
The group was disturbed a some were picking weapons while another group was trying to prevent the first from going out. They were yelling and the whole thing was a mess, it wasn't long before every resident was gathered. Ryu and Susan failed to get an answer about the motive of this mess when she lost patience she yelled.

"Shut up. someone explain this mess to me and I will take providence."

As an elderly person, she holds quite a sum of respect, so people around her heard and silence started to spread. When they turned attention toward her, Clark took the front with his axe ready, he was much more disturbed than the other, his wife at his side was crying loud.

"I need to go outside, its my son. He ran away."

Susan's heart skipped a beat when she heard what was happening, she is one of the most motherly figures that ever existed, she a weak for kids. She took her decision instantly.

"And what are you waiting for? Go fetch him, form a grops of four and go."

"It is not that simple, he went the direction of the waterfall and we tracked the iron skin boar that direction just yesterday." one man gave a step forward to bring the complete information.

It happens that the kid was bored after so many days on lockdown and ran away to the waterfall, unwittingly choosing the worst day possible for his adventure. Clark, of course, was willing to face the risk to rescue his son, some of his most close friends agreed to go with him. But another group was trying to prevent a reckless operation that could cost many lives, if they went after the kid and stumble the boar they would certainly die.

This village is small, losing just a small group of men would cause an enormous prejudice, one that could cause the whole city to perish. No one wants to abandon Clark's son, but doing it with a hot head will bring no good.

In Susan's heart, the priority was undoubtedly the kid, but the iron skin boar was not a piece of information she could just ignore. She gathered the men and started to discuss an option, under Clark's protest.

"I will go ahead and rescue him. Leoric will form a team and go after me."

Ryu stated his plan assuming the leadership over the operation. Clark's eyes shined with joy and he almost burst into tears, his wife that was already crying fell to her knees thanking Ryu non-stop.

"Son, I know you are strong but this is not a beast that you can deal so easily." Susan was happy to have Ryu to help, but she was afraid to send him forward alone.

"No, if its him I agree with the plan." Leoric on the other side develop a bond with Ryu and was prepared to take his side. "But don't do something reckless like trying to fight it alone, it is a rescue operation."

With everything settled Ryu took the lead and Leoric made a team with skilled men to go after.

Ryu went ahead alone running at the fastest speed he could summon, the wind passing by loudly in his ears while touching his face, with his enhanced sense of touch he could feel even the minimal change in temperature. He focused his eyes to see widen his field of view to get a glimpse at every movement.

His speed was incomparable from when he first arrived at the village, despite running with such speed he wasn't feeling tired at all, a sense of power started to overcome him. A desire to get stronger, a desire to rescue the kid.


Quest: Rescue Clark's son.

Reward: 1000 exp


After only five minutes of running with this astonishing speed, Ryu heard a scream, an strident long sound coming out of the trail. There was no doubt what this scream was, it belongs to Clark's son, from the intonation this sound emitted it could only indicate that he was scared of something.

Ryu changed direction and focused his eyes trying to find the kid, thanks to his enhanced vision skill he saw a shadow moving far behind the trees. But not far from the kid a huge beast with metallic brown fur charging, it was the iron skin boar, it had marked the kid as his food.

The boar was approaching the kid fast, and Ryu was still more than 100 meters away, with this distance the kid would be that before he could have a chance to reach. Dispair overcome his mind, he gave everything to rescue the kid just to see him die before his eyes, Ryu imagined Clark desolated when he discovered his son died like that.

This moment Ryu remembered he still had something he could do, he opened the system and put all his stats to distribute in agility, if it is speed he was lacking he would increase agility to the maximum. His speed increased so much that he almost hit a tree, for a fraction of a second he lost balance but he recovered quickly.

The distance shortened, Ryu was running faster than the boar and the gap keep diminishing. But when he was just 20 meters distant, the boar was preparing to launch its attack, Ryu placed everything he had to get a chance, but it was still not enough.

Ryu was frustrated with his failed attempt, angry with himself, just a few meters ahead lays the boar and the kid, and still, he was too weak to do anything. At this moment he turned to the only thing that could miraculously help him, he asked the system, he made a pledge with all his determination. As if the system were hearing him, a notification appeared.

< Sprint (basic) acquired>>



One moment Ryu was 15 meters distant, the boar lowering its head to launch and upper head blow in the kid right at its front.

Ryu gave one step, he felt through his feet a sensation that he had not stepped on solid ground, but on an aquatic surface. On his view, imaginary water circles like raindrops falling on a lake were marking several spots in an of range 5 meters. He chose one of the marks at the circle's board, his body vanished from his original spot and reappeared on the marked one in a fraction of a second.

Two more steps, Ryu disappeared from his position and reappeared five meters ahead, he was next to the kid the boar about to land a blow. Ryu grabbed the kid from his waist and gave another step, reappearing just half meter to the front, just enough to avoid the boar's blow.

The boar missed his blow, it ran three meters ahead and locked his four legs breaking its speed. It makes a turn to face Ryu and the kid in his arm, it made a snort to display its frustration and hit the front leg on the ground preparing to make another assault with its two long teeth projecting ominously to the front.

Ryu was preparing to run, he was not sure if he could outrun the beast, but at least he could avoid it to get time until the team led by Leoric arrive to provide help. He lowered his body to take impulse when he felt a sharp pain in his legs, fatigue kicked in, he was incapable of running, especially while carrying someone.