Troube yet again

Ryu pressed the yes button, a screen with several quests appeared before his eyes. They were divided into levels and types, some say to hunt a beast, other to kill a criminal, to protect a person, and so on. It took some time to find the quest he was looking for, it was mixed among a bunch of quests that Ryu thought were designed for alchemy.


Quest: Collect tier 1 herbs.

White lily - 3 exp each/ no limit

Blood flower - 4 exp each/ no limit

Ramal - 2 exp each/ no limit



A list of herbs to collect appeared Ryu didn't know much about herbs, fortunately, Jin Baek's lesson included a brief explanation about the most common herbs to be found near the sect. Luise also gave some tips about the herbs she had found, the young woman had a vast knowledge about the theme.

At least if he could buy a skill to identify herbs he would have a much easier time, unfortunately, he would only be able to do so in level 10. Until the time comes he would be facing a hard time.

The prize of each herb didn't seem too much in Ryu's eyes, but Luise told him that the whole place was brimming with herbs, this remark gave him the necessary motivation to pick the quest, despite his lack of knowledge.

Ryu went to the outskirts in a place Luise recommended, teacher Baek had also mentioned this place. He took some time to look at some of the notes he has made in the first class, he would use it to identify the herbs.

He knew that when he picks the correct one the system will send a notification, and this will help a lot in his search, but picking every single flower out there until he finds the correct one would take an eternity so he has to refine the search the best he can.

Ryu advanced into the forest, it was not as dense as the jungle in which he fought the dog, it was more like the sparse forest he went to when he was doing the quest to collect water. The first time he entered that forest he wasn't concerned about the flora, that time he failed to notice how many different kinds of flowers and trees there were.

The essence in this place stimulated life in many ways, the many kinds of vegetation are proof of this.

He ventured into the forest looking at every single corner, behind the trees, under the rocks between other flowers, he tried everything. No matter what, he couldn't find a single herb, at some time he decided to just pick some random to see if the system would notify, he still got nothing.

Ryu was starting to feel uncomfortable, that feeling that Luise could have tricked him. Despite the discomfort he decided to walk a bit further and give it a try, there is the possibility that he has just chosen a bad spot after all.

He walked for fifteen minutes when he saw a flower close to a tree, it was a small yellow flower with leafs spreading far, the yellow color could be barely seen covered by the leafs. Ryu only saw the flower because of the angle he was approaching.

Excited with his found, Ryu run to the flower crouched above it, and with a clean-cut, he picked the herb, a notification tab appeared immediately confirming his acquisition.


The experience, he would get when he delivers all the herbs in the sect until then he would store the herbs in his ring.

But before he could do so, Ryu heard someone yelling at some distance, three young men coming running in his direction. When they got closer one of the men started to speak in an angry tone.

"This flower is ours, give it to me and get out."

"What are talking about? I have just found it, is mine. Why would I give it to you?" Ryu made a confused expression looking at the three guys.

"This spot is ours, we are here the whole day. You think you can just come here and take the herbs just like this? Give it to me." the man in the middle said extending his hands to get the flowers.

"Are you stupid? Of course I would not give it to you." Ryu said in a mocking tone while storing the flower away in his spatial ring.

When Ryu took the flower away the three got angry, they raised their hands in an awkward manner making a fighting stance while one of the guys said "We will beat you then.". Despite the advantage in numbers, there wasn't much confidence in his voice and the guy looked to the sides to confirm if his two companions were with him.

The trio had an average height and there isn't much about their physique to comment on either, these guys look more like the type that doesn't join a fight. Ryu was confused as to why they were confronting him, things have escalated very quickly and he had no clue why they were about to fight.

Despite the disadvantage, Ryu was calm, he doesn't have much experience fighting either but the previous day's battle provoked a change in his mentality.

The first man, made his way in front of Ryu while the two remained behind this man, it was obvious by their formation that they weren't the type of guys to fight. He got an arm's distance and launched a punch against Ryu's face.

The fist came to his face very slowly, Ryu didn't know why they were attacking him and he felt pit for the three, but he would not go easy on them. As the strike come close Ryu started to raise his left arm to parry the hand coming, at the same time his right hand, closed in a fist, started to move forward in a counter-attack.

As soon as Ryu moved, a scene came to his mind, a fighting movement. Without time to think about it, Ryu decided to let his body follow the scene in his mind.

First, his body bent to the side, and the punch passed in the air missing his face by centimeters. Then Ryu's upper body went forward closing the distance between him and his opponent until his right shoulder meets the chest of the other man.

Next with a small waist rotation, Ryu's right leg, which was behind him passed to the front, in a swift step, stopping behind his attacker. His foot landed on the ground and his knees bent a little bit hardening his stance.

Ryu felt his stance getting steadier, like was dragged to the ground, his right arm encircled the other passing down to the other man's arm and stoping on his axilla. Exerting the full strength of his legs, arms, and torso Ryu lifted the man from the ground.

The land surrounding Ryu was strangely compacted, circles of different sizes, with Ryu at the center, could be seen around him. If a person saw these patterns he will immediately think of the waves produced when a rock falls into a lake.

With a body rotation, the man in Ryu's embrace flew into the air describing a circle. At the other side of the circle, the man in Ryu's arm landed heavily on the ground. He fell on his back hitting hard the ground, which was harder than normal.

A bang sound and the attacker went to the floor, the pain on his back made him contract hard. The air skipped from his lunges and he passed away on the spot.

Ryu was astonished by the force of the impact, he was worried about the man's safety. Killing someone from the sect will bring him many problems it was not his intention to go so harsh, it was something that happened because he used the movement from his martial skill.

The unconscious man was probably not dead, but he went too far and the man needs some assistance.

However there were two more attackers, so Ryu would have to take care of this problem latter, he turned and faced the two other opponents.