
Ryu entered the building and saw the young woman behind a balcony. When he gave one step inside the building he felt the temperature becoming amiable at once and before he could process the surrounding the woman greeted him with a gentle smile that made Ryu feel like he was being welcomed back home.

He approached the balcony and said he was deciding what kind of job he wants to pick future, and asked her if he could look around maybe see someone making an inscription or talk with someone about the inscriptionist profession.

A rookie enters by the front door asks to just see is not something that usually happens, this 'incident' made the woman in the reception really flabbergasted, when it was her time to make a choice she had simply chosen inscription without thinking too much about it or done any kind of research, now that she thinks about it she had been really dumb to not have done something like this too, fortunately, she is satisfied with her decision.

She conducted Ryu to a room where a man was seated on his knees with a table and a card in his front, it was elder Qin Lao that had been teaching them early, with a bush he is making stroke after stroke in the card. Slowly the card was getting full of symbols while elder Qin continued to make inscriptions without a pause, Ryu thought that the elder had probably not even noticed his presence in the room.

To someone who doesn't know the inscription it looked like the elder was practicing his calligraphy or maybe drawing something, Ryu doesn't have a clue what this formation should do. But he was fascinated with the inscriptions he saw, from mere symbols one can store power and realize external modifications on the world.

When the Qin Lao gave a pause, Ryu went to talk to him and for half an hour the elder taught him about inscriptions the difficulties, the perspectives, everything someone entering the job of an inscriptionist should know.

The elder was fascinated that someone came to seek inscriptions lessons despite the low level and still being unable to acquire the job. He was thinking that the young man was someone to nurture, at least if he knew Ryu's real intention.

Ryu learned two things about inscription: it is essential for an inscriptionist to have excellent control over the strokes, one single mistake, and a whole formation could crumble apart that is why they need endless training; and the power of an inscriptionist is not something to look down.

He left the building fascinated with what he saw, still, he was not sure if that was something that he would like to be doing for life. In his mind learning inscriptions is an ability that is worth the effort but it is a job that requires too much dedication.

He continued to walk for some time, the sun was getting low and he was getting tired, preparing to head home Ryu make a curve and pick one direction to go home when a smell assaulted his nose.

It was the best smell he ever felt in his life, it was so good that his mind shifted one instant he was not in the sect anymore, he was in a flowery open camp with a river off clear water crossing his front on the other side of the river trees loaded tasteful fruits.

Next instant he was back to the sect, an urge to find where this smell is coming from assaulted him and he followed his nose trying to pin the location of the smell.

It wasn't long before he found the right place, it was a great building with luxurious letters on the facade 'Alchemist Guild'. Without anything more to notice on the facade, Ryu pushed the single door in the front entered.

The inside was much different from the outside, there was a fine purple carpet on the ground the corners have pots with lush flowers and a balcony made of marble. Behind lays, a fat man that had his head low into a paper he didn't give a look to Ryu and displayed no intention of doing so, for a moment Ryu felt he had unlocked a stealth skill.

But it was not the case, Ryu approach the balcony and gave a knock on it saying hi. The man slowly moved his head to look at Ryu's eyes, he said nothing.

The man was not going to talk, so Ryu talked instead. He said he is a rookie and he is thinking of becoming an alchemist, he asked if he could see how does the profession looks like maybe if he could talk with someone or see an alchemist working. With that, the man finally spoke

"Do we look like a school? If you don't know what profession you want go to a vocational counselor.". The man turned his head down and continued to do whatever he was doing like there was nobody in his front.

Ryu was not expecting this kind of treatment, the answer he got left no room to argue. He left the building and looked at the window outside. There was an old man making a pill in on a small cauldron, he appears to be in a hurry, running from one side to the other. He was cutting some herb he runs to the other herb and knead it, he goes to the cauldron and watches the fire.

The old man was sweating with all the rush he was in, when there were no ingredients left he positioned himself in front of the cauldron and made a face of concentration. Ryu didn't know what this step was about, probably the man is using his soul sense to control the mixture inside the cauldron.

It was getting dark, the lights over the sect started to lit since he could not speak with an alchemist he decided to left. Alchemy did not leave a good impression on him, they like a lot of luxury and were not very receptive. On top of that the elder making a pill looked in to be in a hurry and it was not something that anyone would have pleasure doing, he knew that alchemy is important but it is not something he would like to do.

That night was wake until a late hour, he has visited two of the major jobs one could do, he was considering visit others when he has time. For now, he was starting to understand what he wants to be and what does not want.

The next morning he woke with the sunset, it had been a while since he was waking after the sun. He is fully prepared to leave the sect for the next few weeks, he was not sure how long he will stay far and he was not feeling sorrow.

Instead, he was excited, the expectation of an adventure taking over him. He was not sure if there will be an adventure since the village was under the wings of the sect but it was his first time venturing like this.

He left the sect with long and fast steps, the road is long the destiny unfamiliar, still, he was eager to reach.