Attending first class

For two days, Ryu was not able to do a single quest, as his sore body didn't allow him to make exercise, thus he decided to walk around the sect city and rest until class time. Meantime he had not meet Nura once.

The day of his first class finally reached, he woke early and prepared to leave for the academy. Ryu didn't know what this class would be about, but he was in need of guidance, his way of training was too inefficient, and he doesn't know how to get better quests.

He was in the middle of the living room when Nura's door opened.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you for the last couple of days?"

Nura answered with a smile, "Ah, I was doing a few quests in the forest. Sorry to keep you worried."

Ryu looked at the other and saw new bruises and cuts on Nura's body.

He tried to ask if those guys were after him, but Nura dismissed the topic as if it was nothing. Since Nura did not want to talk about it, he would not press for it, and instead, he changed the topic.

"I have my first class today. When will yours be?"

"Mine is today too. I was just about to leave." Nura answered with a smile. Wich made Ryu even more confused, 'How can he smile passing through all this?'

They went to the academy chatting about their goals and the city places they had found. They have many questions about how the system works, trigger quests were not as easy as expected, and the rewards were poor.

After walking for a while, they got to the academy, it was easy to find their class since there was only one.

Ryu scanned the room and found most of the faces to be familiar, his classmates came from the same test he took, there was also another bunch o disciples he doesn't know. After skimming the class, he found Luise in one corner near the window and approached her, sitting by her side.

"Hi Luise, can I sit here." she agreed, returning the greetings.

"Do you remember Nura?" Ryu said, but he realized it was a mistake to make jokes when her eyes and Nura's crossed, they contracted their eyes, displaying a spark of enmity.

"Huh, I remember him. I am not an old woman after all." Luise would not lose the opportunity to give a poke in the man.

"Let's go, Ryu. We have entered kindergarten by mistake." Nura, not letting it down either.

Some time of deadly silence with Ryu between Luise and Nura, acting as a wall, and he felt in the middle of a war zone. When the teacher entered the room, he felt thoroughly relieved when the verbal battle came to a pause.

The one who entered the room was elder Jin Baek. He placed himself in front of the students, and with a smooth movement, he sat on a cushion placed on the designed spot for the teacher.

"Hello everyone, how it was your past days? I bet you have o lot of questions, right?"

The disciples burst into talk, all at the same time, most of it about the quests they got and how unfair the rewards were. With a smile, Jin Baek made a gesture, and the disciples understood that they should stop and make silent.

"OK, you have many things you want to know, and it will be all answered in due time, but today I will talk to you about the quests.

It is pretty common for new students to complain that the system only gives old-style training and exercises or that all the quests are physical ones.

This should be the case for most of you, right?"

The disciples swang their heads in agreement with the teacher.

"The problem of getting these types of quests is... you."

This time they were confused, how could it be their fault if the system only gives stupid and small reward training quests.

The disciples started to argue with Teacher Baek, they were not in the mood to accept the critique after passing three days doing strenuous exercises.

"First thing, you all have to improve your temperament.

When your instructor points your flaw, you accept his words and reflect on your actions. Being selfish and arguing back will not take you anywhere. If you try to argue back with some elders from the sect you will be facing harsh punishment, your luck is that I am a nice guy."

"Now, the problem with the quests is really you.

How do you want the system to give you suitable quests when you are just waiting inside the sect? The system will show quests only when you face situations you need to act."

"It will not give you quests like, hunt a poisonous snake without you seeing a snake, or stop a robbery when you are secure in the sect. The system is not an omniscient tool that will send you to exciting adventures and give an awesome reward if you don't go find the adventure yourself."

The disciple had an expression of shame, they were really just waiting for the system to do the work and tell them what to do. They had completely handled their will to the all-wise system, but in their defense, there were really systems out there that force the disciples to enter dangerous situations they don't want to meddle with.

"So now I will teach you the outskirts of the sect and which types of beasts you may find there, places for you to pick herbs, a very suitable quest for when you are physically exhausted, and other places and quests you can take around."

The lesson progressed, and teacher Jin Baek instructed the student in places to which they could go that could trigger some quests, he also taught them the basics about the beasts they might be facing. Their attack pattern, weak spots, they were taught where to go for specific herbs and other useful pieces of information.

Five hours later, the first class finished, and the disciples were enthusiastic to try some quests.

Ryu took the opportunity to invite Nura to do some quests, in hope of helping with bullying, but the other kindly reject the offer saying he had other plans.

After a quick lunch Ryu left the sect city heading to the forest,

'it's time for some quest'.