Change of heart

Name: Ryu Sei

Cultivation technique: Heaven and Earth Inversion (book zero)

Level: 7 Exp: 960 of 1600

Essence: 0


Strength ->21 Agility ->30

Dexterity ->19 Resistance ->20

Focus ->18

distribute: 10



Heavenly Pillar Martial Art Style (degraded)

Enhanced Vision (first stage), Enhanced Sense of Touch (first stage)

Axe Mastery (Intermediate) level 1, Bow Mastery (Beginner) level 1, Hammer Mastery (Intermediate) level 1, Spear Mastery (Beginner) level 1, Sword Mastery (Beginner) level 1



Vanishing Raindrop Steps


Vanishing Raindrop Steps (active)

An immortal sage developed this movement technique after meditating for 10 years, he found enlightenment discovering a pattern in the circles made by the raindrops falling into the surface of a lake. This technique allowed him to move from one point to another incredibly fast, giving the illusion he was teleporting.

Immortal Grade Skill


Ryu was looking at the system with a smile on his face, in one strike he raised two levels and got another immortal grade skill, and that was not all, the level 7, the great number of skills, and the stats points he got for helping people in their jobs, was a proof of his hard work. He became strong without realizing it, the corpse of the dead iron skin boar was proof of his power.

It is not normal for a cultivator below level 10 to fight a beast at rank 1, but Ryu fought one and prevailed, this incredible feat was possible only because of his two immortal grade skills, without those skills he would be dead.

They arrived at the village, everyone was standing at the fence, waiting with worried faces, they only relaxed when they saw the group returning safely with Clark's son. Clark's wife went running ahead, she grabbed her son and hugged him tightly, almost breaking his ribs, without releasing him she started to scold him swearing he will be grounded locked in his room for one year.

The group was received with praises, but before they could return to their homes Leoric.

"We have good new to tell you, c'mom open space. Bring it Ryu."

Ryu extracted the corpse of the iron skin boar placing it in the middle of the crowd. Their first reaction was to step back in fear when they noticed that it was not moving they gathered the courage to approach, they were seeing it but still refusing to believe their own eyes.

"Is this real? The beast is really dead?"

"Can't you see with your own eyes? Ryu killed it in a fair fight."

With this news there were cheering and crying people, it took a while until they could calm down, they then decided to held a celebration. When Ryu tried to dismiss, saying he was tired, he was sent to rest while the party was being prepared, he went to Anne's place where he fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Ryu woke up with Anne gently running her fingers through his hair, he opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"Are you feeling better? People prepared a celebration for you, but if you don't want to go I can say you are tired and can't show up."

"No, I am much better now. I will go."

It was night outside, but it was still bright, the whole village was decorated, and torches were lit all over the place, turning the night day. In the middle, there was a fire pit emanating heat far, over the pit lays the corpse of the skinned boar, they would celebrate making a barbecue with the beast meat.

When Ryu appeared with Anne, there were cheers, they brought him food and alcohol, it was a complete celebration.

At some point, the party spotted and they brought something for Ryu, Susan gave him a heavy cloth piece.

"We prepared this for you, we made this leather armor with the pelt of the iron skin boar to protect you from attacks and the cold, It is not as good as the work done from a cultivator of your sect but it is made from heart."

Ryu caught the armor and opened it, there were two pieces of armor; leather armor, soft from touch to be wear under the robes; and a piece of armor to be used around the waist to protect the thigh, a tasset black in color finely decorated with stripes. The two armor pieces were skillfully crafted, they were solid and comfortable, Ryu liked the gift a lot, he was planning on ask for an inscriptionist to reinforce the pieces when he had a chance.

"It is beautiful, thank you very much. But how did you crafted it so fast? No, how did you cut the skin in first place?"

"It's different if we can cut this hard skin if there isn't a live wild beast wearing it trying to kill you."

In sequence, Leoric approached handling something to Ryu. "This belong to you. Its the beast core we removed from the boar."

Ryu picked the small blue octagon in his hands, a small piece hard as a rock that all beast beyond rank 1 has. Ryu looked at the hard rock in his hand, he could feel the energy contained in the piece, it was the first core he got and he was happy about it. He stored the piece in his ring for later use.

Last, Clark approached Ryu handling him a dagger.

"I don't have anything valuable to gift you, and I own you a lot for saving my son, so please accept this, it is a heirloom that have been passed down in my family for generations, it is just a regular knife but I want you to take this as a token."

"I am not accepting you saying that you are in debt with me. You are the first friend I made when I reached here, from my point of view it was just normal to stand for a friend."

Clark burst into tears and hugged him tightly hearing Ryu saying they were friends, a part of the emotional explosion was due to alcohol, in the end, Clark insisted that Ryu accept the dagger even if it has no value.

By the end of the night, Ryu went to the house with Anne, he was tired to go to a party but he was feeling quite energetic to have a night session of love. After the moment of pleasure Ryu was lying down in his bed with Anne on his chest, she asked him.

"You are leaving the village, aren't you?"

"Why do you say so?"

"Your eyes. You were looking at nothing for a long time, I had never seen you this pensive before. It is okay, we new this day will reach eventually."

"I will miss you." Ryu said turning to kiss Anne before falling asleep.

The fight with the boar kindled a fire inside Ryu's heart, showing him that the pacific life in the village was good but not enough for him, he wants to chase the world and become stronger. He was still seeking his resolution, that thing he wants to do that will bring happiness to his life.

Ryu was searching for his talent, it will be a long path until he finds it, but hopefully a joyful one.