
The next morning Ryu woke in his improvised camp, there had been no problems with attacking beasts, that night was actually one of the best sleeping nights he had in his life. Sleeping when exhausted is one of the most satisfying things in life. For Ryu he doesn't even remember how he had fallen asleep, one moment he was chatting with Nura the next moment he opens his eyes it is daytime.

The wounds in his body were already closed, the pills he consumed had an excellent effect. Despite the apparent recovery, It is better to take things light for the next few days the pills have healed the superficial wounds but his body could still have hidden damage.

He saw Nura was still sleeping and used the opportunity to exam the system.


Name: Ryu Sei

Cultivation technique: Heaven and Earth Inversion (book zero)

Level: 1 Exp: 750 of 1000

Essence: 0


Strength ->10 Agility ->10

Dexterity ->10 Resistance ->11

Focus ->10

distribute: 0


Heavenly Pillar Martial Art Style (degraded)

Axe Mastery (Beginner) level 1, Sword Mastery (Beginner) level 1


'Why is the martial art adjusted? I remember seeing it when I was in battle and there wasn't something like adjusted it was just normal.' despite still being level 1 Ryu had acquired a few skills already, but he is confused with some elements in his system. The adjusted on the skill being just one it, he still doesn't know how to get essence and some of the stats effects were not so clear for him.

Then he remembered that there were a few screens that he was not able to read in the middle of the fight, so he opened the notification tab looking for a clue.


New Skill -> Heavenly Pillar Martial Art Style acquired.

Heavenly Pillar Martial Art Style is an immortal grade technique, the host body can't stand the full use yet.

Adjusting technique to the host present condiction.

New Skill -> Heavenly Pillar Martial Arty Style(downgraded) acquired.

Heavenly Pillar Martial Arty Style(downgraded) requires Weapon Mastery(Master) to be used.

Host Weapon Mastery skill not found-> adjusting the skill with Axe Mastery (Beginner) level 1, Sword Mastery (Beginner) level 1

New Skill -> Heavenly Pillar Martial Arty Style(degraded) acquired.


Ryu was astonished when he finished reading the notifications, an immortal grade technique is something really impressive. Even the strongest cultivator may not necessarily have one, it is after all a skill that came from a realm above.

He has heard about it from his parents, there are some skills that the system "sell" but the price of the skills sold by the system rises according to the grade of the skill and the cost become very high, the price of an immortal grade is so absurd that it is there basically just to tease the cultivator, and not for actual selling, even if one cultivates for thousands of years it would still not necessarily be able to buy one.

The only way that people have to get this sort of skill is to acquire it the same way as Ryu, which is by sheer luck.

In reality, Ryu doesn't know how lucky he really is, he got the skills just because he is at a low level facing a stronger foe in a dangerous life and death battle. When a cultivator is stronger, he has at disposition a variety of skills to use in battle, so their battle usually ends in a few moves, despite it being far more dangerous. Also fighting an opponent much stronger is much harder for a high-level cultivator, for example, a cultivator level 10 can have a hard time fighting a level 20 but it is almost impossible for a level 50 cultivator to fight a level 60.

Ryu saw that the standard for using this martial art is way out of his league, he can only use two steps downgraded version, but this did not take his mood down. His emotions for this sect and the system made a huge shift this moment, for the first time he felt really happy for coming here.

He couldn't help but display a large smile, his smile is so large that his eyes squinted a little bit and a bright reflection could be seen in his pupils, like a kid who has got a puppy as a gift on his birthday.

When Nura woke, the first thing he saw is Ryu sited on the ground looking at the sunrise smiling like a moron.

"Is everything ok?" seeing the other like that made Nura think if Ryu's injuries were more severe than he had estimated.

"Ah, good morning. Yes, all fine. I am just looking at the skills I got , I have missed the opportunity to see it yesterday."

"Hmm, you got something good?"

"Yes, I got an martial skill. It seems strong, how much I don't know. But I am really happy about it."

Some people hide the information when they get something good, they use secret identity and whatever method at their disposal to conceal their secret. But Ryu knew that the best way to keep a secret is not by hiding all the information, this way you will only draw more attention when using it, if you try to hide something everyone will instantly try to disclose it.

The way to have a secret is to act normally, share the exact amount of information you want others to have, and keep the part you want to be a secret for yourself. Those people obsessed with their own secrets are just paranoid, they get into trouble by misunderstanding, if they act more like normal person most of their problems would never occur.

So Ryu decided to tell about his skill, but he will never reveal it to be an immortal grade. This way when he uses it in the future others will not find it too strange, and no one will think it to be a powerful skill.

"Congratulations, a martial art skill is very good, they all are usually expensive. And you got one this early, I am jealous." Nura said with a smile, the sincerity in his words made Ryu content with the other. This moment is the first which both of them started to see the other as a friend, and this lifted a barrier between them.

They decided to dismantle the camp and went walking to the sect, in fact, the two wanted to keep here and hunt more, get more experience, and level up. However, the last day left them with some wounds and exhausted.

For two hours the friends walked back to the sect, there was no hurry in their steps. They were enjoying their conversation, a true friendship is not something that one can find easily.