Chapter 15: Mysterious person

Diana POV

"Is something the matter Lady Diana?"-Julie

Julie asks as walk towards me.

I stare at location where I saw Princess Scarlett before looking at Julie and shaking my head.

"No, let's go back"-Diana

I shake my head as we walk back to the orphanage.


"Ah! Welcome back Lady Diana!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett greeted me as she looks at us, she slowly walks towards me with a smile on her face.

'the cloak seems different'

I thought to myself as I notice Princess Scarlett's cloak that she's wearing.

"I'm back Princess"-Diana

I slightly smile at Princess. I notice some children who are at the age of 13 and above in the corner of my eyes.

I glance at them; Princess Scarlett notices my gaze at them and spoke.

"They're the children who are above 13 years old that we didn't see in the lake"-Scarlett

Princess explained she glance down at my hand and notice the flower on my hand.

"That's a nice flower your holding Lady Diana"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett's eye brightens as soon as she the flower on my hand.

I look at my hand before handing it to Princess Scarlett.

"Yeah, it has a nice fragrance Princess"-Diana

I couldn't help but slightly smile, the smell of the flower still lingering on my nose.

Princess Scarlett gently took the flower to my hand, she raises the flower to her nose and sniff it.

The Princess's action was so beautiful that I stare at her, her face was breathtaking and I don't know how long I'd been staring at Princess Scarlett.

Her golden hair shines as her red jewelry eyes narrowed in delight, her whole body shining from the sunlight coming to the window hitting her body, giving her a gentle look.

I didn't notice until Princess Scarlett's voice sounded to my ears, I was startled when I had Princess Scarlett's voice.

"Lady Diana? Is there something on my face? You've been staring at my face for quite a while now"-Scarlett

Princess chuckled as she covers her mouth with her hand making a fist, her eyes narrowed in delight as she looks at me.

"N-no, it's nothing Princess"-Diana

I slightly stutter as I spoke, I covered my mouth with my hand. I could feel my ears getting hot, I tried to look away but remembering it's rude to do so, I glance at Princess Scarlett, I saw her mischievous smile as if she knew something.

Princess Scarlett looks at me with a mischievous smile for a minute before returning to normal. That was the most embarrassing 1 minute of my life.

I set my gaze to the children who are watching us not far away from us, as soon as we made eye contact, the children's faces turned into fear and some of them had a disgusted look in their eyes.

'This is fine'

I thought to myself as I slightly lower my eye.

Suddenly, Princess Scarlett coughs, attracting all of our attention as well as the Head of the orphanage.

"Let me introduce to you the children Lady Diana! First, we have Mark, Kyle, Jerex and Belle"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett introduces me to the children as she said their names from left to right.

"Children this is Lady Diana Regan Shawn, the duke's daughter of Duke Shawn"-Scarlett

Then Princess Scarlett introduces me to the 4 kids with a smile on her face, she put her hand on my shoulder.

The four children slightly nodded without much care if it is disrespectful or not, I could only ignore it as it was pointless to fight children.

'I'm not that kind of person'

I thought to myself as I let out an internal sigh.

"Greetings to Your Grace, Wicked Princess"-Kyle

It was a girl named Kyle who greeted me, she slightly pauses before adding the last sentence as she looks at me straight in the eyes without fear.

As I heard her saying her last sentence, I subconsciously look at her. Due to my natural cold and aloof look, I look like I gave the girl a death stare.

The other kids saw my gaze and immediately took a step back, frightened by my gaze.

"Hey! Kid! That's disrespectful!"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett scolds Kyle as if she's scolding a 5 years old kid. Kyle didn't speak but only slightly nodded.

As I observe her movement, I notice her hand is on the side of her body sticking out. Her hand moves as if she's motioning something, as soon as she finishes, I immediately recognize the sign.

I instantly look at Princess Scarlett, we both look at each other and both understand the situation.

It seems that the Head of the orphanage notices our sudden action as he coughs and asks.

"Is something wrong, Your Highness? Your Grace?"-Head

The head asks politely as he gives the children a quick glance before looking back at us.

His quick glance was seen from the both of us, our suspicion was confirmed.

"Yeah, it's a bit boring here"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett laughs dryly as she waves her hand lazily.

"Well, we're going to stroll the market for now"-Scarlett

She added in her playful voice, she glances at the children before she took my hand and leave.

Her cloak waves alongside her hair, matching her every step. Making her look stunning even at the back, stunning and elegant.


"Where do you want to go to Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett asks me as both of her hands are in her head, she looks at me as she asks.

The four of us walk on the road, attracting stares as we walk.

"Princess, you've seen her hand sign, earlier right?"-Diana

I couldn't help but ask Princess Scarlett as we walk, I stop at my tracks and look at Princess Scarlett with a serious look on my face.

Princess Scarlett stops walking, she's a few steps ahead of me. She turned around with her hands still on her head, she smiles as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Yea, don't worry Lady Diana! We'll solve this"-Scarlett

Princess Scarlett brightly smiles at me as she spoke to reassure me, her gaze then turned to my side.

I followed Princess's gaze and saw a sword shop and a boutique shop next to the sword shop; I look back at Princess Scarlett to see her eyes sparkles and smile brightly.

"Shall we go in? Princess?"-Diana

I ask with a slight smile on my face.


Scarlett POV

I walk inside the sword shop alone as the other three walks inside the boutique shop, I look around to see anything on the display to see anything that might attract me.

I saw a green scabbard with a sword inside, the grip of the sword is dark green as the rain-guard is inky black. I also saw a gold stiletto on the wall getting displayed.

I walk straight to the sword display to take the green sword and walk to the stiletto display and grab the stiletto.


The sound of bells hitting each other echoed to this quiet shop.

I continue to inspect the sword and stiletto, without looking at the owner of the store.

"How much is this two?"-Scarlett

I ask as I throw the stiletto in the air and catching it, I look at the owner of the store with a smile on my face.

"Your Highness! Welcome to my store"-Owner

The owner was slightly startled when he saw first saw me, he bows down to greet me.

I wave my hand to stop him and ask again.

"How much for the both of this?"-Scarlett

I ask again while smiling, I pointed the sword and shake the stiletto that was in my hand.

"Ah! Forgive me for not answering your question directly Your Highness"-Owner

He apologized as he bows down again, fearing offending me, he quickly added another sentence.

"The sword is 20 gold and the stiletto is 10 gold Your Highness, the price is a bit high as the materials are good quality Your Highness"-Owner

The owner stated the price as he explained why it was expensive, as 1000 silver is equivalent to 1 gold.

I took a bag full of gold in the inside of the jacket of my uniform, I throw it to the owner as I walk out while putting the stiletto inside my jacket and the sword is on the side of my hips.

'It seems that I'm the only one who finishes early'

I thought to myself as I walk at the side of the road, at the corner of my eyes, I saw someone leaning on the lamp pose, wearing a dark cloak, her hair is sticking out her cloak.

I stood outside for a second before walking toward the woman who are leaning on the lamp post.

'I knew it'

I thought to myself as I suppressed the bright smile on my face, I can only smile slightly as I lean on the lamp post, opposite to the woman's side.

"Who are you?"-Scarlett

I ask, I folded my arms together.

There was a whole silence between us, only the sound of people around us was the only sound I can hear.

"Heh, why don't you ask your mother?"-Woman

The woman let out a snicker before speaking, her voice sounded the same as mine but more mature.

I raised my eyebrow when I heard the woman's word, I let out a chuckle in amusement before responding back to her.

"Heh, how can I know when we have the same mother"-Scarlett

I said to her as I move my head to the side while looking at her at the corner of my eye.

I could only see her golden hair waving as the air pass us, her hair is the same color as mine.

The woman stops leaning on the lamp post, she straightens her body before removing the hood to her head.

Her long golden hair flutter as she flicks her to spread it to her back, her eyes made me widen my eye.

I look at her, her eyes are dark green. I stare at her eyes; her dark green eye reminds me of someone.

"What? Does my eye remind you of someone?"-Woman

The woman let out a smug on her face as she points at her eye, she flicks her hair.

Seeing that I've been caught, I turned my head to avoid her gaze.

"What are you talking about?"-Scarlett

I said to her with a smile on my face.


Diana's voice sounded; we both look at where the sound came from.

"Your done Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I ask with a smile on my face, I notice Julie and Anne on her back with bags in their hands.

"Yes Princess"-Diana

Diana responded with a slight smile on her face, after looking at me, she couldn't help but set her gaze to the woman beside me.

"This is?"-Diana

She asks as she tilted her head.

I look at my side and saw her looking at Diana with adore(?) look on her eyes. I stare at her for a second before looking back at Diana.

"My name is Scarlett but please do call me Letty or Scar"-Scar

Scarlett or Letty smile at Diana as she stated her first name with a teasing tone on her voice, leaving her last name hidden.

"You have the same name as Princess Scarlett and you also have the same face but more mature, could It be—"-Diana

Diana spoke as she ignored her teasing, before she could speculate everything, Letty interrupted her.

"Scarlett Acer"-Scar

She stated her whole name with a smile on her face.

"Such a small world isn't it? I didn't expect to see someone who looks exactly like me and have a same name as me"-Scar

Letty spoke with joyful and surprise tone on her voice as she laughs after speaking, she smiles at Diana as she places her hand on her cheek.

Hearing Scar's word, Anne couldn't help but frown. I laugh at her words as I didn't say anything, letting her speak.


Diana mumbled as she slightly believes her, she then avoids Scar's loving gaze.

Suddenly, Scar took her pocket watch to the pocket of her cloak. She opens her pocket watch and look at the time.

"As much as I want to chat to the four of you, sadly my wife is waiting for me, if she waits for a long time, she will get mad~"-Scar

Scar informed us as she put a teasing tone on her voice at her last sentence, she spoke as she places her hand on her mouth, spreading her fingers apart.

Julie, Anne, and Diana widen their eyes as they heard her words, 'Wife? She as a woman have a wife?' is what they all thought as they heard her saying the word wife, they didn't expect Scar to have a wife let alone liking a woman.

I of course, just stare at her.

'Wife…I wonder who...?'

I thought to myself as I wonder who's her wife was.

"You…have a wife?"-Julie

It was Julie who broke the silence, she asks with 10% doubt and a 90% curious tone in her voice.

"Yeah~, I have to go now"-Scar

She said to us as she waves her hand, walking out to the other direction as the end of her cape waves as she walks.

"I didn't know that woman can marry a woman"-Diana

Diana muttered to herself as she looks down with her fist on her chin, as if she's thinking carefully.

"Yeah, you might not know this but the other kingdom allowed same-sex marriage"-Scarlett

I answered Diana's question with a smile on my face.

'Although that kingdom is very small'

Diana suddenly looks at me causing me to slightly flinch.

"Princess…is, Mrs. Scarlett your blood relative?"-Diana

She asks as she look directly in my eyes.

"No, this is my first time meeting her"-Scarlett

I answered her as I smile, shrugging my shoulder.

I met Anne's gaze when I look to the left, she stares at me as if she knows something but didn't know something at the same time.

I smile at her and didn't answer the questions that are forming on her eyes.

"Mhhh!! Let's get some food before we head back"-Scarlett

I stretch my hand out, letting out a moan. I suggest to get some food, looking at them with a grin on my face.



"I'm Home~"-Scar

Scarlett opened the door; she spoke with a joyful tone on her voice.

"Hmmm~ What took you so long?"-???

A woman's voice sounded in the inside of the room; her black hair can be seen from the side of the door.

"Well, I decided to take a little detour than usual"-Scar

Scarlett answered her question as she removes the cloak from her body and place it on the coat rack.

"You're not cheating on me, are you?"-???

The woman queried as she pops out her head to the door, you can see her face is beautiful with her black hair, although she's already in her early 30's, she looks like she's in her early 20's.

"What~ of course not"-Scarlett

She answered her as she walks towards her, hugging her as she smells her sweet fragrance.

"You better be, if you do…you know what will happen"-???

The woman pouted as she hugs her back, she took a sniff at her lover as she sweetly smiles. Her voice let out a threatening tone as she spoke to Scar, her eyes dimmed as she thought of something horrible.

"I won't~ you're the only one that I love until I die"-Scar

Scarlett smile as she patted her head, she combs her lover's hair.