
New Skill ->Enhanced Sense of Touch (passive) first stage acquired

Enhanced sense of touch: improves touch sensitivity and speed at which sensations are processed.

Scholar Grade Skill

-first stage: touch becomes more sensitive to textures and temperature.

-second stage: touch stimulus travels faster on the nerves. (disabled)

-third stage: improve pain tolerance. (disabled)

-fourth stage: touch becomes sensitive to the smallest variations, making the touch spread few centimeters from the body. (disabled)


Ryu woke up alone in this different bed, he was so focused last night that he didn't notice the new skill he got. It was only this morning when he opened the system that he saw it, but he was focused on other things.

In the main room, he found Anne preparing breakfast. Maybe it was his imagination but he found Anne even more beautiful today, she had a smile on her face and her mood was much more lively.

At first, he was contained, he felt ashamed to interact with her, it was his first time sleeping in a woman's house and he was not what he should be saying, if he should leave or if there is a procedure. However, Anne as a mature woman doesn't have this kind of problem, she solved his embarrassment by speaking freely about their last night.

They reached an agreement, he would be moving from his small improvised room on Susan's tavern to Anne's house. She knew that it was impossible for their affair to evolve into a relationship, there is impossible to cross the gap between them, he is a cultivator and she is not, but this was not an obstacle to enjoy the romance while they can.

Ryu was still in rest just in case the poison cause an aftermatch, thus he was forbidden to go hunt for this day. He acted stupidly in front of a beast and ended up getting hurt, it was luck that the poison was weak, otherwise, he could be dead now. His inexperience was crystal clear, commit mistakes is just normal, this is the way one learns, improves, and acquires experience, but the consequences of his mistakes have almost cost his life twice.

If things continue like this would die a premature death, sooner than later. A chance of mindset to behave colder can provide help by avoiding impulsive choices, but this is not an easy solution, one can't change oneself, in a stressful situation you can't count on the luxury of time to make a decision, you act on instinct. Thus there is only one other way to overcome his inexperience safely, it is by getting a master, someone skillful and experienced that would guide him, but find a master is not an easy task.

With the day off, he took advantage of the day to visit people, there were concerned with his health condition, the way he arrived last day was very impactful. Things were very peaceful when he was not hunting or working after quest, he found himself enjoying the tranquility of this place, he was deeply integrated into the village at this point.

After spending most of the day at Susan he decided to go to Anne's house, he left the tavern walking unpretentiously when coming in the opposite direction was Mary. She was coming in his direction when they got closer.

"Good evenning, Mary. I haven't seen you since the day at the waterfall, how are you?."

The young woman gave a cold half-closed look at him, and a shiver passed throughout Ryu's back. It was the first time he felt killing intent directed toward him, a feeling that someone is trying to take his life. Then she turned her look to the other side and walked past him saying nothing, she completely ignored him and his greetings.

Ryu was confused when he realized that everyone knew that he and Anne were together. He slept there a single night and everyone already knew what they had done, but word spread quickly and in a city this size it is impossible to have a secret.

The following days, Ryu went hunting again, but this time Leoric kept him under strict watch. It wasn't long before they gathered a sufficient amount of food for the winter. The village was still closed.

As expected he earned lots of exp while hunting and after the completion of the quest, causing him to raise level one more time. The best acquisition he made came only after two weeks, he got a hunting skill which allowed him to track beasts more efficiently, he became so much proficient when he got the skill that he earned Leoric's trust back.

With the end of the hunting, Ryu's new quests came to a halt, it was just occasionally that he would get one. And most of his days he would spend doing jobs. The one that was more satisfied to get Ryu's help was undoubtedly John, since he started to hang out with Anne and Mary developed a hatred towards Ryu, he started to treat Ryu like an old friend meeting him almost every day along with Kevin to drink. John was very pleased that his beloved daughter was still pure.

Ryu failed to notice, but the great quantity of exp he earned, in the beginning, was no more. The lasts week he gained less experience than he was getting in the sect, he was living a normal life without even realizing it.

He was so immersed in this place that he forgot why he came here. Most of the reason for this was Anne after he moved to her place they started to live the life of a couple, to have someone to share affection brought him a peace he never felt, their night section caused an extra impact that erased all of his shallow dreams.

From the very beginning, his resolution to become a cultivator was fragility, to say the least, he wanted to become strong so that he would be strong and respected, that is it. How can this be considered as determination? It can't so that with a simple breeze of joy he lost his goals.

There is nothing wrong with choosing a life more simple, but if one wants to aim bigger have a matching resolution is essential.


The weather was getting colder each passing day, the trees have lost most of their leaves in preparation for the winter. The village was still closed, it wasn't attacked a single time since the beginning, probably because Ryu and Leoric had killed a large quantity of the best around.

Ryu was leaving his house with Anne to go to Susan's tavern, he spent most of his time there with his older friends. Life was comfortable for him, with the strength provided by the system any task or job he does is easy, he was living as a commoner but with the privileges of a cultivator. He doesn't have to struggle for the basic needs as the others normally do.

The people were happy to have him in the village, he is willing to do any job and is always available to help. Their lives have improved much since he came, and they don't see him as a stranger anymore, he is one of them.

However, before he reaches the tavern he notices quite a few people running around, it was a complete turmoil. He went to the tavern and went to ask Susan.

"What is happening? Why is everyone so desperate?"

"I don't know either, it started just a few minutes and they looks like they are searching for something." Susan answered him, she was worried about the situation.

Not long after that, a group started to form the middle of the village, more and more people gathered there. Ryu and Susan went to see what was happening.