Chunin Exams 7 [Kuchiyose no Jutsu and More]

After we arrived at the waterfall, Jiraiya just looked at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, I was about to say something but he beat me to it

Jiraiya: "Alright, Just wait here" Jiraiya told me as he started making handsigns, Little did he know i had my eyes activated

Jiraiya: "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" He said as a *Poof* of smoke came out, When the smoke was gone, You could see a toad that has a scroll on it's mouth and a little taller than Jiraiya as he was on it's head

Jiraiya: "Catch" He said as the toad spit the scroll out of it's mouth as i caught it

Jiraiya: "That is a summoning contract, Open it up and draw some blood and write your name in one of the blank spaces" He said as i did what Jiraiya said and wrote my name in the contract as it dissapeared

Jiraiya: "Now try to do the Kuchiyose no Jutsu like i did just now" He said as i bit my thumb and it drew some blood as i started making handsigns

Naruto: "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" I said as a big smoke erupted as Gamabunta could be seen as Jiraiya has his jaw dropped

Jiraiya: "I'm starting to believe that old man" He said in awe

Gamabunta: "Jiraiya! Why did you summon me when there's no enemies!" He angrily said to him

Jiraiya: "I'm not the one who summoned you"

Naruto: "I did" I said to him as Gamabunta was not believing me at all

Gamabunta: "Pfft nice trick Jiraiya" He said

Naruto: "It wasn't a trick, And your my summon now and you'll follow my orders" I said to him

Gamabunta: "Not in hell i would listen to you!" He shouted

Naruto: "Then how about we make a bet then, If i can stay on your back till sunset then you'll be my friend, If not then idk"

Gamabunta: "..Fine, I accept, You won't last that long anyways" He said as the challenge started as Gamabunta started to jump uncontrollably

Meanwhile with Jiraiya

Jiraiya: "He's doing pretty good" He said as he watched Gamabunta trying so hard to get rid of me as he jumped and jumped but nothing worked

Jiraiya: "He's like his father somehow" Jiraiya said as he heard some giggles as he turned around seeing two women in a bikini as they played in the waterfall

Jiraiya: "Oh yes! Those two babes are bussin!" He said as blood trickled down his nose as he went to the bushes and went closer to them so that he can have a better view.

Back with Naruto

Naruto: "Give up already" I said to him again as he ignored me and continued to jump randomly to try to get me off his back

After sometime the sunset was visible as Gamabunta stopped, He was breathing heavily as i had a grin on my face

Naruto: "Sooo i won?" I said to him

Gamabunta: "Yeah *Pant* you won brat, This doesn't show nothing, My name is Gamabunta by the way" He said

Naruto: "Nice to meet ya Gamabunta" I said to the toad as he nodded

Gamabunta: "Try meeting other toads and find your very own partner, I already have Jiraiya so you better find a personal summon toad for you" He said as he dissapeared in a *Poof* of smoke as i was falling but i dissapeared mid air and arrived on the ground

Naruto: "Phew! Done, Now to find him again" I said as i dissapeared and seconds later i arrived behind Jiraiya as he was peeping on the two women in a bikini

Naruto: "Hey you stupid Pervy Sage" I said to him and as he turned around to face me 'Oh no, Not him too!' Jiraiya sadly thought

Jiraiya: "I'm guessing you won the bet" He said as i nodded

Jiraiya: "Heh, Pretty good brat, Let's end your training today and continue on tommorow" Jiraiya said to me

Naruto: "Why? Are you going to spy on naked woman all day?" I said to him as he put his hand on my mouth

Jiraiya: "What are you saying, Of course i will, Just dont let those beauties hear you" He said as he removed his hands as i left in thin air

Naruto: "I'm bored...I guess i'll go see Kakashi" I said as i made my to him

And moments later i can see that he is in an apartment 'Well in the show Kakashi was living in an apartment, But still he owns the Hatake compound' i thought as i made it behind one of his windows

Kakashi: "Do you like that?" He said to someone almost a bit seductively

Anko: "Yes i do, Now shut up and continue!" Anko said

Kakashi: "You so desperate Anko-chan~" He said and i think i heard him smirk as i heard what i think was slapping 'Nah I've read to many novels that has misunderstanding's like this one, Atleast i hope this one is a misunderstanding' i thought as i took a peak on the window as i saw a purple panties and a purple bra on the floor as i immediately whipped my head back

Naruto: "...Hahaha" I nervously chuckled as i run as fast as i can back to my apartment

Naruto: "I don't think that it's a misunderstanding, What could they be doing involving her panties and bra except THAT" I said as i made it back into my apartment as i went inside and laid to bed as i thought about my time here in this supposed fictional world

Naruto: "My life in this world is pretty good, Im a 23 year old man inside of a 12 year old boy, I never really thought about this that much, I've been having fun as Naruto in his world, And certainly better than my previous life, Though i miss my previous life, *Sigh* I should stop thinking about this too much"I said to myself and suddenly a huge amount of information was in my head

Naruto: "Agh! I wasn't ready!" I said as the pain continued for a while until it stopped

Naruto: "So Water Manipulation is looking good, Tommorow i'll practice my Jutsu's or my clones will, Fuinjutsu, Damn it's complicated even if my Clone's completed the begginers and the intermediate books for Fuinjutsu" I said as it was night time as i didn't even bother taking a shower as i closed my eyes and let darkness take away.

[Hope you enjoy]