Chapter 14: Orphanages

Scarlett's POV

"AAhh~ finally we arrive at my manor"-Scarlett

I stretch my arms as I let out a yawn, Diana and I both enter the mansion while Anne and Julie took our things to put on our room.

"Welcome home Your highness"-Maids

The maids greeted us as they bow down.

"Welcome to Princess Scarlett Lyon Perkin's manor, Your Grace"-Butler

The butler greeted Diana as he bows down.

I wander my gaze to the maids before I raise my hand to them, ordering them to stand up.

"It's been a long time since I've come back to the manor, I hope you all still do your jobs properly even when I'm not around"-Scarlett

I smiled at them as I observe their reaction, I took a look at Diana and gave her a gentle smile.


I called Anne, after a seconds later, Anne walks to me.

"Yes Princess?"-Anne

She spoke.

"Anne will be managing your works; I hope you can follow her without complains"-Scarlett

I smile at them before leaving and walk toward my office.

Diana was assisted to her room while I went towards my office to arrange the documents that needed to be arrange.

It's been an hour before I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in Commander"-Scarlett

I spoke without raising my head, I heard the door opened alongside of sound of a heavy footsteps.

"Your highness, I'm here just as you requested"-Commander

Commander Bryon spoke formally as he kneeled down with his hand on her chest.

I took a quick glance on him before going back to the documents.

'Why do I have so many documents to sign?'

I complain to my mind as sign the documents.

"Take care of the assassin, it's up to you whether you'll tell this to my father or not but if it's the same as the usual then don't touch them"-Scarlett

I stated to him as I tap my finger to the desk, I look at him in the eye with a smile on my face.

"Yes, Your Highness"-Commander

Commander Bryon noted as he understood what I meant, he then left after giving me a bow.

A sound of closing a door echoed to this quiet room.

I got back from my work, only the sound of writing and papers getting flip was the sound I only heard.

a gentle knock echoed through my room, I look up at the door and pondered.

'Does Diana need something?'

I pondered to myself as I slightly titled my head.

"Do you need something Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I gently ask as I keep looking at the door.

The door was slowly open, I could see Diana's hair popping out. She walks towards me with a hot coffee on her hand.

"I heard that you like coffee Princess"-Diana

Diana gently said to me with a smile on her face as she carefully places the coffee on the side of my table where there's no document surrounding the side.

"Thanks Lady Diana"-Scarlett

She thanks me as I stretch out my hand, offering her to take a sit.

"Did Anne make this? It's sweet"-Scarlett

I took a sip from the coffee as I ask with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, Anne gave it to me and said that you like coffee, Princess"-Diana

Diana answered me as she didn't forget to talk to me casually.

The room was quiet however, the quietness didn't ruin the peaceful atmosphere earlier.

"Lady Diana, are you okay helping me?"-Scarlett

I ask as I softly smile at her, I took some of my documents that doesn't need much of my approval and stack it on the side of the table.

"Yes, I'm okay with that Princess"-Diana

Diana responded with a smile on her face as she took the documents I just stack, understanding my actions without telling her what to do.

Diana finished 5 minutes before me, although I had more documents to do that her. We just talk as I split the documents on her hand, at first, she refuses but then give up when I give her a completely reasonable reason.

"It's getting late Lady Diana; you should go to bed now"-Scarlett

I said to her with an affectionate smile.

"How about you Princess?"-Diana

She asks as she stand up from her seat, she looks at me ask she ask.

"Don't worry! I'm going back to my room after 5 minutes"-Scarlett

I answer her with a bright smile on my face.

"Then…Good night Princess"-Diana

She spoke as she slightly nods then walk toward the door, bidding me a good night.

"Good night~"-Scarlett

I wave my hand to her as I also bid here goodnight with a gentle smile, I saw her back slightly getting far away before her hand touch the handle of the door.

She opened the door and give me a slightly bow before closing it.


A soft sound of closing a door echoed to my office, giving a peaceful yet lonely feeling.

Seeing that Diana already left and went back to her room, I twist my chair, facing the back of the chair to the door while I face in front of the large window.

Staring at the empty space, I smile deeply while I rested my face to my hand as my elbow rested on to the armchair.

'I wonder when can I have a privacy~?'

I thought to myself as I keep staring outside the window, it took me 5 minutes to stop staring at the window with a wide smile on my face.


I opened my eyes to see a slightly unfamiliar ceiling, I slowly stand up as I comb my front hair through my hand.

I let out a quiet sigh before slowly closing my eyes.


I heard a knock on the causing me to open my eyes.

"Come in, Anne"-Scarlett

I spoke.

Anne and the other maid who are hired by my mother and father entered my room, some of are holding a basin of water and towels.

"Good morning Princess"-Anne/Maids

They greeted me a good morning while they bow.

"Good morning"-Scarlett

I greeted them back with a gentle smile on my face, I stand up from my bed and went toward to my vanity table where the maid put the basin of water.

I take a handful of water and gently dip my face to the water, washing my face to the warm water.

In the corner of my I saw a maid handout a cotton face towel, I took it and started drying my face, I could feel the softness of the towel to my face.

"Did Lady Diana wake up already?"-Scarlett

I ask with a gentle smile as I wipe my neck, drying the water that has dip into my neck.

The maid was stunned for second before one of the maids answer my question. My action made the maids mesmerized as if they saw an angel, my golden hair shines as the sun light from the window hit my hair.

"Miss Julie and the others are already at Lady Diana's room, Your highness"-Maid

She answered my question slowly, as she bows her head.

"Hm~ is that so?"-Scarlett

I hummed as I give the towel back to Anne, I walk toward the window as soon as I give back the towel.

It seems that Anne knew what I was going to do, she shouted as she hurriedly run towards me.


She yelled as she stretches out her hand.

It was too late since I quickly opened the window and jump to the ground, 3rd floor beneath.

My nightdress flutter in the air as well as my hair as I jump down, my hair slightly bounces as soon as I landed on the ground.

The maids let out a gasp while Anne pop out half of her body out to the window to look at me.

"Prepare my clothes~!"-Scarlett

I yelled as I walk toward Diana's room that is also on 3rd floor.

"Princess Scarlett!! *Sigh* it's early in the morning and your already like this!"-Anne

Anne shouted as she let out a frustrated sigh as she complains.

'I know right? So early in the morning I have to…'

I thought to myself with a smile on my face.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at Diana's room, I took a quick look at the right and left before exerting strength to my legs before I jump up.

I jump up pretty high, my body reach at the end of the 2nd floor. I grab on the wall as I pull myself up to Diana's window, my hair sways as the wind hit me.


I created a sound of crisp knock, knocking on the window.

Diana flinch as soon as she heard the direction where the sound was coming from, the maid and Julie look at me awe as their pupils slightly shrink.

Diana glance at my direction before her face went paled as soon as she saw me, she hurriedly walks to my direction with anxiety.

"Princess! What are you doing?! We're on 3rd floor, how did you managed to climbed up here?!"-Diana

She opened the window and let me in as she asks multiple question in a wobbly toned while her brows are knitted together, I could hear Diana's concern and uneasiness on her tone and her face.

"Hehe"- Scarlett

I giggled as I enter and sat down on the window.

"Princess, you scared me to death...!"-Diana sighed as she places her hand to her forehead.

"It's okay Diana~ I can take care of myself"-Scarlett

I said to her as I wave my hand to the maids, telling them to leave while Julie stays.

"Haaa, do you need something Princess?"-Diana

Diana let out a sigh before she asks while looking at me, she decided to change the topic which was great for me.

"We'll be leaving at 10"-Scarlett

I mentioned the time with a brilliant smile on my face.

"Thank you for informing me Princess"-Diana

She thanks me as she walks toward her bed, she looks at me and her eyes widen when she notices something beneath me.

"Princess, you're not wearing a slipper!"-Diana

Diana mentioned in distress as she walks towards me, I slowly look down to my foot and notice that I indeed not wore a slipper.

'Indeed, I am'

I thought to myself as stand up.

Diana brought a slipper and told me to wear it.

"Seriously Princess, how could you forget to wore a slipper"-Diana

Diana nag me as let out a sigh when she saw me wearing the slipper.

"It's a good thing that you have a spare slipper in this room, Princess Scarlett"-Julie

Julie who was quiet early finally spoke as she fixes the drawers underneath the bed.



Diana said.

Anne entered the room while she glared at me, I rolled my eyes as soon as we met eye contact.

"Princess, Lady Diana, Breakfast is already ready"-Anne

Anne stated, she looks at me with a cold look on her face.

"Princess, your clothes are ready"-Anne

She said with a slight anger on her tone.


I wore the clothes that Anne has prepared for me, it was my knight uniform. Black knight uniform along with maroon shirt in the inside and black leather belt surrounding on my waist, my black uniform had medals as it represents the great successful projects that benefits the people in the kingdom, I also wore the black cloak with black fur on it.

'Although it's been 3 years since I stop coming to the capital and to academy of knights'

I thought to myself as Anne and I walk toward the dining room.

As we arrive at the dining room, I saw Diana attire.

She wore blue ombre off-shoulder dress, while the skirt underneath is white, her necklace where perfect combination to her dress.

Her black hair was braided beautifully at her back, although her look gives of the cold atmosphere, it didn't hinder her gorgeousness.

While Anne combs my hair and made into braided ponytail where the braids are at the side of my head.

"Good morning Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I said her good morning with a charming smile on my face while walking toward one of the chairs.

"Good morning Princess"-Diana

Diana greeted me back, I saw her ears turning red as she spoke to me.

"You look good in that dress Lady Diana, though you look beautiful at everything"-Scarlett

I compliment here as I added another sentence, fearing Diana would be offended on my first sentence.

"You…You also look good Princess Scarlett"-Diana

Diana complimented me back with a smile on her face, her cheeks started to redden.

"Thank you"-Scarlett

I thank her as I smile at her.

We ate peacefully while chatting, the whole room was peaceful.


It took about 25 minutes to arrive at the first orphanage were visiting.

The head of the orphanage greeted us as they offer us a seat in their office. As we walk toward the office, I look around to see the condition of the building.

"Where's the children?"-Scarlett

I ask as I rub the edge of the cup, I look up to him with a smile on my face, observing his every reaction.

"They're in the lake Your Highness with the staff watching them"-Head

He explained as smile back at me, his reaction is normal so far.

"Oh? Then, might as well take a look at the lake, right Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I ask to Diana who are sitting beside me, I smile at her as I spoke.

"Yes Princess"-Diana

Diana agreed to me with a slight smile on her face.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the head's reaction. His eyes widen as he looks at Diana in surprise, it seems that he believes in the rumor.

"Ahem, then please follow me Your Highness and Your Grace"-Head

He coughed as he informed us to follow him, he stands up from his seat while the both of us also stand up and follow him as Anne and Julie follow behind us.

We walk at the back of the orphanage; the whole building was surrounded by trees yet you could see the sign of them cutting some trees as I saw some tree stumps besides the trees.

We arrive at the lake; I could hear the children laughing alongside of the sound of water splashing.

Before the head of the orphanage could speak, some children already notice us, they stop their action and walk toward us with huge excitement on their eyes.

"Excuse me, are you a prince?"-kid

A kid who's in the age of 6 to 7 tug the corner of my clothes as she spoke with bright sparkling look on her eyes.

"Idiot! Sister is obviously a girl"-kid 2

Another male kid spoke as gently smack her head, he looks like 9 or 10 years old.

I smile at them as I watch their interactions.

I took a glance at Diana's situation; I saw some female children look at her dress while Diana smile at them. The others are afraid to touch her or her dress as they feared of offending Diana.

"Who are you?"-child

An 8 years old kid look at Diana as she asks, she tug the hem of her dress.

Diana was slightly dumbfounded while I tired to hold my laughter.

"I'm Diana Regan Shawn"-Diana

Diana stated her name with smile on her face, though she looks kind of cold.

The children's eye widens as they heard her name, they step back, Diana's smile faded as her eyes was filled with disappointment.

"You're the rumored villainess?"-Children

They ask in unison as they put their hands on their body, as if they're guarding their self to Diana, fearing she would hurt them.

Diana's eyes dimmed while the head of the orphanage's jaw drop as soon as the children's words.

"Y-Your grace! Don't mind the children's word! Forgive me, it's my fault for not educating them properly"-Head

The head bowed his head as sweat keeps dripping from his forehead, his voiced crack as he was afraid of offending the daughter of the duke.

"Hey~ that's not nice! In fact! Lady Diana here is my friend! As I, Princess Scarlett Lyons Perkin announce you that Lady Diana is my friend"-Scarlett

I announce to the kid with a bit of a playful tone on my voice, I give them a playful smile as I slightly crouched down.

Their eyes widen as they heard my name, some of them even drop their jaws.

I let out a giggle as I see their funny reaction, I look at Diana and give her a playful wink.

Diana's ear reddens as she smiles at me then mouth the word thank you.

I stand up straight and move my gaze towards the lake, I notice that the kids only had the age of 10, they didn't have 11 to 15 years old children in here at the lake.

"Where's the other children?"-Scarlett

I ask the head as I touch the cuff to fix the wrinkles.

"I think they're in the study Your Highness"-Head

He answered as he stands up straight, he points the building where the study is.

"I'll check it out"-Scarlett

I said as I take of my coat and gave it to Anne.

"Lady Diana, I'll be going to that building in case you need me"-Scarlett

I informed Diana as wave my hand and walk to the building with the head guiding me and Anne on my back.

Diana smile at me before the kids pulled her toward the lake with a bright smile on their face, the fear on their faces faded when I announce them, she was my friend.

'I wonder if they treated Diana better because they know if she's kind or if it's because of something else~? How sly~'

I thought to myself as I retracted my gaze to them with an enigmatic smile on my face.

Diana's POV

I saw Princess Scarlett's smile, it was a mysterious smile, I wonder why she smile like that.

Princess Scarlett and Anne's back faded as they walk out.

The children drag me to the lake, they talk to me cheerfully with a cheerful smile on their face.

Just after 10 minutes, I leave the lake with Julie on my back.

After leaving the lake, I walk to the woods but not far away from the orphanage.

"Lady Diana, should we get back now?"-Julie

Julie asks as she walk around.

"Wait, I saw a cute flower over there, just stay there for now"-Diana

I said to Julie as I began to walk toward the flower that I just saw.

I crouched down to pick up the flower, after picking it up, I stand up straight.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a golden hair in the corner of my eye.

I quickly move my gaze in that corner, I saw someone wearing a black cloak while their golden hair appeared outside the hood.


I muttered as I saw Princess Scarlett walking out, before I could catch up to her, Julie called me out.

I look at Julie then went back to where Princess Scarlett are however, her figures disappear, leaving me confuse.