
"Amaterasu" I said as black flames formed on Orochimaru's chest as he screamed loudly

Orochimaru: "Ahhh!" He loudly exclamed as he tried to remove it but no luck, Fortunately for him, He managed to escape by removing his skin like a snake

Orochimaru: "Damn you!" He shouted at me as he started running away, I was about to chase him, But my body was unresponsive as i was exhausted for some reason

Orochimaru: "Remove the barrier and let's go!" He shouted toward's his servants as they nodded and the barrier was gone as they started to run as my vision was slowly getting weaker and weaker, But right on time Kakashi and the others arrived

Kakashi: "Oh no" He exclaimed as he went next to me and Hiruzen as the others followed

Sakura: "Are you okay Naruto?" She asked me as i nodded

Naruto: "Yeah, I need to rest, Im exhausted" I saod to them as they nodded as Kakashi checked Hiruzen's temperature as his eyes widened

Kakashi: "I-i..." He could not muster any words as the others immediately knew and they had sad looks on their faces, Except Sasuke

Kakashi: "Get Naruto in his apartment" He said startling everyone even me

Shikamaru: "Why his apartment?" He said as everyone was confused by his statement

Kakashi: "The buildings, And most likely the hospital was damaged in the invasion, The only place for him to rest is his apartment, So go and get him their, I'll deal with Hokage-sama, Sasuke you stay with me" He said to them as we nodded as Shikamaru and Shino lifted me up as they put my arms around their shoulders for support as we made our way to my apartment.

Sakura: "Can't believe Hokage-sama is gone" She said while we were walking

Shikamaru: "Yeah, Hokage-sama must have had the fight of his life, And i don't know what happened with Naruto" He said as i fell asleep

Shikamaru: "He's asleep" He exclaimed

Sakura: "I guess he had some kind of fight" She said

Shino: "I think he tried to help Hokage-sama but he was too late or he manged to fight them off and forced the enemy to retreat"

Shikamaru: "Come on, We should think about this another time, Let's just take Naruto to his apartment, He had already done enough in the invasion" He said as both of them nodded

After a while we made it the front door of my apartment as they entered and saw a worried Hinata sitting on my bed, When she saw me, She started crying as Shikamaru and Shino laid me in my bed as Hinata kneeled beside the bed sobbing

Sakura: "Hey Hinata, Just want to know, Why were you here in Naruto's apartment?" She asked her

Hinata: "He brought m-me here because there w-was going to be an i-invasion, S-so he decided to l-let me stay in h-his apartment so that i-i wil be safe" She said as she started to cry more and more on my chest as they could only watch as Sakura tried to calm her down

Hinata: "*Sob*P-please be alright*Sob* N-Naruto-kun" She sobbed out

Sakura: "He's gonna be alright Hinata, He's just exhausted that's all" She tried to reassured as it's still wasn't affecting Hinata

After a while Shikamaru and Shino left as Hinata was still beside me with Sakura calming her down as the sun was setting

Sakura: "It's already dark outside?" She muttered

Sakura: "Hey Hinata, Come on, It's gonna be night soon" She said to Hinata

Hinata: "B-but i want to stay w-with him tonight" She stuttered out

Sakura: "I know, I know, But let's leave him for now, He's beat and he needs all the rest he can get, You can visit him tommorow anyways" She to her as Hinata slowly nodded her head as she got up and so did Sakura

Hinata: "O-ok" She said and Hinata looked at me one last time before going out of my apartment with Sakura following her as i was alone in my apartment


Naruto: "Ugh, My head" I exclamed loudly

Kurama: "Huh, Nice job brat" Kurama suddenly said to me as i looked at him

Naruto: "What happened to me?" I asked him

Kurama: "Well you formed black flames around that snake guy and you suddenly fell asleep and now your here" He said to me as i was surprised

Naruto: "What? How?"

Kurama: "I don't know, But i sense a lot of emotion's coming from you before you were slowly getting sleepy so maybe that's the reason?"

Naruto: "Huh, Well bullshit, Oh and you said black flames?"

Kurama: "Uh yeah? What about it?" He questioned me as i stood up and closed my eyes as i sent some Chakra into it and opened them, Revealing my Mangekyou Sharingan which surprises Kurama

Kurama: "You've evolved your Sharingan of yours!" He shouted loudly as i stared at him with my MS (Mangekyou Sharingan) as he got a little tensed

Naruto: "Heh, I knew getting close to that old monkey would pay off" I said as i deactivated my MS as there was a uncomfortable silence until Kurama broke it

Kurama: "You know brat...You have been interesting since we have first met"

Naruto: "Oh? Is that so 'Kyuubi'," I emphasize the last word as he was confused at first but didn't care as he continued

Kurama: "Yeah, So you should be honored that the great Kyuubi has praised you" He said to me as i grinned at him

Naruto: "Yeah yeah, I think i should've been praised earlier" I said as he growled

Kurama: "Grrr, I had to check to see if your really the big deal...Also my real name is Kurama" He said

Naruto: "...Ok Kurama" I said with a deadpan look as that made him angry

Naruto: "I guess i'm stuck with you"

Kurama: "What's that supposed to mean brat!"

Naruto: "That means your a tsundere" I said as we continued to talk for a while as i waited to be concious again.


[Next Day]

It's now the next day as i woke up feeling better than ever before as i looked around my surroundings

Naruto: "My apartment? Must have forgotten something yesterday, I guess this will do" I said as i heard foot steps just in front of my apartment door

Naruto: "This Chakra signature, It's Hinata" I muttered quietly, As i'll try to prank her as i closed my eyes, Pretending to be asleep as she opened the door and sat beside the bed next to me

Hinata: "Naruto-kun..." She could only say as she suddenly climbed on top of me and rested her head in my chest as she snuggled into me

Hinata: "Please be alright...I love you" She suddenly said as i just smirked, Fortunately she didn't notice it 'Hehe, Caught her' i thought happily

Naruto: "You really mean that Hinata-chan" I suddenly said as she was startled as i heard her 'eep' and i opened my eyes

Hinata: "N-Naruto-kun? W-wait that means..." She said as Hinata blushed a bright tomato as she started to cutely hide her face in my shirt as she kept hitting me with her hands as i just chuckled at her

Naruto: "Haha, Your so cute" I said as it made her blush harder

Hinata: "Y-your embarrassing m-me N-Naruto-kun" She whined at me

Naruto: "Well no one's here except for me" I said as she turned her head to look at my blue eyes

Naruto: "So, Do you mean what you say?" I said to hear, Snapping her out of her thoughts

Hinata: "U-um..Y-yes i meant e-everysingle word" She said to and i just smiled at her

Naruto: "Well i could say the same for you" I said as Hinata's eye's widened

Hinata: "R-really?" She said and i nodded my head as she immediately hug me as i responded as well, Wrapping my arms around her waist as we laid down in my bed

Naruto: "How long have i been out for?"

Hinata: "O-only for one day"

Naruto: "One day huh... Where's the Third"

Hinata: "O-oh um, Hokage-sama i-is gone" She said to me as i already knew the answer but i still had a sad expression on my face, Hinata seeing this brought her hands up to my hair and started to stroke it as i looked at her

Hinata: "I-i know how close y-you were to Hokage-sama, All i-i could do is be at your side" She said to me as i blushed a little bit

Naruto: "Yeah, Thank you Hinata-chan" I said as she nodded as she continued to stroke my hair, Eventually i fell asleep as Hinata had a satisfactory smile on her face

Hinata: "That's it, Rest Naruto-kun" She quietly said as Hinata also closed her eyes as we both fell asleep, Even though it's still like morning time

[Hope you enjoy!]