Much work for nothing

Quest Complete -> reward: 20 exp

total exp 20 / 1000

Bonus reward: Cheaters work harder.

Reward: training weights.

*New equipment acquired.

Resistance +1, total 11.


Ryu received a jolt as the system emitted a sound, and a screen appeared before him.

'Oh, it seems that I was a little hasty, hehehe.'.

After analyzing the notes, he got happy with the one plus point in Resistance, even if it was a very normal thing to happen, after all, he had done a hard workout the entire day, so get a stat improvement was just a common occurrence.

But he couldn't help himself in getting depressed with the results of the day. He got only 20 exp points, if things continued like this, it would take at least fifty days to reach level 2.

No matter how you look at it, this perspective was terrible.

Not to mention the equipment reward, a pair of heavily weighted shin guards.

'Is the system mocking me?' but after putting some thought into it, he reached the conclusion that the weights were not entirely a mocking, it was, in fact, an adequate reward. Something about old training equipment for an old fashion training quest.

Somehow It makes sense.

Ryu pressed a button to accept the reward making a space distortion appear in his front, and two shin guards appear out of the distortion that vanished afterward.

He grabbed the weights still in the air and felt the weight

'It's heavy. Can someone really walk with these?'.

He pressed his spatial ring against the guards, making them disappear, 'Like I would use something like this.' he had absolutely no intention of using the item, so he stored it until he decides what to do with it, his only wish was that his future prizes were something more useful.

It was dark in the sect already, and lantern lights ignited by small formations started to lit, illuminating the streets with a pale yellow light that made a beautiful contrast with the wooden huts and the stone streets.

He passed the ranch to eat something, and after this, he went direct to his home.

He was exhausted after a 30km walk, half of it carrying water. The amount of physical upgrade he received just by getting the system was quite impressive since he wouldn't be able to do the same feat two days ago.

There was no sign of Nura at home, but it was still too soon to get worried with the other, so he went right to bed, falling asleep almost immediately. The next morning, he woke up early, the sun still on the horizon line.

Nura was not home, but there was a sign of his presence which made Ryu relax about the situation, at least a little bit.

The other was a target by a group of bullies, and although Nura wasn't a friend, see him in that situation made Ryu uncomfortable, mostly because he had no idea what to do to help.

Since there was nothing he could do about it and getting worried would not provide any help, he pushed the matter aside.

Ryu prepared himself for another day, his legs still aching, but he wanted to do something to level up. Leveling was an utmost, and stay home and doing nothing would not solve this situation.


Quest: Chop wood.

Progression: 0/200

Reward: 15exp


'Now I am a lumberjack for the sect?' Ryu sighed in disappointment when a simple quest appeared for him, it was still not the type of quest he was expecting, but it was much better than the other quest. With a feeling that this would be much easier, he went to the outskirts of the city, where he got an axe provided by the sect.

In fact, the sect had everything prepared for the new disciples to complete this kind of quest.

He placed the first wood log in position, raised the axe high above his head, and descended it with his full force hitting the log's piece.

The log remained in one piece with the axe stuck on it. He got confused with the situation, in his mind, he would swing the axe, and two perfect halves would fly, one for each side.

Another attempt, and this time the log split into two pieces, but not with the theatrical display he imagined.

Progress: 1/200

He picked another log and tried to cut it, failing once again.

After many tries, he realized that cutting the log had more about technique than actual strength, but it was not so easy to become an axeman from just a few swings.

Progress: 125/200

He had severely underestimated the quest, swinging the axe was far more tiring than expected. His technique had not improved at all, and he came with an estimate; 1 out of 4 cuts would cut the log properly in two halves.

Progress: 195/200

Ryu started to feel a refreshing sensation spreading through his body, he didn't know what it meant, but he had an idea that something good was about to happen.

Quest complete ->reward: 15exp

'Huh? Just that? What about this sensation I was feeling?' as the sweating Ryu kept his time to think what that feeling was, the sensation started to disappear slowly. In a panic, he decided to continue cutting logs to see what would happen.

And the quest appeared again.


Quest: Chop wood.

Progression: 0/200

Reward: 15exp


The more he cuts, the stronger the feeling becomes. And havier his arms become, his whole body hurting from the extreme exercise.

Progress: 112/200

However, this time the quest made another sound, and a second screen appeared.

New Skill -> Axe Mastery (Beginner) level 1 acquired.

Rejoiced with his newly acquired skill, he ignored his exhaustion and raised the axe another time.

The moment he started to swing it down, an outside energy pushed his body, correcting his every move. The hit landed, and the log broke in two instantly.

Next hit, and another log that broke.

Every hit is one log split in half.

Quest complete ->reward: 15exp

Ryu had a smile on his face, his clothes drenched in sweat and his body hurting so much that he could barely move.

Then he noticed the sun on his head, he was swinging the axe for almost 5 hours. He was happy, for the first time a feeling of progress, a feeling that the system was useful, a feeling that he would achieve his dreams if he works hard.