Chunin Exams 8 [Finals]

And just like that, A month has passed and now it's time for the third round of the Chunin Exams, Over the passed month nothing much happened, My Water Jutsu's are doing great, My Fuinjutsu is still not that good but i believe that i'm above average, But i only made some storage seals, But it's a high quality storage seal, One of which is for my Bo Staff which is placed in my right hand, Also i trained in Wind Manipulation, I can now cut a waterfall with wind chakra, And of course you know i had to try the Rasenshuriken, And it turned out great, I managed to create it on my first try without clones, But it dispelled right away as i was so happy that it almost explode, I managed to copy the Chidori from Sasuke while he was training with Kakashi, When i had nothing to do i hang out with Shikamaru and Choji, I visit Hinata every now and then, Me and Jiraiya just trained in Taijutsu, I guess he's holding of the Rasengan for now which i already know, I also got one Iryu Jutsu (Hope it's correct) which is just the Mystical Palm Technique for emergencies

Naruto: "I haven't thought of a end plan yet, Yeah i think stopping Kaguya would be my plan, Then take Toneri's Tenseigan too, And if possible combine it with my eyes" I muttered to myself as i made my way to the Arena for the finals

Kurama: "Still can't believe you have that blasted Sharingan, I didn't even sense Uchiha DNA in you before and then magically BOOM Uchiha DNA in your system" Kurama said to me

Naruto: "You have to deal with it then" I said to him

Kurama: "Hmph, I won't lie, Those eyes are very powerful, And i respect power, But i still hate it"

Naruto: "Then you will love it more when i obtain or unlocked something" I said to him as he was confused to what i was saying as i continued to walk to the Arena

After a good 20 minute walk in peace, I arrived at the entrance of the Arena as it opened and i walked in as i was just on time as i made it to were Shika and the other contestant's were

Naruto: "Yo Shika" I greeted him as i went next to him

Shikamaru: "What a drag, I didn't sign up for this"

Naruto: "You didn't, You could've given up in the preliminaries"

Shikamaru: "But my mom would be angry"

Naruto: "Even better"

Shikamaru: "...No" He said as i chuckled as like in the show Sasuke was nowhere to be seen as i looked around us as i saw Gaara, Neji, Temari, Kankuro and Shino as the crowd cheered loudly as the Third Hokage just gave a speech to everyone who was present as Genma Shiranui came in the Arena, Getting the attention of the crowd

Genma: "The first fight will be Sabaku no Gaara against Uchiha Sasuke" He said as the crowd roared as they waited for them to come down, But Sasuke didn't show up as the people were getting impatient.

Third: "I think we should call this match up" He said as the Kazekage or Orochimaru got surprised

Orochimaru: "No Hokage-dono, We should move Sasuke-kun's match and choose the next one" He said to his sensei

Third: "You sure want Sasuke-kun to fight Kazekage-dono, Very well then, Genma move Sasuke Uchiha's fight with Gaara and let the next match start" He said to Genma as he nodded

Genma: "Sorry for the delay everybody, Now Neji Hyuga and Uzumaki Naruto, Please come down" He called out for us

Shikamaru: "Go easy on him" He said to me

Naruto: "Okay" I replied back as i appeared in the Arena as Neji made his way down as he stood a good few feet across me, Clenching his fists tightly as he looked at me angrily as i just stand their, Not affected by it

Random Civilian: "Yes! Finally we have been waiting for some action!" He shouted as the people cheered in relief

Genma: "You boys ready?" Genma said as i nodded

Neji: "Just start the match" He said to him as his voice was deep in anger

Genma: "Alright, 1, 2, 3 Hajime!" He said as he jumped back not wanting to interfere the fight as we just stood their staring at each other

Neji: "You think your so special, Your nothing but an orphan who has no life" He said as i almost jumped at him but i kept my cool

Naruto: "Look who's talking" I said to him as he activated his Byakugan and rushed me with speeds that Neji in the show never had

Neji: "You take that back!" He said as he tried to turn off my chakra network in my shoulder but i dodged it as he got irritated and started to launch attack after attack at me as i continued to finesse him.

Meanwhile with Hiashi

Hanabi: "Father, How is he dodging Neji-nii-san's attacks that easily?" She said to her Father, Hiashi, As he had no words to reply back to Hanabi's question

Hiashi: "Let's just continue to watch the fight, Hanabi" He said as she nodded.

Kiba: "Whoa, Naruto's playing with Neji" He said outloud as Hinata watched carefully at the match 'Is it because of me that he's not fighting back?' She thought as i continued to dodged his attacks.

Back with Naruto

Neji: "Are you just gonna dodge? Are you afraid to attack me huh?" He said as he charged at me again as i swiftly dodged his attacks as the crowd was getting dissatisfied

Random Civilian: "Come on! Don't just dodged! Do something!" He shouted towards me as the people also continued to complain as i dodged Neji's attack on my shoulder as i sidestepped it and kicked him in the stomach as he was sent flying as the crowd went silent

Naruto: "Ehh? I must have tired him" I said to myself as Genma was about to call the match but Neji stood up holding his stomach as the crowd cheered

Neji: "N-no i won't lose, My fate is to win" He said as he started rushing me again as he tried closed combat again

Neji: "Eight Trigrams: 8 Palms" He said as his attack become more faster as he continued

Neji: "Eight Trigrams: 16 Palms"

Neji: "32 Palms!"

Neji: "64 Palms!" He said as he pulled through as he managed to do the Eight Trigrams: 64 Palms but i managed to block all of it with my hands as Neji stopped as he fell on the ground in his knees

Neji: "N-no! This wasn't supposed to be my fate" Neji said, Trying to push himself to his limits as he tried to stand up but couldn't as it resulted in him falling to the ground as i made it in front of him

Naruto: "Just try to listen to me just once Neji, Fate can always be changed starting with you, Like me" I said as he took his time to digest those words in his head as he closed his eyes as he was unconscious on the ground

Genma: "The winner is Naruto Uzumaki" Genma said as some cheered and some didn't since they didn't really want me to win which i don't care as i looked at the direction where Hinata was as she noticed me looking at her as she blushed and hid her face from me as i smiled as Genma took Neji to one of the medical rooms in the Arena as i made my way back to Shikamaru but not before making a hole underneath the Arena

Shikamaru: "He would've done better if he didn't let his emotions loose" He said

Naruto: "He could've done well with the others, Heck he could've win but he got me" I said to him

Shikamaru: "Your such a drag" He said to me as i grinned.

Orochimaru: "That was...A one sided fight" He said as the Third Hokage nodded

Third: "It was indeed" He said to him

Orochimaru: "Is Sasuke-kun here yet Hokage-dono, Im looking forward for his fight" He said as Hiruzen looked at him as the Jonin who was beside the Third Hokage whispered to him

Penisus: "No news of Sasuke yet Hokage-sama, And theirs the issue with Orochimaru, We should disqualify him" He said in his ear as Orochimaru looked at them

Randon Civilian: "What's going on? Start the next match already!"

Random Civilian: "We don't have all day to wait!" They shouted as Genma was waiting for the Third Hokage's orders.

Ino: "What's going on with the next match?" She said as Sakura who was seated beside her was worried about Sasuke 'Is Sasuke-kun here? Where is he?' She thought.

Shikamaru: "What the hell? Is he not showing up?" He said as Shino came beside us

Shino: "From the looks of it, It might be possible" He said as Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were also waiting for him to arrive

Naruto: "Don't worry, He'll arrived" I said to them as i looked at Gaara as he was also looking at me as Shikamaru was going back and fourth between us as Gaara looked away from me 'Just a few more matches and the invasion starts' i thought seriously

Third: "I guess there's no choice...Sasuke Uchiha is disqualified" He said as Kazemaru looked at him

Orochikaze: "Sasuke-kun is...Disqualified?" He said in a disbelief voice

Third: "It has to be done" He said as the Sand Siblings were worried, Well Kankuro was for the most part

Kankuro: "What are we going to do? If he doesn't show up then our...invasion" He said

Temari: "This is not looking good" She said as Gaara just looked up at the sky as he knew that he will arrived as he showed himself to one of his training session with Kakashi a few days when the preliminaries were over

KazeMaru: "Hokage-dono, Would you consider to wait a little more for Sasuke-kun" He said to him

Third: "There's no guarantee of him arriving, But..."

Penisus: "Hokage-sama!"

Third: "...All right then, We will officially postpone this match and wait" He officially said as Orochimaru nodded

Penisus: "Lord Hokage! Really" He said to Hiruzen

Third: "Go inform Genma" He said as he obliged as he dissapeared in a *Poof* of smoke 'It's rare for the Kazekage to insist like that' he thought.

Genma: "I understand" He said to Penisus as he Body Flickered away as he looked at the crowd

Genma: "Everybody, The candidate for the next match has not arrived here, Therefore we will start the other matches from now" He said as Kankuro, Shikamaru, Asuma, Kurenai, Sakura, Ino and pretty much everybody were surprised and dissapointed

Asuma: "That Sasuke...What is he doing?" He said as he was sitting next to Kurenai

Ino: "Yatta! Sasuke-kun didn't get disqualified" She said happily as Sakura had a sad expression on her face.

Shikamaru: "Wait, That means my match is one match closer" He said angrily

Genma: "Now on to the next match, Kankuro and Shino Aburame" He said as Kankuro got worried as Baki, Their sensei, Gritted his teeth as Kankuro looked at Temari and she nodded

Kankuro: "Proctor! I give up" He bluntly said to him

Shikamaru: "What?"

Genma: "Nani?" He said as Shino just looked at him

Kankuro: "I give up, Please advance the matches" He said as the crowd were again dissapointed as Genma *Sighed*

Genmai: "Due to Kankuro's abstention, Shino wins by default" He said as the crowd complained as Temari suddenly grab his fan as she swung it as it created a big amount of wind as she road her fan to the ground as he landed next to the proctor

Genma: "And you are?"

Temari: "My turn is it?"

Genma: "Your really fired up huh, Well then the last one come down" He said as Shikamaru complained

Naruto: "Don't be so sacred Shika, I'll help you out" I said as i pushed him off the ledge as he landed on the Arena

Shikamaru: "Damn you Naruto!" He angrily shouted as he stood up and looked at Temari

Genmai: "The next fight is Temari and Shikamaru Nara" He said as the crowd cheered loudly

[I changed some things but not much, Hope you enjoy]