Battle conclusion

The moment of pause only lasted for a second, but in Ryu's perspective, this second was like an eternity. He couldn't even maintain the spear in position properly, his exhausted arms were struggling to hold the spear as its weight seemed to increase over time. The boar was also close to its physical limit but looked to be in a situation much more favorable than Ryu, it barely has a wound on its body.

Ryu sucked a large portion of air and released it from his mouth, gathering all the remaining strength he could conjure, the next exchange of blows will be the last. He was overwhelmed with emotion, a feeling he was longing for even before he became a cultivator, a desire for battles and adventures, he was fighting a strong opponent to save the life of one person, this was what he was dreaming for his life as a cultivator. It was a situation completely different from when he fought the berserk hound dog, that time he was worried for his life and his mind went blank, there was only fear that time.

Ryu charged forward taking the initiative of this exchange, he was excited on the same proportion he was exhausted, but this time he was not passively waiting for the boar to make a counter-attack, he projected the tip of the spear straight forward pointing to the eyes of the boar, a dim light could be seen at the tip of the spear as it advanced. The boar was initially surprised, but it regained its calm and dodging the spear to the side and was preparing to use the opportunity to launch its own counterattack.

The boar made the first move to dodge the thrust, Ryu raised the tip of the spear and moved to the side, he made a deliberate weak attack to work as a feint, it was another movement from his martial style skill. When the boar launched its counter-attack in the direction it guessed Ryu was, the attack passed on empty.

Ryu was already on the beast side with the spear ready to lance his own attack, but this one would not be a feint. He held the grip tight and sent the spear forward aiming for the boar's neck, as the spear advance the tip was turning orange in color like a hot metal recently removed from the fire. The stab found the target penetrating deep in a lethal spot, the beast would die quickly from blood loss.

Ryu retracted the spear revealing a large wound at the boar's neck, however, it was not leaking blood like expected, the heat on the spear's tip cauterized the wound sealing it. This unexpected side-effect caused the boar to gain time until its final moment, and it decided to use this time to get revenge on its killer.

The dying iron skin boar went rampage assaulting Ryu without carrying its integrity, the beast went on berserk mode completely ignored its defense jumping higher than ever. Ryu blocked the strike with the spear but he couldn't get away from the boar, the boar jumped another time and Ryu dodges by centimeters, but the boar landed by accident on Ryu's feet causing him to grit his teeth in pain.

The boar took advantage and landed a head blow on Ryu's waist sending him flying to the side, he landed on the ground on his back, the boar turned to him preparing charge. Right before the boar started its onslaught an arrow came flying fast hitting the boar on the cheek, the arrow didn't have enough power to penetrate the tough skin, but it caused the boar to become aware of another enemy.

The boar looked to the side to see where the arrow came from, and a man came running from the opposite direction, this man was Clark, he came fast grabbed by the thorax and started to run with the fastest speed he ever used in his life. The boar realized what was happening and started to chase Clark and Ryu, another arrow landed on its side but the boar ignored it.

Clark ran with Ryu on his back and the boar after, he was not even seeing where he was going but he was scared and had a job to do, he ran. After three minutes of running, Ryu tapped on Clark's back signaling for him.

"Hey spot, spot. It's over you don't have to run anymore."

Clark understood he was being told to spot it, he was hesitant to do so but he eventually gave up and stopped placing Ryu on his foot.

"We lost it? The boar went after Leoric?"

"No, it came after us, but if fall behind. I have be signaling for you to stop for more than one minute, I thought you were going to run until next morning."

Ryu pointed to the boar lying on the ground far behind when the beast went berserk trying to take Ryu the wound on its neck reopened causing blood to flow, the beast chased after Clark until his forces were drained.

They went after the boar, Clark stood a few meters behind afraid of the beast, while Ryu reached close and saw the beast giving struggling to give its final breaths. Ryu extracted his sword and gave another cut on the boar's neck putting an end to its suffering.

Ryu retracted his sword, he gave a step back and sat on the grass letting exhaustion overcome him, Leoric reached bringing his spear that was left behind when the boar sent Ryu flying, and the two kept staring at the dead body of the boar.

A group of men came bringing Clark's son, they could not believe their eyes when they saw the beast that terrorized the village for so long was dead.

After a moment of rest, they went back to the village, Ryu was carried by two men since he couldn't move at all, the journey back took much time, which made Ryu wonder how fast he had become since it only took him a few minutes to reach the place he fought the bear.

The whole travel back was filled with enthusiasm, the men were cheering and making plans for a big celebration in name of Ryu. Now that their nemesis had fallen the village could be opened again, and it would never have to shut down again, counting that another monster doesn't appear.

Ryu was smiling and agreeing with everything, but the reality is that he was only thinking is laying down in his bed and sleep for days, he had no energy left to enjoy a celebration. The sun was still high in the sky and Ryu could not stop the smile on his face.

When he was getting closer to the safety of the village, the system emitted a sound and a screen appeared.


Quest completed: Rescue Clark's son.

Reward: 1000 exp

Bonus quest completed: Kill the Iron Skin Boar that has been terrorizing the village for a long time.

Reward: 2000 exp

total exp: 3860 / 1400

Necessary exp to next level achieved.

Level up

You are now level 6

Necessary exp to next level achieved.

Level up

You are now level 7