Chapter 16: Hero/Traitor

Scarlett POV

"Princess, do you know that person?"-Anne

Anne looks at me straight in the eyes and ask.

The four of us are walking in a line, going back to the orphanage.

Anne asks me who are beside me in a low voice that only the two of us can hear.

"This is the first time we've talk"-Scarlett

I responded to her in a low voice, I glance at her with my head tilted down.

Anne slightly narrowed her eyes; she looks at me before looking back to the road.

"Is that so"-Anne

Anne voice out, her tone was as if she believes me but I could still hear some doubts on her tone.

"Are you doubting me? How could you!" I ask her as I let out an exaggerated sobbed, I covered my face it my hands as I sniff.

Diana heard my exaggerated sobbed, she turns around to see my hands covering my face.

Both Anne and Diana are distress when they saw me like this.

Seeing that Diana turned around, Julie also turns around and saw me crying making her eyes widen.

"W-What's wrong Princess?"-Diana

Diana asks with distress on her tone, she tried patting my back but quickly withdraw her hand.

"Why are you crying? Please act Properly Princess"-Anne

While Anne only scolded me as she let out sigh, she put her hand on her temple as she shakes her head, hiding her distress.

"Muu~ You're no fun"-Scarlett

I pouted as let out a dejected face. I forcefully let out a tear to look myself pitiful.

Anne's eyes look at me in disbelief as if she didn't know who's this person, a.k.a me.

"Princess…are you copying the personality of a character you've read 4 years ago?"-Anne

Anne asks in disbelief as she accurately stated the year of the book I have read.

"Does it suit me?"-Scarlett

I didn't ask Anne but ask Diana instead, turning my head to her direction to ask her with a smug on my face.

Diana was taken aback to my question while I saw Julie with her eyes widen a bit as she tried to hide smile on her face.

"Um…I would be lying if I said no Princess"-Diana

Diana hesitated for a while before responding to me. Her ears have a tint of red as she looks into my eyes.

I sweetly smile at her before turning back to Anne.

"See~ even Lady Diana said it suits me"-Scarlett

I said to Anne with a smug on my face. I put both of my hands to the back of my head as I walk.


Anne could only let out a sigh as we walk.


"Your Highness!!"-Knight

The knight who waited at the front of the orphanage called out to me; he hurriedly walks to our destination.


I ask, I look at the knight as I spoke. I saw a carriage not far away from us with two other knights guarding.

The knight stops walking a few meters away from us and kneeled down.

"Your Highness, His Majesty, the king order us to bring you to the palace"-Knight

I stare down to the knight who kneeled in front of me. I let out a smile before speaking to him.

"Why did my father call me?"-Scarlett

I ask.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness I don't know why, forgive this lowly subject"-Knight

The knight apologizes with deep regret on his tone. He lowers her head even more as he apologizes to me.


"Look, what's that?"-Scarlett

I ask as I pointed my finger from afar.

The knight and the others look toward the direction to where I point at.

Anne then quickly realizes what's happening and turn her head to my direction, her eyes widen.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, they turn back to look at me but found out that I was gone.

Anne and the others quickly look around and saw me entering the orphanage. The distance of the entrance of the orphanage to the front door are 50 meters far.

It would take half a minute for an average person to walk at that distance and its impossible to walk in split second with that distance.

I, of course can do it in a split second due to my impossible speed.


Anne shouted in distress when she saw me. She quickly apologizes to the knight before following me.

"Your highness…!"-Knight

The knight could only shout in distress but quickly gave up when he saw me enter the orphanage.

That's the last thing I heard before closing the door.

"Welcome back Princess Scarlett"-Kid

One of the kids of the orphanage sweetly greeted me with her bright smile.

I look around and only saw children who's below ten years old. Only 3 staff are guarding the kids while the others seem to be gone.

"Where's the others?"-Scarlett

I ask to the kid before turning my gaze to the one of the staff.

As soon as I ask, the children's and staff's body flinch. The children stop their action for a moment before going back to what they're doing, I glance at them and notice them shuddering.

I close my eyes for a second before looking at the staffs. Their body are shaking uncontrollably, their heads lower as they muster up to response to my question.

"T-they're busy doing something at the moment Your Highness"-Staff

The female staff lower her head as she responded, both of her hands are clasping to each other, controlling the shakiness.

At the same time, the door open. I didn't look at my back and continue to stare at them.

It was Diana, Anne and Julie who enter along with a couple of knights.

They saw the scene; their eyes widen as they stare in shock.

The tension atmosphere surrounded the room, full of frighted kids and staff with me looking at them as if I've bullied them.

"Princess? What's happening?"-Diana

It was Diana who ask, her voice seems to be hesitating to ask me.

"It's nothing, I was just asking them about the other kids"-Scarlett

I turn my head towards them with a smile on my face.

Diana stare at my face before turning at the staff's faces. At that moment, she understood something.

"Anne and Julie, Princess needed something to eat and drink"-Diana

Diana ordered the two with a slight smile on her face.

Anne and Julie immediately understand what was happening, they left the orphanage, leaving the knight behind.

"And you"-Diana

She added as she looks at the knight.

The knight flinch as he heard her voice, he subconsciously looks down, fearing Diana.

I narrowed my eyes to his direction, seeing his movement on my very own eyes.

"Come back, I'll go back to the palace tomorrow"-Scarlett

I ordered the knight.

He looks up to see my face, his eyes widen for a second before kneeling in front of us.

"Yes, Your Highness"-Knight

He bows down his head before standing up and bow down at a ninety degree, then leaving the orphanage.

I could hear the carriage getting away.

"Where are the other children?"-Diana

Diana asks to the staff, her sharp eyes stare at them.

"The-they're doing something at t-the moment, Lady D-Diana"-Staff

The staff keep stuttering as he replied to Diana's question, his forehead started forming sweats.

"Hm, that so, then we'll go to the garden since I want to eat"-Scarlett

I smile at the staff, I gently patted Diana's shoulder, telling her to stop.

Diana immediately understood my word and action. She stops staring at the staff, she looks at me, I look at her with a bright smile.

"T-then shall we escort you two there, Your Highness?"-Staff

The other staff offered; she musters her courage to speak.

"No need, I already memorize the whole layout of the orphanage"-Scarlett

I gave her a reassuring smile; I wave my hand as we leave the room.


"You're here Princess, Lady Diana"-Kyle

Kyle said to us as she saw us walking toward her.

The garden has a small rose maze leading to the center, where you can drink and eat snacks.

"What is it that you want?"-Diana

Diana asks, sitting down on the chair. Although she didn't mean to sound rude but for the others, she sounded rude.

"I guess you know why we're here"-Scarlett

I bluntly said to her with a charming smile, I sat down beside Diana and put my hand on the round table.

"Yes, but first of all, I would like to apologize my rudeness earlier Lady Diana. It was the only way I know to attract your attention without catching the attention of the director"-Kyle

The kid sincerely apologizes to Diana with an explanation as to why she did it, bowing her head at a ninety degree to let us see her sincere apology.

Diana's eyes widen, I guess she didn't expect the kid to apologize to her action as she seems to be use at getting that kind of comment.

"No, no, it's okay"-Diana

Diana waves her hand in a panic; you can see the distress look on her face but there is hidden joy on her eyes.

'She's really kind'

I thought to myself as I stare at them with dazzling smile.

"Ahem, back to the topic"-Kyle

Kyle cough as she places her fist to her mouth, covering her embarrassment.

"The moment I saw you Your Highness, I thought I should grab this opportunity. The head and the other kids are doing something, I snuck out to give this to you two Your Highness, Lady Diana"-Kyle

Kyle continues, she looks straight into our eyes as she confidently spoke. She took out some paper on her bag that was place underneath the table.

I look at Diana, she also looks at me before taking the paper that was presented to us.

I look at the contents of the paper, couldn't help but smile at this kid. At the corner of my eye, Diana was shock but quickly compose herself.

I put down the paper and look at Kyle who are sitting properly with her hands place both of her knees.

"Did you do this by yourself?"-Scarlett

I ask with pleased smile. I leaned forward, resting my elbow on the table while I rest my chin to my hand.

"Yes, since all of the kids seems to be given up"-Kyle

Kyle casted her gaze down, there's no sound of sadness can be heard on her voice, only the sound of disappointment.

"Princess, should we go back and prepare?"-Diana

Diana asks as she put down the paper on the table, looking towards me.

"Yeah, we'll go back later"-Scarlett

I responded to Diana, picking up the paper that Diana put down.

"This is a copy of the paper that you gave to me; this has been for you for how long?"- Scarlett

I ask, looking at the thick pile of paper on the table. I look at Kyle in the eye to see her answer.

"About an hour ago, Your highness"-Kyle

She answers honestly while looking straight into my eyes, then lowered her eyes.

"Well to be precise, it took me 30 minutes to sneak and take the papers"-Kyle

She added while scratching her neck.

Her words shock us, I then look at the paper with a satisfied smile.

"So, that means you have 20 minutes to copy all of this"-Diana


Diana stated as she calculated the time, placing her curled finger to her lips.


The kid immediately answers with a proud smile on her face.

"Tell me, how? Surely you can't finish this copying all of this under 20 minutes"-Scarlett

I ask, I look at her with a doubtful look.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you Your Highness but I know you'll understand it…because we all have a secret, do we? Princess?"-Kyle

The kid looks down before looking into my eyes with enigmatic smile, her eyes staring gently at me which is different from her smile.

Her words hit me

That's right…

We all have a secret.

"Hmmm, is that so"-Scarlett

I smile at her.

"You don't mind me getting this copy, right?"-Scarlett

I added with a gently smile on my face, I tilted my head as I take half of the copy and wave it.

"Yes, please do it as soon as possible, I've heard from the head that he will start tomorrow or after tomorrow"-Kyle

Kyle responded as she pleaded, she bow her head with her hands clenching on her pants.

Yes, she wore pants compared to the other girls here who are wearing skirts.

"It's advantageous if we caught them in an act, so we can know who's their accomplices"-Diana

Diana muttered but enough for us to hear, her expression suddenly turned serious as she spoke.

"Kyle, do you know what time they'll do the plan? We need to know it"-Diana

She added, she looks at the kid with serious look. Diana crosses her leg while resting her elbow on the armrest.

Her aura suddenly turns dominant, releasing her business mode.

'I heard that this is the other reason why they fear Diana'

I thought to myself as I glance at her, I cover my mouth with my hand, hiding my pleased smile.

"Well…as for now, I don't know but I'll be sure to give it to you, Lady Diana, the time with my carrier bird"-Kyle

The kid slowly responded for moment before continuing steadily, she places her crossed her arm while her chin resting on her left hand.

"Carrier bird? Won't they become suspicious at that? Unless you have other bird that isn't a known as a carrier bird but it can deliver a letter because you train them"-Diana

Diana commented at the kid's words as well as sharing her thoughts to us.

"Fufu, you have just said my explanation, Lady Diana"-Kyle

The kid let out a soft chuckle, her eyes gently narrowed as she chuckles.

"This is my carrier bird"-Kyle

Kyle added, she put her middle and index finger to her mouth then whistle. The sound was a high-pitch but not loud enough for someone far from the rose maze could hear.

We waited for a moment and saw a crow heading towards us, just as it was a few meters away from us, the crow dive down and carefully landed on Kyle's shoulder.

"A crow huh? I also like crows, it's an amazing bird for disguise"-Scarlett

I praise the idea with a friendly smile to the crow. I lean forward and gently touch the crows head, patting it with great love.

"It surely is Princess; I didn't expect crows to be like this"-Diana

Diana agreed. She stares at the crow who are nuzzling up against on my head, acting like a dog that I rarely see in the kingdom.

"If you have a way to communicate to someone then why didn't you do it in the past? You could've saved other children"-Scarlett

I ask what's been wondering on my mind, I look at Kyle in the eyes while waiting for an answer.

"No, it will ruin the story…that I have read"-Kyle

Kyle lowered her eyes as she answers, her voice was lowered as she spoke.

"It's a great story that's why I wanted someone to take care of this problem like the story I have read"-Kyle

She added, she raises her eyes and look at us with an innocent smile.