Iron Skin Boar

Ryu felt a sharp pain assault his thighs and calves he used the sprint upgraded technique only four times and he was fatigued already. Nura warned about this effect, he said he couldn't maintain his sprint skill, his theory was because this skill requires level 10 to be used, using it early would put the but under too much stress. Ryu never thought that it would be so quick, he used the technique and managed to pull the kid out of danger, but now, he is in danger himself.

The Iron Skin Boar charged without losing time, despite its massive body, large and half Ryu height, the boar acceleration was impressive. Just four meters of separation was enough for the boar to reach its maximum speed, in such a short distance this combination of speed and brute force makes the boar a machine capable of destroying everything on its path.

The first charge Ryu stopped with a protective talisman, and an orange barrier appeared in his front, the boar collided against it head-on. The impact of the collision created a loud rumble that reverberated far, cracks could be seen in the glass-like barrier. This talisman should be able to sustain a blow many times stronger, but Ryu was unable to extract its full potential.

Ryu placed the kid on the ground and said him to hide behind a tree, he will face the beast. With the running option sealed, the confrontation was inevitable, he was not scared to fight the beast nor angry with the kid, this was something he wanted to do for a while. He was insecure to fight a rank 1 beast so early, but this whole event provided him an opportunity he was seeking.

A long sword appeared in his hand, he prepared his mind and turned the barrier off, the boar took four steps back to open distance. The boar had its eyes fixed on Ryu, it was resentful and aware of Ryu's barrier defense, still, it charged another time. The boar was coming fast with its explosive acceleration and its two pointy large front teeth.


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Ryu remained immovable, preparing for the attack, when the boar lowered its head to next throw it in an upward strike Ryu gave one large step aside dodging the attack. Now that he used all his remaining points his speed was faster than the boar's speed, he could dodge its charge easily, especially because he has an immortal grade martial skill to guide his movements.

Positioned to the boar's side, Ryu raised his sword high and brought it down at a diagonal angle slashing at the beast's back, a gust of wind blows the surrounding trees accompanying Ryu's sword move. The slash landed on the spot, emitting a metallic sound of metal hitting metal, the sword was repelled without injuring the boar.

It was now the boar time to counter-attack, it halted its charge and used all its front leg strength to throw his body in a rotation, its head came, projecting the teeth, aiming for Ryu's legs.

Ryu stepped back avoiding the hit, and moved to the other side of the boar, taking the opportunity of the unbalanced beast. The downward slash failed to cut, so this time Ryu went for another movement. His sword went down almost touching the ground, the sword moved in an arc moving closer to the boar, a trail could be seen on the soil on the path the sword went, when the sword met with its target it changed direction to an upward arc, pushed with the strength of the ground.

The slash found its target with such a compelling force that the boar was lifted a few centimeters from the ground, but the slash still failed to penetrate the thick skin. Before the boar had a chance to regain balance and launch another attack Ryu stepped back.

Ryu finally understood why this beast terrorized the village for so long, this beast had an unmatchable defense, there is no way for them to cause damage in this boar. Ryu was using an immortal grade martial technique with a sword he got from his parents and still could no cause a wound, he started to get worried about his chances.

The boar charged again, the beast was annoyed that its prey was dodging, so it started a sequence of head attacks, without giving a break moment, trying to get Ryu.

Taking advantage of his superior speed, Ryu joined the lethal dance against the boar; he dodged left, and sent a downward slash at the base of the boar's neck; dodge to the right, and slashed at the boar back; dodge to back, and slash horizontally at the boar's face.

Ryu was systematically seeking a week spot, he was attacking every part of the boar trying to find a part where the skin was thinner. However, no matter how or where he slashed the boar he was never able to make a clean cut. He dodged to the back of the boar so slash at its butt, he placed all his body strength to make the strongest attack, but the boar had its own plan, it leaned on its front paws and kicked back.

The boar's short back leg landed on Ryu's relaxed belly, making him step gave and fall to his knees vomiting blood. Ryu was not expecting this kind of movement, and he wasn't especially expecting that these small legs could generate so much force.

Ryu fell to his knee due to the sharp pain, he lost concentration for a fraction of a second, meantime, the boar was not willing to let this opportunity slip, it rapidly made a 180° turn facing Ryu lowered his head, and made an assault. Ryu recovered from the pain in time to see a pointed tooth approaching him, with no time to bring a talisman barrier.

His heart stopped for a moment and his eyes widened, when the tooth was about to touch his face, Ryu vanished from the spot leaving only an afterimage, he activated the vanishing raindrop steps at the last moment avoiding a fatal blow. Ryu emerged at the side of the boar, he took the chance to attack another time, he prepared to launch a thrust according to the heavenly pillar martial art style.

Ryu contracted his body muscled to place stab the boar, the sword went forward in a straight path seeking its prey like a phoenix diving from the sky to attack a foe, as the sword advanced, the tip of the sword started to glow yellow as if the metal of the blade was in heat. The sword's tip pierced the skin and went a few centimeters into the boar's flesh, releasing a sound of water boiling.

The boar jumped high in pain, Ryu opened distance while the boar was occupied feeling pain, it was not a beast used to get wounded, it was a new experience to this rank 1 beast. Ryu finally succeded wounding the boar, it was just a small cut, but a crucial successful cut that revealed the way to get through the boar's thick iron skin.