Invasion 2 [Awakening...]

After sometime we were about to approach Sasuke

and the Sand Siblings destination

Sakura: "Hey Naruto, You could put me down now" She said

Naruto: "Okay" I said as we stopped and i let Sakura down as she stretched her arms

Sakura: "Okay let's go" She said as we continued our travels as we were reaching Sasuke and the others as we ran the same pace as before but Sakura was barely keeping up with us, After a while of running through the trees, Suddenly some ninja's appeared and surrounded us

Shikamaru: "This is bad" He said as Sakura held her Kunai tightly as Shino got a little tensed at the situation

Naruto: "Close your eyes" I said to them

"Why?" They all said to me

Naruto: "Trust me" I said as they closed their eyes

"It seem's this little brats have accepted their lives" One of the ninja said as they started to laugh and taunt us

Naruto: "I'll finish this quickly" I said as 10 Chakra Chains appeared behind my back as it grabbed the ninja's as they were panicking

"W-what? They didn't inform us this!" One of the Ninja shouted as i threw them on a tree as all of them screamed in pain as their bones started to crack as i did it a second time for extra measures and they couldn't take it anymore as they left the precious world as i got rid of my chains

Naruto: "You can open your eyes now" I said to them and they did and saw the Ninja's laying on the ground without motion as they looked at me

Naruto: "Well...Come on" I said as they didn't say anything as we continued our pace as i sense Sasuke's Chakra signature coming closer and closer 'Nice, Just need to finish them quickly' i thought as we made our way towards them

After a little while we arrived and we saw a tired Sasuke leaning on a tree as Gaara could be seen in front of him, Having Shukaku's parts on his right side of his body as he looked at Sasuke with a thirst of blood as he threw a punch at him but i managed to kick it away as i uppercutted him, Making his sand armor more cracked as he landed on one of the other tree's in the area as Shikamaru, Shino and Sakura came by Sasuke's side as Gaara looked at us

Gaara: "Grrr" He just growled as his entire body was completely covered with sand as he rushed at me but i just sidestepped his kick as i threw a punch but his arm managed to block it, He tried to kick me but i jumped away and created four Shadow Clones, It rushed at Gaara as his body was being toyed by my Clones and one of them managed to kick Gaara high in the air as me and the other Clones rushed at him in the air

Clone1: "U" Said one of the Clones as they kicked Gaara in the stomach

Clone2: "Zu" Said the other one as he punch Gaara in the back

Clone3: "Ma" Said the Clone as he kneed Gaara in the face

Clone4: "Ki" The last Clone said as he delivered a Leaf Hurricane to him as i appeared on top of him

Naruto: "Barrage! No copyright" I said as i infused a little Chakra in my hands as i punched him in the stomach as he hit the ground hard as i jumped away and landed with the others

Sakura: "You okay Naruto?" She asked as i nodded

Naruto: "Yeah" I said as they were confused as the dust settled down as Gaara could be seen in a small crater with a big dent formed on his stomach as Temari and Kankuro could only watch in shocked

Shikamaru: "I don't think that's enough" He said as Gaara suddenly move and stood up as the big dent in his stomach was now gone and was replaced by sand as he got bigger and bigger as a large smoke formed the forest

Sasuke: "What the?"

Sakura: "What's happening to him?"

They all questioned as the smoke subdued, Revealing Shukaku in the flesh

Shukaku: "Haha, Hahaha, Im finally free!" He roared loudly as it caused the leaves to flee

Shino: "Let's leave, I don't think we can stop it" He said as the others nodded

Shikamaru: "Don't be stupid Naruto" Shika said to me as i smirked as i bit my thumb

Naruto: "I'm already stupid, Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" I said as i summoned Gamabunta as he looked towards him and saw Shukaku

Gamabunta: "Hey brat, I know that im the strongest battle toad available but fighting the One-tails is still out of my league" He said to me

Naruto: "Believe in yourself, Besides your a good toad" I said as Shukaku notices us

Shukaku: "Oh? A toad, Tch you think you can beat me? Haha!" He laughed outloud

Kurama: "I'm getting annoyed at him, Just finish him already" Kurama said to me

Naruto: "Alright alright, You need to chill" I said to him

Naruto: "Alright Gamabunta, Charged!"

Gamabunta: "...Hell no! Do you have some other plan other than charge at him?"

Naruto: "I know what I'm doing just rushed at him or her" I said as Gamabunta grabbed his sword and rushed at Shukaku

Shukaku: "So you have a death wish" He said as we rushed him as Gamabunta sliced Shukaku's upper body but it just reformed again and he backed away and rushed at him again

Gamabunta: "You better make this count" He said as i nodded as Gamabunta's sword clased with Shukaku's sand arm as i jumped and went to Shukaku's head as i saw a sleeping Gaara

Naruto: "Ninja Art: Bitch Slap" I said as i infused a little bit of my chakra into my hand as i was about to slap him but the sand in Shukaku's head tried to restrain me but i vanished and appeared in front of Gaara as i slapped him in the cheek, Making a loud slap noice heard all over the forest as Gaara's cheeks were red

Shukaku: "Nooo! I just got out" He said as he tried to grab me but i jumped away, Landing on the ground and thanked Gamabunta as he went back to Mt. Myoboku as Shukaku started shrinking as he was again sealed inside of Gaara as he landed on the ground hard as i followed him and he looked at me with fear in his eyes

Gaara: "N-no! Stay back!" He said to me as i walked closer to him and i knelt beside him

Naruto: "Listen, Let's be friends okay?" I said as he was confused and surprised, The only thing he could do was nod his head as i smiled

Naruto: "Good, Now your siblings will be taking care of you" I said as i vanished as Temari and Kankuro appeared beside Gaara as they carried him and left as i reappeared beside's Shika, Shino, Sakura and Sasuke

Shikamaru: "Were okay now?"

Naruto: "Yeah, Come on, The village is still under attack" I said as they nodded as we made our way back to the village.


Hiruzen: "Can't let the third one finish" He said as he tried to stop the third coffin, And it stopped as Orochimaru was surprised

Orochimaru: "Eh? I guess these two will do" He said as the two coffins opened and it revealed Hashirama and Tobirama Senju

Hashirama: "What is the meaning of this?" He said as he looked around him, And sometime later he landed his eyes on Sarutobi

Tobirama: "So somebody used my Jutsu, Tch" He said as Hiruzen just looked at them

Third: "Sensei" He mumbled

Tobirama: "Your looking pretty old Sarutobi" He said to him as Hashirama grinned

Hashirama: "Oh! Is it you Hiruzen? Can't believe your still Hokage" He said as he laughed

Orochimaru: "Now enough reminiscing, I think it's time for a show" He said as both Senju brothers rushed at Hiruzen

Hashirama: "Goodluck Hiruzen"

Tobirama: "Let's see how far have you gone" They said as the Third Hokage readied his staff

Hiruzen: "Let's go King Enma"

Enma: "Hai"


Naruto: "Were here" I said as we arrived at the arena as Kakashi, Gai and Asuma were taking care of the ninja's 'He should've showed when those ninja ambushed us, Nothing i can do now' i thought as we arrived next to them

Kakashi: "Your back with Sasuke" He said to us as we nodded

Naruto: "Yeah, Look's like their still coming" I said and he nodded

Kakashi: "We could use some help, Well we don't need it but it will go much faster" He said as more ninja's appeared as i just clapped them as more of them appeared as everyone got ready

And little no more than minute's later, No more ninja's came as Shino, Shikamaru, Sakura and Sasuke were holding their breath whilst me and the others were fine

Kakashi: "Good job all of you" He said with his eye smile

Gai: "That was very youthful!" Gai said as he gave us a thumbs up as Asuma just nodded his head at us

Kakashi: "Hey Naruto, Can you get my kunai's in my apartment?" Asked Kakashi

Naruto: "Huh? But we already dealt with them" I said as he nodded

Kakashi: "Well we did, But for safety measures we need to be prepared" He said as i nodded my head but was still doubtful as i went to get Kakashi's kunais

Kakashi: "Okay so what really happened?" He said to the others as Shikamaru was the one who responded first

Shikamaru: "He single-handedly took out that Gaara guy" He said as Kakashi nodded, Sasuke hearing it clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth which was noticed by everyone

Kakashi: "Did Gaara transform or something?" He questioned as Shika nodded

Shikamaru: "Yeah, He transformed into like a sand racoon with a big tail" He said as Kakashi looked up to the sky

Shikamaru: "Why do you need to know anyway's?"

Shika said as he looked back at him

Kakashi: "I sensed he didn't want to tell me something so i had to ask it from you guys" Kakashi said as i arrived back.

Naruto: "Here" I said as i threw his pouch of kunai's to him as he cought it

Kakashi: "Thanks Naruto, Now first things first, Help us with these people" He said as all of them nodded and they got up and started to help the people get out of the Genjutsu as i just stood in place

Kakashi: "Hey Naruto, What's wrong?" He said to me

Naruto: "..Uh, Nothing nothing" I said as i turned around, Facing the roof where Orochimaru and the Third Hokage were

Naruto: "I'll just need to do something" I said as i started running towards the roof as Kakashi just watched

Kakashi: "So he's gonna help the Hokage" He murmured quietly as to not alert the others, Eventually he started to help them as well.

Gamakichi: "Yo Naruto!" He suddenly shouted as i saw him jumped of the roof that he was on and landed on my head

Naruto: "What's wrong?" I asked, Fully aware of what is happening in their, But i still asked

Gamakichi: "Things are not looking good for that old man"

Naruto: "Really" I said as he nodded

Gamakichi: "Yeah, Come on, We got no time too waste if you want to help that old bastard" He said as i started sprinting though i could just appear beside but my mind is not letting me choose that, I wonder why

As we got closer and closer, My body starts to heat up, My heartbeats are going faster, I'm feeling nervous for some reason, Feeling something bad is going to happen that will affect me as my legs were a little shaky now but i still sprinted forward

And sometime i arrived as my eyes widened, Seeing Hiruzen get stab by the Kusanagi blade as he held Orochimaru in place as he already finished the Reaper Death seal, He managed to seal his hands, Getting Orochimaru's hands turned purple as he shrieked loudly as the Third Hokage let go of him and his body fell as from reflex, I appeared beside's Sarutobi and caught his body as my eyes started to water, And eventually tears flooded out of my eyes as it changed into a blue vibrant eyes into the three-tomoe Sharingan as it started to spin rapidly

Orochimaru: "Ahhhh! My arms...You goddamn old fool!" He shouted towards us as my eyes kept spinning until it changed into a new pattern, A shuriken with 4 sided blades like a normal one but each side was shaped like a sickle or scythe as i closed my right eye as blood trickled down my left eye as i turned my head towards Orochimaru



[Alright im back! Atleast i hope, My fever is pretty much gone, I just have to take care of myself more, Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter! :D.]