Special treatment

As they went back to the village Ryu's vision started to get cloudy, most of his peripheral vision was lost. His heart started to beat at a fast rate, his heart was beating so strong that he could feel the blood flowing through it. His mouth was getting dry and his hands cold.

At this point no matter what Leoric tells, Ryu was getting desperate thinking he would die poisoned. They covered two-thirds of the way when Ryu's legs started to lose strength, Leoric offered a shoulder to support him for the rest of the way.

Their traveling speed dropped severely with his inability to walk by himself, but there was no helping it. At the rate he was losing body function he was afraid of dying even before he could reach the village to get treatment.

In this moment of despair bad thoughts prevailed over him, thoughts about the possibility of not reaching in time, thoughts about Anne being unable to treat this poison, thoughts about dying. His dreams flashed into his mind and he started to get emotional.

"Don't worry Ryu we will get there in time. This poison should not be this lethal, I don't know why it affected you so badly. It should be because you are a cultivator, but don't worry Anne knows how to deal with it. Hang on, we are already there." the whole time Leoric tried to get Ryu motivated, the reality is that he was in despair too, he never saw a person getting so bad with that poison before.

From the many things Ryu was regretting now that he was looking at death, one of the major things was that he never cared to study poisons. If he had done so he could just use one of the pills he had in his ring, he had many pills gifted him by his parents a handful of which could cleanse this poison in seconds, but he doesn't know which pill to take to this specific poison. If he tries taking a random pill he could end up making things far worse, using the wrong pill could enhance the effect of the poison by many folds.

There exist powerful pills that can deal with a vastness of poisons but they are so rare and expensive that even his parents couldn't gift him those.

He was so scared that he didn't even realize that they reached the village, he only perceived it when another man picked him by the other shoulder and carried him with Leoric to Anne's place.

Reaching Anne she made Leoric put Ryu in a chair, she heard their story with the lynx and told everyone to leave. She went to her shop picked a few different kinds of herbs and knead them in a pestle. She went to Ryu removed his robe's upper body part and applied an ointment on the wound, applied a bandage, and told him to rest, he would be fine.

Ryu stood seated while breathing profoundly, Anne went absent for a few minutes and returned with two teacups. He drank his cup and felt his vision returned normal, also his heartbeat was controlled.

"This tea is very good, I can feel my condiction improving already."

"It is good that you are feeling better, and thanks for the compliment but I this is just a normal tea."

"Really, it should be the ointment than, thank you for saving my life. I am in debt with you."

"It would be nice to have you in debt, but I will be honest. You were actually not that bad, that poison is somewhat weak, for a cultivator like you it could not threat your life. Well, you would have felt pain for a couple days, but you are treated now."

Ryu made an embarrassed so face funny that Anne had to contract her lips to not laugh.

"You must be kidding with me, what about all the symptons I felt?"

"That was an overreacting you had, in other words you paniced."

He was so embarrassed that his only wish was to find a hole and hide in it, but without that option, he picked another cup of tea and they drank it in silence for some time. After the embarrassment passed and he started to feel better he raised from his chair, and his loosened robe fell to his waist revealing his upper body.

Ryu's face turned red when his robe dropped leaving him half-naked, Anne raised from her spot and approached Ryu touching the bandage to check if it was okay.

"Don't be so shy, you are my patient I loosed you robes to treat you."

With Anne's hand over his chest Ryu looked at her, she was with her hair tied like usual and was using a gray dress revealing her lean body. Then he fixed his gaze on her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Anne was still checking the bandage, but the pair of eyes fixed on her was distracting her.

"You are so beatiful." Ryu was so focused that spoke his mind out.

Anne's eyes widened in surprise, she collected her hands from his chest looked at him in the eyes. When their eyes met her checks turned slightly red too, and she spoke.

"You must be feeling dizzy, it is better for you to sit."

Ryu was still looking at her, and the more he looked more red her face become. Instead of giving an answer for Anne he gave one step forward and placed his hand on the side of her neck, he approached his face from hers slowly. She said nothing and he advanced further until his lips met hers.

A second later Ryu separated his lips from Anne's, he looked at her eyes waiting. Ryu kissed her and was now looking at her waiting for an answer, but she said nothing for ten seconds they were just looking at each other immovable.

Then Ryu decided to kiss her again, he passed his right hand around her hip and pulled her to his chest, with his right hand he pulled her face pressing it against his own face. Their lips touched, but this time he pressed his tongue in her mouth giving her a much more passionate kiss. Ryu was thinking he had made a mistake, but the next moment Anne passed her arms over his shoulder embracing him tightly, and her tong started to move to return the kiss.

As their passionate kiss continued both of them were getting more and more excited, when they've parted away Anne grabbed Ryu's hand and said.

"Let's to to the room."

They went before the bed and started to kiss again, Anne pushed Ryu with both hands making him take a seat on the end of the bed while she was standing in his front. Ryu pulled her closer by the hand and placed his hands down to her ankles, he started to raise both hands exploring her body while lifting her dress.

Ryu's hand raised passing by her calves, then it reached the back of her knees. Ryu looked up and saw her looking at him with her eyes shining while bitting biting the underside of her lips, she bent down kissing him. His hand raised more reaching her thighs, he could feel in his hands the softness of her skin and the heat of her body.

He was exploring her thighs when Anne pushed him lying on the bed, with him still holding her tights she passed one leg then the other mounting him. Anne was on top of him looking down, she passed her hand exploring his body, going from his belly to his chest, then she bent down and start to kiss him another time.

Ryu raised his hand a little more and grabbed her ass tight feeling the flesh slip through his fingers, Anne's body gave a small trembling and Ryu felt her give a small moaning in the middle of a kiss. He advanced more passing his hands on her side, she raised her torso and removed the dress.

Anne was wearing no bra, so when the dress was removed it revealed her two small perky boobs, her pinky nipples were erected. Ryu raised his torso and placed his mouth on one of her boobs, sucking it gently, meanwhile, his hands were exploring her body, passing up and down to her back. He knew he was doing right because Anne was embracing him, and he could feel, her breath was heavy and she started to give softly moans.

Ryu was getting even more excited with her moaning, he couldn't hold anymore. He embraced her and with a rotation he swapped positions, leaving him on top and she with her back on the back. Ryu removed the remaining of his robes and grabbed her panties by each side and pulled eat all the way out, revealing her trimmed hairy feminine part.

Ryu was exploding with excitement, he started to kiss her from her thighs raising all the way to her lips. He angled his hips fit to fit hers, his masculine part on her feminine part, moans of pleasure started to get louder in response to the two lovers' passion.

That was a very long night, but none of them saw time passing.