to her.


The sound of a bell caught our attention, I look at the direction where the door was while Princess Scarlett took a quick glance before putting her attention at her drink.

My eyes widen as I saw the person enter the inn with noble ladies on her back, they both happily chatted to each other as she's the center attention of her friends.

It was someone I don't really want to see.

I hurriedly look away from the door and went back to my drink. As if the Princess notice my weird action, she took a glance at the door and saw them.

"It's done Princess, I've also prepared the bath"-Anne

Anne walks towards us as she informed Princess Scarlett.

Princess Scarlett nodded, she stands up from her seat, the coat on her nightdress slightly moves due to her action.

I also stand up, still wearing my nightdress as there's a body on our room.

Luckily, we have a private room when we eat. I could die in shame if strangers see me wearing nightdress.


After taking a bath and dressing up nicely, Princess Scarlett and I walk down stairs to the main floor.

As we walk down the exit, that person notice us. Its Erline Alphenfist, the second daughter of the Duke Alphenfist.

"Oh my! I didn't think the villainess would be here, how do you do?"-Erline

Even though she greeted me politely I could hear her mockery from afar as she mocks me with her noble friends, they sat up from her seat as Erline disgusting smile as her eyes narrowed in delight.

Princess Scarlett looks at them with a slight smile on her face, she then took my hand and proceed to walk out the inn. Princess Scarlett's coat wave in her every step making look her more confident and dazzling.

The faces they make when we ignore them was priceless that I almost laugh out loud.

Normally she would mock or protest when I ignore her however, as Princess Scarlett on my side, they shut up and could only curse inside.


I walk toward the carriage with Princess Scarlett besides me and Anne who are behind us, I wondered where Julie is since she's not the type to leave me.

As soon as we approach the carriage, I saw Julie at the entrance of the carriage.

"I was wondering where you are Julie"-Diana

I spoke as I smile at her.

"I was busy arranging your things"-Julie

Julie responded to me with an apologetic smile while ordering some knights on her side.


The sun started rising when we our carriage started heading to the capital.

I sat down and read the books that I have brought, the room was quiet and a perfect time for me to read.

After a couple of minutes of reading, I close my book and held my forehead. Due to the rocky road, I felt lightheaded when I read causing me to stop reading and look outside the window.

I saw a breathtaking scenery where light started spreading in the field, smelling the fresh air as I took a breath.

It's been an hour and a half since we've been traveling. Suddenly I felt something heavy on my right shoulder, I took a glance on my shoulder and was slight shock when Princess Scarlett leaned her head onto my shoulder while sleeping peacefully.

I saw her hair scatters when she leaned her head to my shoulder, my eyes went down as I stare longer at Princess Scarlett's face.

'Princess have a nice and long eyelashes'

I thought to myself as I immersed myself to Princess's sleeping face.

As I stare longer, I notice Princess Scarlett's hair were on her eyes. Thinking of absolutely nothing, I reach out my hand to move Princess's hair.

As soon as I touch her hair smooth hair, the carriage was suddenly unsteady causing our butt to slightly jump on our seat.

My action of fixing Princess Scarlett's hair suddenly turned to me, caressing the end of her eyes due to the sudden unsteadiness of the carriage. Princess Scarlett's eye slightly moves before sleeping again, I quickly remove my hand from the Princess's face.

Luckily, Anne and Julie are both asleep. It would be embarrassing if they saw my action to the princess.

I could still feel the warm on my fingertip.

Seeing that I embarrass myself enough today, I put both of my hands on my lap. Promising my self not to touch anything anymore.

The carriage was quiet, only the sound of the wheels and the hours was the only thing I could heard.

Suddenly, this carriage feels lonely yet there's something that I can't explain, is it happiness or what?


We arrive at the capital when the sun started setting, luckily, we head out pretty early or we might again stop on another city.

Our carriage attracted a lot of people when the coachman pulls up not far away from the entrance, it seems like it's been 3 years since Princess Scarlett have come back to the capital.

Princess Scarlett got out from the carriage, as soon as she steps out the carriage, she stretch-out her arms while letting some small groan.

I step out when Princess Scarlett steps out, Princess Scarlett stretch-out her hand to me, assisting me to go down on the carriage.

"Thank you, Princess"-Diana

I thanked Princess Scarlett as I let out a small smile, I look at the Princess as I spoke.

Princess Scarlett just smiled at me while slightly titling her head, as if she's remembering me something.

Suddenly, I understand Princess Scarlett's action and correct my words in embarrassment.

"Thanks, Princess"-Diana

I thanked the Princess once again while my red was slightly red from embarrassment.

"No Problem! Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett smiled brightly to me as she spoke, she then assisted Anne and Julie who were behind me. Although, normally the servant would be in the different carriage and help their master.

Our interaction made those people and passerby look at us with a shocking look, probably because of me being the 'Villainess'…

'How bothersome'

"Greetings to Your Royal Highness, Princess Scarlett Lyons Perkins!"-Knights

A group of knights kneeled down as they put their hand on their heart while lowering their heads.

"Greetings to Your Grace, Lady Diana Regan Shawn!"-Knights

The knights added as they continue their position without moving an inch. After greeting the two of use, one man who is the commander, stand up and walk towards Princess Scarlett.

"Is the mansion ready?"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Yes, Your Highness"-Commander

The commander answer Princess Scarlett with a lot of formalities he's using to Princess Scarlett.

"Is that so? Then, Let's go inside the carriage Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett blurted out as she took out my hand and lead me inside the carriage.

"Commander Byron, meet me at my office later"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett added as she glances at Sir Byron as she sat down.

"Understood Your Highness"-Commander

He answered the Princess as he stands up and lowered his upper body with his hand on his heart.

After a while, the coachman moves the carriage, heading to Princess Scarlett's mansion.