
Ryu faced the two remaining opponents, fear was transparent in their faces. If their fighting stance were bad before the first one being knocked out in a single movement now with their legs trembling they couldn't even stand properly, forget about a fight stance.

"Look, it's better if we put an end to this here. Take your friend and..." Ryu started to talk trying to resolve this little skirmish, but in the middle of his speech, one of the men gathered all his remaining courage and made an assault against Ryu.

The first attacker punch was slow and clumsy, this one is even more ridiculous. The move was so strange that Ryu at first thought it was not a punch but a slap coming in a wide arc with the arm full stretched, but the closed hand indicated differently, it was actually a punch with the intention to hit him.

This time Ryu decided to concentrate before acting, he was waiting for the system to send a move to his head, and the system did not fail him, scenes of a fighting movement appeared in his mind and he started to move accordingly.

His left foot moved behind and his body accompanied making a swift body rotation, one simple move and he is out of reach from the punch. On the floor where his foot passed, a trail caved on the soil revealing a path, like the ground had opened a road for him to pass.

When the punch passed empty, Ryu fixed his stance to launch a counterattack. He bent his knees a little bit, and his feet sank into the ground, it was like in that instant his weight has increased and he somehow had become heavy like a boulder.

With his left hand Ryu paired the punch and grabbed the other man by the wrist, his grip tightened so strong that the other felt the pain and contracted his face. Using all his strength Ryu pulled the man forward making him lose balance.

The man started to fall following the path guided by his wrist, dragged by Ryu with force. With his free hand, Ryu grabbed the man falling in his front by the collar behind the neck.

According to the move in his mind, Ryu should rotate his body and use the momentum of the falling man to pull him off the ground directing him to the other side with an arc passing above his head, throwing him violently against the ground.

Ryu chose to not do so, the first one got injured, and if Ryu does as his mind tells him this one will be in even worst condition. Instead, he just pushed by the collar throwing the man forward.

The man landed on the ground with his face, some wounds were visible when he rolled over his shoulder, revealing his face with red bruises, there wasn't blood leaking. The man started to exert force in his core to lift from the ground when Ryu stepped on his shoulder from the armpit, pinning the man to the ground.

Ryu looked at the other man standing three meters away still immovable, he was more scared than ever but he saw his friend in danger pinned on the ground and started to walk forward, a small and hesitant trembling step. Almost as if he was walking already waiting for his time to be beaten, not a single trace of disposition could be found in his posture.

"Stop with this I don't want to beat you," Ryu said confidently, the man coming his way and the one under his feet, both dismantled in relief.

Seeing that the two stopped Ryu walked to the unconscious to check his condition, he was not in danger. He looked back to the two men that were side by side looking down humiliated, waiting to see if their friend was fine.

"What was that? Why did you attack me all of a sudden?"

"I- I am sorry for that." the two said in unison and one of them continued.

"You can have the spot we are leaving, please don't hurt us."

"What is this spot thing? I don't know what you are talking about." Ryu put his confusion into words.

"You see, there was this girl yesterday, she went to the jungle picking herbs like everyone, but her skill is on another level, she was able to find and pick herbs so fast that we thought she was just picking random bushes to try her luck.

But later we discovered, that was not the case, she was really picking the right one, and she was so good that she took almost every herb nearby.

So after struggling for some time we and the others reached an agreement to divide the place into spots, and every group would be designed an area to explore. And still, we are here for hours and just found a few, we were getting frustrated with the lack of herbs when you appeared and picked one.

We are not the kind to go fighting but we lost our minds in frustration and attacked you, I am really sorry."

"So this is the case, huh." Ryu commented more to himself than to the others. In his mind, everything made sense 'Luise took all the herbs and these guys are having trouble, no wonder she was talking like collecting herbs was easy. That girl is someone to not provoke, who knows what kind of abilities she has.'

"I came here because someone told me that people are getting plenty of herbs, so I decided to come to and see if I can get enough to level up. If I knew that you guys are having a hard time and had divided the place into spots I would have respected the agreement.

But you guys just came attacking me, you can't go attacking people like this. So what do you think about us making our own agreement, I will leave the place to you guys and you forget about the injuries I have caused you. What do you think? It is better to make a friend than an enemy."

The two men looked at each other seeking concordance, the one on the left spoke

"We are at fault for attacking you, and we don't want to make enemies either. If you leave the spot to us we can only say thank you.

It may be a little late but let me introduce myself, I am Marcel, this one here is Pavel, and the one downed there is Igor. We came from the east of the continent, if you need something you can seek us in the sect at any time."

"I am Ryu Sei, I am from the central region. Nice to met you."

For the next few minutes, Ryu chatted with Marcel and Pavel while waiting for Igor to recoverer his consciousness, as they talked the tension between them keep diminishing and a friendship started to appear. Ryu was biding his farewell when Pavel told Ryu they were thinking of leaving the place to go hunt.

"I don't recommend it. I tried to hunt yesterday and almost died." Ryu told them his fight.

They had scared expressions. "If you had trouble there we will be dead for sure.".

The only conclusion they reached was that life is not easy for a low-level cultivator.

Ryu left the place, but instead of going to take a spot for himself, he went to a place that Luise still had not gone. He knew where she had passed from their talk early, Ryu would not share this piece of information recklessly, he had already figured out that all the new disciples were competing against each other.

Once he left the place, Ryu received a notification sound.