Setting camp

Won a fight with disadvantage in numbers.

Defeated two attackers at the same range of levels without taking damage.

Reward: 160 exp

Bonus: Turned enemies into friends using communication ability.

Reward: Primal Stone


This time the system did not trigger a quest when he entered confront and now he got a reward out of nowhere, this was something totally unexpected. It was a good surprise but he still got intrigued with the lack of quest notification.

The last time, he received two notifications: one warned him about the presence of the dog, without that notification he would be dead; the second was during the fight, he received a notification about getting skills and this one was a little more tricky since this notification at the same time that allowed him to realized he got a new skill that saved his life had also placed him in danger with the distraction.

Understand how the system work is essential to make good use of it, so receiving quest sometimes but not others is a potential risk. If he waits for a notification to alert him of some danger and the notification never appears he could end in serious trouble.

Still, no matter how hard he thought about it, he could not understand the difference between the two situations for it to have different responses. When those three guys faced him and made a fighting stance, a quest should have appeared, or there should not be any reward.

'There is no use in wasting time in a problem that you can't solve', Ryu tried his best to push this worry aside, he would have to ask about it, next class. Unfortunately saying to not worry is easier than doing it, no matter how hard he tried to forget it this problem kept tormenting him.

A spatial distortion appeared before him and a stone surged out of nowhere, cleansing his mind of his worries. A perfect round stone the size of a fist was caught in his hand.

Ryu had a bad time trying to identify the color of this stone, depending on the angle he looked at it was dark, then it was white, the next moment it was yellow, then blue, and every single color he could think of was visible in this stone. He decided to try and see the description of the item.


Primal Stone: A stone from the continent of Purvavideha surged in the creation of the world, it is filled with heaven and earth energy.

It can be used in alchemy to fuse different attributes, can be fused in a beast to trigger an evolution, can be used as a facilitator when fusing a beast core in a cultivator.


Another time Ryu got an outstanding reward, from the description alone he was able to imagine that this item was extremely valuable but the vague usage description was not enough to make him realize the astonishing treasure he stumbled in.

Sooner or later he would find out by himself. But for now, he has a job to be done, he has to level up, and he was lacking only 90 exp points.

After traveling for almost 3 hours Ryu finally reached another forest to collect herbs, there should be a few beasts and herbs in this place, so Ryu used his full attention to not get caught with his guard low again.

Ryu gave an unpretentious roam in this forest, there isn't much time of light left, and he doesn't want to pass the night in the jungle, not with his presentation skills. If his level were a little bit higher he would be able to go to the sect and back in just a few minutes, if that was the case he would go sleep home in his comfortable bed.

But he was not at a high level, going and coming every time will be a waste of time for his advancement he will have to abdicate some comfort in order to make progress. He decided to use the rest of the light to check the nearby and make a suitable camp for the next few days.

The forest looked exactly like the previous one, if someone tells him that he had walked in a circle and have reached the same exact forest where he was before, Ryu would really give a thought about it. It was his lack of knowledge of forest terrain that made him unable to differentiate this one from the other.

The vegetation was truly the same, for an amateur orienting oneself in the jungle is almost impossible. Another lesson Ryu learned in his first adventure was when he got lost in the forest and walked randomly without finding an exit.

One by one Ryu was identifying skills that he would need to buy when he has a chance. If there is a skill to adapt to an environment he will surely buy this, the first opportunity he has.

A small walk in this forest and he was back out of the forest, in this brief walk he found a few herbs to pick, there was no signal of beasts here. But the lack of evidence was not evidence of lack, the possibility of existing beasts here is real, he would not let his guard down but he was not expecting to see something as dangerous as the dog he fought.

Using the material in his ring Ryu made a camp, this time it was not so ill improvised as the one last night, he made a fire and used tools available in his ring to make a comfortable campsite to spend following days.

At nightfall, it wasn't long before Ryu got bored, it was the first time he was all alone, it was different to just be alone in his room with his parents at the same house than to be alone in the middle of nowhere with nobody at a reasonable distance.

He quickly discovered that the night was long, very very long. In the city, he used to sleep late, but there are plenty of things to do in the city, but here all he has to do is to wait.

For the first time, Ryu felt the necessity to have a hobby, when he got stronger the system will assist him in developing a 'job' or 'hobby'. One can choose to become an inscriptionist, an alchemist, a blacksmith, and many other kinds of jobs.

Until this point every time Ryu thought about the hobbies he associated them with a waste of time, after all, while doing alchemy one loses precious time that could be used to cultivate. With his small mindset cultivate and become stronger was the only thing that exists.

Now he is starting to understand that the life of a cultivator is beyond just cultivation, the life of an immortal being is full of free time.