Lurking in the forest

The life and death battle was finally over, an experience to remember for the rest of his life deeply engraved in his mind. Ryu knew he had been reckless, he was so eager to level up that he had thrown away precaution and rushed into danger.

He won the fight, but the taste of this victory left him with a bitter taste he could not celebrate this victory pretending everything was fine, for many times he was so close to death.

The journey of a cultivator is filled with danger, he was always aware of this fact, but this time the risk came from himself, from his own stupidity.

Had he trained a little bit more, done a few quests to gain some level, prepared the equipment his parents gave him, there were many things he could have done. But no, he had rushed to danger and ended in a fight totally unprepared.

The speech of sect master Enlil on the awakening ceremony resurged in his mind, something about the first step in the path of cultivation is one knowing oneself, understand your strength and your weakness improving the first these while fixing the last.

Something about the journey being long to be covered with temperance, his journey almost ended here in this forest.

Sometime after the battle Ryu still lost in his mind returned to the present time, he found himself kneeled on a pool of blood. Adrenaline returning to a normal rate made him start to feel pain all over his body, not only from the wounds but his entire body is hurting due to his fatigued muscles.

All he wants is to lie down and sleep until he recovers some energy, but he couldn't sleep here.

At night in the middle of the forest, he was covered with blood and totally incapable of defending himself, staying here any longer is a risk that he does not want to be in. He learned his lesson and would not assume unnecessary risk.

Ryu stored his sword and raised it from the ground, the pain in his ankle gives him a shock every time he put his feet on the ground.

He picked a branch of a tree on the ground and used it as a walking stick, one step after the other he made his way out of the forest following the same direction he came from.

But orient yourself in the jungle is not an easy task, especially without the sun to act as a compass. For one hour he walked without direction and no matter what he couldn't find the exit, the noises in the forest urging him to move faster.

Contrary to one expectancy the jungle at night is not silent, countless beasts use the mantle of the night to hunt. The sparse threatening sounds can make one go crazy.

Frustrated he continued to walk until a sound nearby suddenly draw his attention.

The sound of something big walking amiss the jungle, sounds of snapping branches and bushes moving as the big thing moved.

Ryu crouched behind a tree thinking what to do.

For such noise come from steps, the beast moving must be a big fight is not an option for Ryu.

He had only two actions to take: Hide and wait for it to pass or try to scare it. The first option had the flaw of being discovered, he had gore all over his robes, any beast would smell him kilometers away. The second option is also a risk, a beast this big may not be scared so easily.

In the end, he decided for the second option, act and take destine in your hand is preferable than wait to be at disposal of other's goodwill.

So he waited until the beast got closer. Ryu gave a step to the side leaving his hidden spot yelling with full lung while swinging his walking stick, making wide gestures to scare the beast away.



'huh?' he got confused when the beast yelled back to him.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the tree, Nura is walking in the jungle when a stench of blood assaulted his nostrils.

'Something must have died nearby.' he raised his guard and slowed his pace, if there is a predator was nearby he doesn't want to be taken by surprise.

Since he couldn't feel any presence Nura continued to walk, he is heading out of the forest.

A sound of something moving came behind a tree next to him and something jumped to the side of the tree making a loud sound and moving dangerously.

It was dark and he did not identify the beast immediately, scared Nura gave screamed in panic.

"Is that you Nura? What are you doing here?" Ryu recognized Nura. Relief took over his body when he realized that he is not in danger.

"Ryu? Are you trying to kill me? bastard!" Nura breathing heavily shouted.

It took a while for to Nura recompose himself and the two to be able to talk properly. Then Nura saw the blood in Ryu robes and he backed off one step

"What is all that blood in your robes?".

Ryu explained what happened and Nura guided him out of the forest, some distance in the open they sat on the ground to rest.

Ryu noticed that Nura went throughout the jungle quite easily and found the way out very quickly, the other clearly had some skill.

Using some water and rags stored in Ryu's ring Nura helped to clean the wounds and made some improved bandages, by this time the pills were taking effect already but it will take time until the wound is fully healed.

He changed his robes to a clean set and they ate something, both exhausted from their adventures.

Seeing the state of Ryu, Nura suggested they made camp here and rest for the night. The sect is relatively far and there is no way for Ryu to travel now.

They made camp using some prepared equipment from their rings.

"By the way, you haven't answerd me before. What are you doing here?" Ryu brought the subject back.

"Isn't it obvious? The same as you. Doing quests."

They chatted about their hunts for the night. Ryu had the feeling that because of the bullies the other couldn't do a quest near the sect so he had no option aside come here and try his luck. But Nura still hasn't spoken about it.

In the black sky the stars countless stars shone above, the two exhausted young cultivators fell asleep almost immediately in the middle of nowhere.

The life of a cultivator is not always glamour, sleeping in a large luxurious courtyard, drinking the finest wine, and enjoying great music.