The Hyuga's Taijutsu

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu!"


A little poof of smoke appeared on the ground after I slammed my hand onto it. When the smoke subdued, Gamakichi was there. Doing well since after the invasion

Gamakichi: "Ah Naruto! Oh, and Jiraiya! It has been quite awhile. What's up?" Gamakichi greeted us as we greeted him back

Naruto: "Nothing much, just wanted you to do me a favor"

Gamakichi: "Course, so what is it?"

Naruto: "I need you to head back to Konoha. Me and the old man are currently in the Land of Waves. We plan on traveling across the oh so great Fire Nation and learn some probably interesting stuff from the different villages out there"

Gamakichi: "I see. Well I could do that"

Naruto: "Great! Now you're going to go to Tsunade who probably spends her time mostly in the Hokage Mansion, and you'll be giving her this letter" I said to him as I gave the letter to Gamakichi

Naruto: "If she asks any questions, just say that it'll be explained in due time. Got it?" I said to him as he nodded

Gamakichi: "If you don't mind me asking. What's this all about?"

Jiraiya: "He just wants to request the Gentle Fist style scroll from Tsunade-hime so that he could add it to his already good Taijutsu arsenal. I know that might seem weird, him requesting a Taijutsu stance that only the Hyuga's know and use. But like he said, it'll be explained in due time" Jiraiya said while reading his novel creations

Gamakichi: "That so? Well it is weird, but I've seen weirder stuff so it doesn't surprise me that much. Well if it's for a scroll, I'll be happy to help then. Off I go!" Gamakichi turned around and was about to start making his way to Konoha, until I told him to stop as I created a Shadow Clone as it turned into a bird that was large enough to carry Gamakichi on it's back

Naruto: "Hope on. It'll help you with travel"

Gamakichi: "Thanks Naruto!"


Gamakichi landed on the back of the bird as they started to fly high towards Konoha

Jiraiya: "This could possibly cause an argument between the Hyuga Clan you know?"

Naruto: "Nah I'm sure it will be fine. Besides, they know how I treat Hinata. And I even saved Neji. One of their most valuable Hyuga currently"

Jiraiya: "Yeah but requesting for the scroll of their own Taijutsu style to someone that they despise from the day it was released and someone without a Byakugan. It's quite suspicious hearing it when you're from the Hyuga Clan. But let's hope Tsunade handles this, and maybe your little Hyuga-hime will too~ Hehe~" Jiraiya giggled saying the last part 'Ohhh, yeah. I forgot to tell him I also have the Byakugan. Well when Gamakichi comes back with the scroll I'll tell him' I thought

Naruto: "Probably. Though let's see if her father allows her".


[Sometime Later In the Hokage Mansion.]

Tsunade: "Naruto wants the scroll of the Gentle Fist? Why?" Tsunade asked Gamakichi after finishing reading the letter that Naruto wrote for her

Gamakichi: "He said that it will be explained in due time. I don't know what it means but that's his reason"

Tsunade: "*Sigh* Hmm. Alright, wait here. I'll go and talk to Hiashi about this" Gamakichi nodded as Tsunade sat up from her chair and started to make her way out of the room 'That Naruto! What does he want with the Hyuga's Taijutsu?' She said as she exited the room as suddenly, Kakashi appeared down the hallway with his Icha-Icha in hand

Tsunade: "Oy Kakashi!" Tsunade shouted as that got the attention of Kakashi. Making him put down the book as he walked towards Tsunade

Kakashi: "What is it Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade: "Come with me. We've got some talking to do with Hiashi" She said as Kakashi nodded. Following her outside with his Icha Icha once again in hand as they made there way to the compound

Kakashi: "If I may ask Tsunade-sama. What's this all about with Hiashi-san?"

Tsunade: "One of Jiraiya's messenger toad arrived and gave me a letter requesting for the Hyuga's Gentle Fist style"

Kakashi: "Huh? Why would Jiraiya-sama want the Gentle Fist?"

Tsunade: "It's not Jiraiya who wants it. It's Naruto"

Kakashi: "What?"

Tsunade: "Yeah, I don't know why he would want it. He doesn't have the Byakugan unless I'm missing something, which I probably don't. I have to request an explanation immediately from the both of them. But let's finish this first. I have something else to do this day" Tsunade said. 'Why would Naruto want the Gentle Fist? I mean, he has the Sharingan, but could he have the Byakugan also?... That's too far fetch. Him having Uchiha blood, AND Hyuga blood is too much. And add that he is also half Uzumaki and Namikaze. It is too much to believe' Kakashi thought

[Somewhere Inside Of The Hyuga Compound.]

Tsunade: "And with that being said. Can you provide the Gentle Fist style?" Tsunade said as she was currently inside of the house of Hiashi with Kakashi behind her. They were currently sitted on the floor and facing each other. No one else is there but the three of them

Hiashi: "Hmm. I have to agree that he has done some deeds that has benefited the Hyugas somewhat..."

Tsunade: "He's with Jiraiya. So you know he won't let your Taijutsu get stolen by thugs, well, if that's what you are worried about Hiashi" Tsunade said again, making Hiashi close his eyes again, thinking about if he should give the scroll or not


Hinata: "W-well. Thank you both f-for this"

Sakura: "No problem Hinata! Just a litte celebration since you are now a student of Tsunade-sama"

Ino: "Yeah! You better take it serious Hinata. I heard from Sakura that Tsunade-sama is very strict when it comes to training" Ino said as the three of them were inside of a bakery store as they were eating one of, if not the favorite food of Hinata. Cinnamon rolls!

Hinata: "O-of course. I'll give everything I-I've got until I become strong"

Ino: "Now thats the spirit!" Ino said as the three of them continued to eat and talk. And after awhile, they were finished eating their cinnamon rolls

Sakura: "Ahh, that was good. But I think I need to go somewhere. I'm glad you two could come"

Ino: "Of course. And I think I also have to go too. I need to meet Oto-san for something. How about you Hinata?"

Hinata: "W-well, I think I'll just head home and prepare for t-tomorrow"

Ino: "Great idea. Get some rest for now Hinata and try to be a great Kunoichi like you said you will be. Maybe you could even be stronger than big forehead over there, hehehe"

Sakura: "What did you say Ino-pig!"

Ino: "Chill out Sakura. Anyways ladies, I've got to go now. Bye!" Both Sakura and Hinata wave bye to her as she stood up from her seat and left the store. Sakura also stood up from her seat, ready to leave

Sakura: "Goodbye Hinata! Be prepared for Tsunade's way of training... Yeah. Well, anyways. Bye!" Hinata nodded and waved her goodbye

Hinata: "I guess I'll go home now" She said as she followed behind the other two, leaving the bakery store as she made her way home '...Naruto-kun, oh how I've missed you already' Her only thoughts while walking her way back home

After sometime later, she arrived at the Hyuga Compound, and a moment later, she was about to reach the Hyuga Mansion. Once she was just outside, she went inside without making any noise as she started to make her way to the living room part of the mansion

Tsunade: "And don't forget his relationship with Hinata. He has quite a soft spot for her, and same would be said with her to him. Pretty much all of the Konoha 12, even Neji, knows that" Suddenly, she heard someone talk about her and Naruto as she blushed immediately. And the voice that she heard was a shocker to her as it was Tsunade's voice. She slowly tip toed her way just outside of the living room entrance, moving a little bit to the left as she leaned into the wall next to the entrance with her ear next to it 'Why Is Tsunade-sama here?' She thought

Hiashi: "I've heard and seen it. You don't have to remind me about it" Suddenly, her father came in and spoke 'Oto-san! So Tsunade-sama and him are talking about something. This is wrong to eavesdrop but it looks like they are talking about me and Naruto-kun'

Tsunade: "So what is it then Hiashi?"

Hiashi: "Hmm... Okay, I'll offer him the scroll of the Gentle Fist. But, what's in it for us?" Hiash said. Making Hinata widened her eyes 'Oto-san giving away the Gentle Fist style?'

Tsunade: "You've seen how strong the boy is. And he'll keep getting stronger every passing hour. I can assure you he'll do whatever it takes to protect Hinata and your clan till the very end" Tsunade said, making Hiashi fall into silence once again to think about it 'T-tsunade-sama...' Hinata thought as she blushed

Hiashi: "... One more question, Hokage-sama"

Tsunade: "What is it?"

Hiashi: "What will he do with the scroll of the Gentle Fist style if he doesn't have the Byakugan?"

Tsunade: "See, that's the problem. I don't know why he wants it, he said that it will be explained in due time"

Hiashi: "Hmm... Alright fine. I'll give you the scroll of the Gentle Fist, but if word goes out there that if any other villages managed to know the information behind our style. There will be heavy consequences against him. Maybe even more than that"

Tsunade: "Not like he'll ever let it get to the hands of the other villages anyway. Meet me at the Hokage mansion, I'll be waiting for the scroll there. Let's go Kakashi" Tsunade stood up and made her way to the exit of the living room with Kakashi following behind her with his Icha Icha in hand once again 'Oh no! I need to hide!' Without thinking, Hinata transformed into a small squirrel as at the same time. Kakashi and Tsunade exited the room and left the Hyuga Mansion. She also heard her father standing up as his footsteps were slowly getting quiter. Hinata took the chance as she transformed back to herself as she sighed in relief 'Naruto-kun wants the Gentle Fist. But how will he adapt it if he doesn't have the Byakugan...' Her only thoughts as she decided to enter the house and think about later in her room


In the Hokage Mansion

Tsunade: "Hiashi said he'll offer the scroll. But he said that if the Gentle Fist ever gets stolen. It will ruin the bond of Naruto and the Hyuga clan. Say that to him immediately once you go back to them, got it?"

Gamakichi: "Course Hokage-sama"

Tsunade: "Okay, let's just wait for Hiashi to come here with the scroll. Oh, and what's with the bird beside you?"

Gamakichi: "Oh, well this is Naruto's clone that transformed into a bird. It helped me travel here much faster" Gamakichi said as Tsunade sighed 'That brat. It hasn't even been a day yet since he left and he is still causing some problematic things here in the village. And there's Hinata. I'll let Shizune take care of her first. He'll owe me big time for this, and also Jiraiya too'