They finally reached their home after this seemingly long, long day. It wasn't that this day was any different than the others, but it certainly was a tiresome one, even though they didn't do much.

Upon seeing their house, they both let out short sighs, and small smiles started appearing on their faces. They entered without hesitation and got comfortable within their rooms, but soon enough, they started doing their own thing. Meira started preparing for dinner. She was planning on making Silver Milk. It's a cake which consists of Silver chocolate as the main ingredient and milk from Black panda. Milk from the Black panda has a dark color, but it's milk nonetheless and a delicious one at that. The final product is somewhat strange-looking, its surface is entirely black, even deeper black than the dark chocolate, but after slicing it, one can see an unforgettable sight of beautiful silvery cream coming out from the cut. It was a unique picture of shiny silver and deep dark complimenting each other.

As for what Kai was doing, he was meditating in hopes of better understanding his new body. In his previous life, many said that it helps you get to know yourself better and improves the connection of the mind with the body. To be honest, it was his first time meditating, so it wasn't easy for him to do the thing he was supposed to. He only had a vague understanding of this meditation thingy he was trying, so he quickly finished and realized it was a waste of time. Then he decided to relax a bit and lay down on his bed. It wasn't long until his father came, and they quickly gathered at the kitchen.

"How are you guys doing? How went meeting with Cass?" Allaric greeted both of them with an enthusiastic smile on his face. Both Kai and Meira smiled in response to Allaric's smile and started recounting the events of their day. They told Allaric about how they reached Cass without any hiccup, what Cass told them, how they left and what happened on the way back. Meira didn't talk much but corrected Kai sometimes when he forgot something or when someone asked. The one talking was Kai, and he also asked Allaric to show him the cores he had gained today and tell him the difference between them.

Allaric didn't think much about the request and agreed to it easily. He then reached into his pocket and took out his bracelet, which he removed from his wrist before entering the bathtub. The bracelet was glowing slightly with a purple glow. Looking at it, you could say that it was made of something like Dark iron? And it had some runic formations inscribed on it.

Noticing the gaze of his son, Allaric explained a little. "I never told you about it, but this is my Storage Bracelet. It contains three cubic meters of space within and is bound to my blood. Basically, it is a convenient backpack. " Hearing this, Kai was somewhat shocked because he thought that space and dimensional magic was quite rare, so he didn't expect his father to have one.

'Oh my god!' He slapped his forehead. 'that makes so much sense now. I thought he was straight-up selling the cores after hunting, but it turns out I was wrong.' *Sigh* He felt frustrated about how foolish he was but quickly recovered.

Allaric seeing his son slapping himself, didn't know what to think about it, so he just looked at him with concern and asked. "What's wrong ?" In response, Kai chuckled awkwardly and placed his hand at the back of his head. "O-oh... Don't mind it, I just remembered that I forgot to train with daggers." Hearing this, Allaric was somewhat disappointed but let it slide this time around. He knew that today's event might have had a huge impact on his son, so he didn't want to pressure him any further. "I'll let it slide for today but promise me to do it tomorrow." He said in a serious tone that sent shivers down to Kai's spine. Kai was somewhat startled by his seriousness. It seemed like he had no choice at all."O-okay h-hahaha" He laughed because he wanted to disperse the tense atmosphere, which unexpectedly covered the whole room.

"Back to the topic. Were you interested in these guys here?" Immediately as he said it, two different crystals appeared in his hands. One had a stone-like shape and another looked like a rough octahedron. Both had different colors, The former had a red hue while the latter had deep green colors.

"This is a core from Tier-2 Tree eagle. As you probably understood, this is a beast core, and what I have in my right hand is the monster core. It is from Fire golem." Kai raised an eyebrow when he heard about the golem. Seeing his interest in the golem, Allaric gave core to his son and said with a cheerful face. "Here, you can even assimilate it if you want to, but be careful. Your core is still unstable. I think one week will be enough for it to stabilize, but knowing you, it will happen super early or super late. hahaha..." After hearing this, Kai's eyes widened. Little more, and they even might have popped out, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

Kai was clearly surprised with the offer, he hadn't expected to be able to have an ability so soon. His heart started beating faster as he looked at the core. He was looking at it like it was a precious treasure that could turn a dream into reality. He felt like it was going to be his first step in the new life. But he couldn't help but be conflicted because he felt like he didn't deserve it, he hadn't done anything to get this core himself, and it didn't feel right to absorb it without even knowing how its host looked.

He looked at his father's face and could see that he was curious about what would be his final decision. Kai smiled and looked at his father with determination. "Father, I am not going to use this core." Hearing this, Allaric was somewhat surprised, he didn't expect that Kai would decline the offer. "And neither other cores that you could give me. If not for today's event, I might have accepted it, but now I think I should only use the cores that I'll get with my own strength and effort." Now Allaric was completely dumbfounded by his son's words, but looking at him in the eyes, he could see that he was absolutely serious. Looking in his eyes, he could see resolve and determination.


Allaric smiled and looked at his son. He could already see a young man in this small body. He was proud that he was able to have this kind of son like Kai was.

"Alright." He shouted."From tomorrow, our training is going to get tough, be ready. " He was already leaving when Kai interrupted him.

"Father, let me come with you on the hunt. "
