
In the light of the morning, a young man is walking down a small damaged road. It is a path rarely used, so much that high grass is taking over the unpaved road, there are places that one could not even see the path.

By high steps this man gain ground, despite the hardship of the way he is moving quickly. If anyone could see him this moment he would think that he is late to an appointment, but in his face, there is no trace of hurry or anxiety, there is only a smile revealing his happiness to be in his very first adventure.

This man is Ryu the path he is taking leads to the village, it is something so small that there is no name. At least no one in the sect knew the name of it, they could not provide a clear number of inhabitants nor anything useful about it, the only information he has is that the village is very small. This is probably because the cultivators in the sect didn't care at all about these people.

Ryu never thought that he would be glad to be going to a desolate place with so few people, in just a couple of weeks his standards have changed so much that he could barely recognize himself. His journey throughout cultivation is revealing things traits that he never knew he has.

Time went quick and Ryu made a pause to rest and eat something, he chose a place that seemed cleaner under the shade of a tree.

He removed the shoes and the socks, his feet started was aching there were water bubbles in his toes, some o them tore releasing liquid. He was not used very used to walk, the system has improved his physical condition raising all his stats to 10, which has allowed him to made exercise and perform quests as he has done in the past few weeks.

Despite the improvement the system provided him, doing exercises is a task that often involves more than just physical capabilities. A lumberjack has hands full of calluses that make the hand thick which provides protection to the hands when using an axe, a wanderer have the feet prepared for the long journey too.

According to the last lesson, he would not have to suffer from these kinds of trouble if he improves his resistance stat.

After one hour's break Ryu assembled his courage to put the shoe back again, the path was more than half done but in terms of time travel, it is a different matter. When he left the sect he was perfectly fine and walking fast, now his walking speed has decreased by almost half.

To distract him from the pain Ryu is looking to the forest, testing his new improved vision. With his new skill, there are not many things that could pass unnoticed by him, the birds flying far ahead, animals running between the trees when he passes, the wind shaking branches of the trees.

It is his first taking time to actually test the limits of his new vision, it is like a whole new world is revealing hor, Ryu. The world is obviously the same as before, but the way one interacts with the world can change drastically the way how one perceives it.

Even at some distance, Ryu is able to see the small details of the leaves. He felt like the world have suddenly got a new range of colors, the green on the trees' leaf were all equal to Ryu but now he can't believe how different their colors are.

When Ryu recalled that this is just the first stage out of four from the passive enchanted vision skill he went fascinated. An indescribable will to upgrade the skill took possession over him, a longing to unlock the next stage.

He felt like he was living in a world and most parts of it were still locked, out of his reach. He needs to cross this barrier and see what is on the other side.

After some time of the walk, he was gradually becoming more used to it, the fascination still engraved in his mind.

'This came fron just the eyes, what would happen if I unlock the others senses the hear, touch, smell and taste. If they have the same effect the world will change so much that I will not even recognize it anymore. But there is really a skill for these others senses?'

As Ryu continued to walk, the road eventually disappeared, the growing pain was becoming almost unbearable. At some point, the sore took place preventing a proper walk and he started limp.

At this point, he was thinking to stop make camp, rest, and resume the journey the next day when he pain subdue. If he has planned better he would have done it hours before, make it a two days travel and he would not have to suffer.

But he has overestimated the task, an error made out of inexperience and eagerness. At this point the damage was already done it didn't matter much if he would stay or go, the destiny is just five kilometers ahead.

This distance did not seem much but when you are walking in pain and every single step is torture it can be so distant that one would want to cry when hearing the distance that left.

Ryu was thinking in stop and make a camp, he was not far and he knew it but his excitement was completely gone, all he wants it to spot take off the shoes, and give his feet a break.

Before he does so, sudden darkness started to spread turning the day night. It is not time for the sun to settle yet, he should have at least half an hour before the sun sets, it is a carried dark cloud bringing a storm.

It wasn't long until the first water droplet falls on his face, a heavy and cold water droplet. It was late to try and make a shelter, at this point the only option is to continue and reach the village.

The rain thickens and the previous water droplets became torrents of water smashing against his face pushed by an intense stream of cold wind. It was so cold that he started to knock his chin in a reflex action to warm himself, his arms crossed in his chest trying to keep every little bit of warmth he could produce.


Casual blue lightning is the only source of light provided to see the path ahead each one accompanied by a loud thunder that shakes the trees. A nature event that provided blessing illuminating the path and scaring with the rumble, instilling fear in his heart.

His soaked robes started glued against his skin started to get heavy, the only dry part in him is a small ball in his back where the water could not hit. Something that provides any kind of comfort for Ryu.

The pain in his feet conflicted with the cold in his body allowing him to ignore the first, with this Ryu was able to hasten his pace a lit bit.

Half an hour later he reached his destination, twenty brick structures scattered on the top of a large hill, a single road crossing, and a fence made out of wood poles with a pointed head.