"Wait, WHAT!?" Allaric couldn't believe what his son said just now. Previously, when Kai refused to use any core which hadn't been earned with his efforts, he thought that his son was maturing and becoming a real man, but now he was sure. His son has gone mad.

He couldn't even imagine this 4-years-old kid, who wasn't even the size of his PP, to defeat even the lowest tier monster. Heck, he couldn't even think of Kai fighting normal animals, like Fox or Tentacle chickens.

"Are you out of your mind? No, not even a chance. Don't even think about it!" Allaric was almost shouting, which prompted Meira to come and check both of them before asking in a genuinely concerned manner. "What happened?" In her voice, one could hear and even feel her fear. She, in her whole life, hadn't seen both of them in such a state. They hadn't argued their entire lives, according to Meira's memories at least. Seeing them like that made her heart itch a bit.

Noticing her worry, Allaric calmed down before explaining everything. "Kai here" He gestured in Kai's direction with his hand. "Wants to come on a hunt with me." He looked at Kai with somewhat angry eyes, almost glaring.

"But Fath-" Kai was interrupted by Meira, who had an angry and somewhat brutal expression. "Oi, Kai. EXPLAIN! " Now it was Meira's turn to be angered with Kai's behavior. Kai could literally see some sparks of red lightning around her body as they surrounded her. It was her ability, Lightning of Feelings, which Kai 'knew' very well. It was actually a pretty rare ability from Tier-4 Fulgur wolf(Female). Depending on the user's state of mind and feelings, lightning took different colors. It was a gift from Allaric for her birthday. It was meant to defend her if he wasn't around. She, currently, could use three types of lightning: Red-angry/frustrated, Blue-calm and usual state of mind, and Pink. Pink lightning is something that none of them had seen, but Allaric knew what it meant. Usually, female Fulgur wolves use it to attract possible mates, so whenever male Fulglur wolves saw pink lightning sparks around a female wolf's body, they would know that they wanted to mate. But Meira has never used any pink lightning and wasn't planning on using it in the near future either.

It was a somewhat new ability, so Meira hadn't familiarized herself much with it, hence her lack of control.

Immediately after Kai saw the red flashes of lightning, he started sweating buckets. He knew he was going to 'die' if he didn't explain, so he gulped down his saliva to give himself a little bit of resolve and prepare for what was to come.

"Sis, father, you misunderstood! I want to, just, accompany you."He said while looking at his father. " I know that I am too weak, for now at least, to hunt something, so I thought that it would be helpful to familiarize myself with the situation for the future hunts." After he said that, he changed his serious expression into the closest thing to puppy face he could muster. It was a lifesaving technique that Kai had mastered in his short four years in this world. It was his trump card for the time being, which he wasn't afraid to use whenever things got out of hand.

After seeing Kai's 'Heart-shattering' technique, Meira calmed down a bit while Allaric was deep in thoughts. Kai's puppy face was Meira's Achilles heel, so whenever he used it, he was sure that his sister would at least calm down and consider his words, even though it never worked when he was late at the table.

Allaric was somewhat conflicted. He knew that his son's suggestion was not too bad at least, but it still consisted of possible dangers to his life. He knew that Kai was a Special case, but even though it didn't mean he could venture against Special-tier dragon and win. In his 33 years of life, he had never seen someone as talented as his son. Kai's skills with weapons were equivalent to some kids who were 9 years or older, not to mention that he was training with a bunch of weapons while others were focusing on one or two types.

Allaric even suspected that wasn't all, and he would surprise them even more with his core's capabilities. It was still a mystery what was going to happen when Kai would absorb a Core. Usually, when someone assimilated a Core for the first time, they would enter 'Dazed state' for roughly 10-20 minutes. They would be completely vulnerable to any physical or magical means except for mental attacks, after all, 'Dazed state' was caused by enlightenment they had while comprehending information about the ability they got. On their second assimilation, they would no longer fall into a 'Dazed state' but still, will be taxed.


After a long sigh, Allaric looked into the eyes of his son, where he could see nothing but resolve, which changed into puppy eyes when Kai noticed his gaze.

Allaric's face muscles softened a bit, and he started laughing like a madman. Both Meira and Kai were confused by his strange behavior but, somehow, they unconsciously smiled without understanding why. After that display of something, the atmosphere changed into a slightly lovely one, so they enjoyed the moment.

The first to speak up was unsurprisingly Allaric, who now had a solemn expression on his face. It was clear that he wasn't joking, so Kai, who had been the target of his gaze, tensed up a bit and acted in a serious manner.

"Okay, you can accompany me on the hunts, but there will be a set of rules you have to obey. " Kai just nodded in response. He knew it was bound to happen and had no intentions of backing out. "First- you'll only be able to come with me when I tell you and when your gear and weapons will be ready. You'll have two weapons in total because more will be troublesome, and the primary one will be a bow and one another of your choice, but I recommend daggers." Seeing his nod, Allaric continued. "Second- You'll obey everything I say without complaining. Three- I don't think that I should mention it, but obviously, you can not wander around fight beasts on your own. You'll be a supporter with a bow." Kai nodded with genuinely dejected eyes, which prompted Allaric to think. 'What were you expecting, kid?'

"And last but not least, you'll be able to hunt with me for only three hours a day, and I do NOT want to hear your complaints. " He especially made an accent on the last part as he saw that Kai wanted to say something. Allaric was already compromising and didn't care anymore about Kai's thoughts. " And also, don't forget that you aren't alone here." He gestured in direction of Meira. At that moment, Kai understood how selfish he was and looked down in shame.

"I think you understand, but I'll still say it. It would be rude to leave your sister alone for so long, and she still worries about you." Allaric tried to say it as fast as possible to not tense up the situation as it already was quite a tense one.

When Kai heard his words, he bit his lip in frustration. He knew what Allaric was going to say, but when he said it, his heart itched a bit because of his selfishness. Meira had a slightly sad smile on her face at first but seeing Kai's state, she forgot about his blunder and embraced him in a heartwarming hug. Feeling her heat, Kai returned the hug with the same passion and said. "Sorry sis, I'll make it up for you. I PROMISE." He hadn't shouted the last words, but it echoed in the room for quite a while before Meira said with a smiley face. "I am expecting something cool." All she heard next was the 'Nn' sound which indicated Kai's agreement.

After small chit-chat, everyone headed to their respective rooms, where they quickly fell asleep. Everyone had a dreamless night except for Kai, who had been fighting against the black dragon for the whole night.
