The Start Of A Wonderful Journey

We we're done unpacking everything that we brought with us. It was neatly tidied up by the help of my clones

Now me and Jiraiya we're standing away from each other at the same part of the forest where me, Sasuke and Sakura we're first introduced by tree climbing, or in other words. Chakra Control, from Kakashi

Jiraiya: "Alright, so for our training time here in the Land of Waves. You will maximize you're training on your already learned techniques. Train them to the fullest and try to master them before we leave to go on another village. Sound's good?"

Naruto: "Yeah, and then after we leave here, I will learn some other things right?"

Jiraiya: "Exactly. Now come at me. Let's see if you could handle some hand to hand. No clones, no nothing. Just straight Taijutsu okay?"

Naruto: "You asked for it you pervy old man!" I wasted no time and rushed at Jiraiya. Appearing on his right side as I already had a kick ready. Jiraiya was prepared, jumping backwards a bit to avoid the kick and launching a fist to my chin, which I blocked using the kick that missed him, knocking away his fist as I had a clear shot at his open stomach area. I quickly threw an acrobatic kick using my other leg as it hit his stomach, forcing Jiraiya to stagger back while holding his stomach

I wasn't giving him any time to recover. I appeared in front of the still staggered Jiraiya as I launched a quick right hook to his face. Jiraiya ducked on time, rolling backwards away from me. Though I saw it in time, preparing a jump kick towards to where I think he was going to roll to as I hit a clean kick shot to his forehead. Launching him backwards as he hit the ground with a *Poof*. It was a Shadow Clone

Jiraiya: "Wow, you're Taijutsu is a monster" Suddenly, Jiraiya appeared out of nowhere. Shocked at to what he saw from me. Though at the same time, the Naruto that he was facing suddenly turned *poof*. It was also a Shadow Clone the whole time. Making Jiraiya speechless

Naruto: "You think I didn't see that trick of yours" I said as Jiraiya turned to face me at the spot we're we have all of our things unpacked

Jiraiya: "How?!"

Naruto: "While my Clones we're arranging our stuff. I switched with one of them. And then the rest is in the history books" I explained it to him as Jiraiya was too baffled to immediately respond to me 'This kid. I didn't even sense him at all. He's way more monstrous than his Father. Even Minato could not take my Shadow Clone down so easily when he was at his age. The old man was right' He thought. Thinking that I had a lot of potential to let out

Jiraiya: "So it's safe to say that you're Taijutsu is well on the way to perfection. I don't know when or where did you learn such a scary fighting style. But keep working on it. And now that's finished, we could move on to your other techniques, but for now. We should get some rest. We'll do the rest tomorrow how about it?"

Naruto: "Sure. I don't mind some rest. But what will we do for the rest of the day?"

Jiraiya: "Hahaha. We will talk about our plans for the future of this journey"

Naruto: "Sounds boring"

Jiraiya: "Because it is. Now c'mon. Let's go back to our spot. We've got a long road ahead of us now kid"


*Knock* *Knock*

Tsunade: "Come in"

The door opened as it revealed Hinata who made her way in front of Tsunade, who was sitting at her desk with no papers that needs to be done

Tsunade: "Ah Hinata. Is this about Naruto?" The mention of Naruto made her blush as she nodded her head

Hinata: "U-um, well, n-not quite like that"

Tsunade: "Then speak away"

Hinata: "U-um. Where is K-kurenai-sensei?"

Tsunade: "Oh, well she is currently making her way back to the village. I gave her a quick mission so she should be here soon. And what might be the reason that you need her Hinata?" She asked Hinata

Hinata: "W-well um. I-i would like to continue training before N-naruto-kun comes back"

Tsunade: "I see. Wan't to impress Naruto once he arrives back? Well how about this. I'll offer you a chance to train with me? I already have Sakura training under me. And why not have you too also"

Hinata: "R-really Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade: "Yes. Though you can still get to train with Kurenai. So if that's what you are worrying about then don't worry. But my schedule is a bit busy so prepare for the worst. Besides, Sakura's there with you so you don't have to do it alone. Now, is it a yes?"

Hinata: "W-well I'll gladly accept your o-offer Tsunade-sama" Hinata agreed being trained under Tsunade as she smiled at her

Tsunade: "Great. Though the first thing that we need to do is that stuttering of yours. Shizune will help you at that. We'll start tomorrow"

Hinata: "H-hai" Hinata bowed and left the room to prepare for tomorrow 'I get to train with Tsunade-sama with Sakura-san. I hope I could keep up with them. I'll try my best to improve from now on before Naruto-kun comes back'.


Jiraiya: "Wait. So you're telling me you want to learn new Taijutsu styles? Kid, your own Taijutsu is already dangerous enough. Why want to learn more?"

Naruto: "Well. I guess you need to know as well. But don't spread this information. I don't want others to know that I have this, especially that I belong to Konoha" I said to him as Jiraiya was confused. We we're currently sitting on the grass near our camp place with wood piled up in the middle

Jiraiya: "What is it?"

Naruto: "I have the Sharingan"

"..." It was silent. Jiraiya didn't no what to say except

Jiraiya: "Ha, haha, hahaha. You're kidding, right?"

Naruto: "Nope. I am not lying. Come close and see it for yourself" I quickly activated my Byakusharingan as Jiraiya walked in front of me and knelt down to observe my eyes

Jiraiya: "I don't see it"

Naruto: "Focus your eyes. My Sharingan is very hard to see, and that proves to be useful in a way"

Jiraiya: "Are you sure about this? Or is this another one of your pranks you're pulling"

Naruto: "Just focus your eyes and you'll see it you perverted old man!" Jiraiya sighed and looked again, but this time, looking much closer and being more observant. And then a few seconds later, he saw what looks to be three tomoes around my eye. Making him gasp

Jiraiya: "I... See it now. But how! How did you get the Sharingan!?" He stood up again with a confused and surprised expression as he made his way back to his spot. I deactivated my eyes after he settled down into the ground

Naruto: "Don't know, I discovered it when I was 5"

Jiraiya: "You didn't tell the old man about this?"

Naruto: "No"

Jiraiya: "*Sigh* God kid. You've been keeping this to yourself when you we're 5? So that's why you we're able to do all of those things you did in the first place"

Naruto: "I didn't use my Sharingan for any of those moments"

Jiraiya: "... Are you sure you're not lying?"

Naruto: "Of course not! I've been training hard you know"

Jiraiya: "*Sigh* So that's why you want to learn more Taijutsu styles. But still, isn't yours much better?"

Naruto: "That's not quite what I'm doing. I'll be mixing different styles of Taijutsu with my own. Creating the most unstoppable Taijutsu style out there!" When Jiraiya heard that. He didn't know if he should rank me over Minato for the most absurd ideas that some kid has ever told him

Jiraiya: "What styles are you even going to learn that fits your style? Don't tell me you're going to learn all of the known Taijutsu styles around the world"

Naruto: "Hell no I won't. I will just learn the styles that interest me, and the ones that are the most strongest of course" Jiraiya felt relieved when he heard that I wasn't going out of my way to learn every Taijutsu style out there. There are still other things to take care off than my Taijutsu like the Kyuubi, and my Byakusharingan and many more 'First Taijutsu style I'll learn is what the Hyuga's use. The Gentle Fist was it? I think Hinata wouldn't mind handing me the scroll of it. And if for some reason her father won't allow her to give the style to me. I'll just ask Tsunade for it'.