To kill a man

The only emotion on Ryu's heart was rage, an immensurable wish to kill the three men slowly, all he wanted was to step forward and destroy those criminals, but he knew very well that he was incapable of such feet, at least fighting openly. Thus he decided to use his brain, he controlled his emotions to not act recklessly, he needed the three to forget about his existence.

It wasn't an easy task, every cry for help from Cahya touched his heart, he almost failed to resist the urge to attack, but he was waiting for the perfect moment. When the small man started to untie his belt, Cahya yelled even louder and the three men got distracted, it was just for a single moment, but it was everything Ryu was expecting.

With a small gesture, a sword appeared in Ryu's hand, the drunk man that should be keeping watch on Ryu was distracted enjoy the horrendous scene, and missed his action. Ryu raised his concentration to the peek, he made a small move to the front, making a stance to activate the raindrop vanishing steps.

The world went silent when Ryu activated the skill, in his point of view, for a single moment the world froze, the colors disappeared, and the sound stopped, he was the only living being in this world. Surrounding him, in a range of 5 meters several points, with circles spreading from these dots, were marked on the floor like rain falling into a lake, Ryu chose one of the marks right next to the leader kneeling.

Ryu vanished from his spot and reappeared next to the leader, his sword was raised high above his head, and without wasting any time he quickly entered into action descending the sword to the man's neck in his front. He acted with a determination to kill that he never felt before as if responding to his will the air high above the trees started to go down like it was being sucked by the sword blade, the wind tapered extending the edge of the sword.

Halfway through the slash, the big man and the drunk yelled for Ryu to stop, it's all they could do from distance. The leader was the last to respond, with his hand on his belt he looked up to see Ryu and his sword coming to take away his life, he knew that he couldn't react in time. Foreshadowing his death the leader looked at Ryu's face, instead of the anger and hatred he was expecting to see in his executioner there was just a blank expression, Ryu was looking down on him like a sovereign about to execute a defeated opponent.

The leader's face contracted in fear and his eyes bulged, strangely wide with despair, all his life he prided himself on his strength and courage, used force to subdue people, and held himself in high esteem, but here in his final moment, he was being looked down upon, like a cockroach about to be crushed.

As the blade reached the leader's neck through the back of the head it passed all the way without resistance, cutting through him like a knife through butter, the head separated from the body started to fall front, an expression of fear still imprinted on the face of the dropping head, while the body lost balance and collapsed.

Cahya was the last to notice the action, struggling to get free she only realized what was happening when the big man released the grip on her hand, she looked down to see a head falling and Ryu next to it with a sword in his hand.

"I will kill you." the big man said extracting a large sword and moving in Ryu's direction.

"You bastard." the drunk man on his back was moving to grab Ryu.

With a relaxed expression Ryu shifted his pupil to the big man, he activated the raindrop vanishing steps a second time disappearing under the watch of his two angry opponents. They were shocked in surprise when Ryu vanished and halted their advance.

"Behind you." the drunk man yelled pointing to the big man.

In the next moment, Ryu reappeared, behind the big man, thrusting his sword forward using all his speed, he was aiming at the heart from the back, he planned to use surprise to kill a second opponent before they could prepare to fight. However, the disparity in levels was too large, as soon as the drunk man yelled the big man used all his strength to rotate his body placing his large sword in front to block the incoming attack.

The thrusting blade of Ryu, started to turn orange in color on the whole blade extension, as the sword advanced, the heat in the blade increased and flames of fire erupted from the blade. The tip of Ryu's sword clashed against the flat side of the big man's large sword and halted suddenly, due to the large gap in strength Ryu could not push his sword forward.

"Now you are screwd, I will torn you into pices." the big man said in anger.

Ryu pressed his sword forward and the Big man's sword began to melt under the contact with the tip of Ryu's blade, the thrusting movement from the Heavenly Pillar martial art style brought the power of fire, heating Ryu's blade to a high degree. The heat melted a hole in the large sword and the thrusting movement passed by the blockade and pierced the big man's shoulder.

The big man jumped back leaving his sword behind and yelling in pain, the drunk one went to his aid, because of the burning effect the shoulder of the big man had a black hole that went all the way to the bone, he should be feeling an enormous pain.

Ryu went to Cahya and lifted her off her feet, she was barely moving with shock.

"Cahya listen to me, you have to run. Now." Ryu said looking into her eyes hoping to bring her back to reality.

"What about you?" Cahya said regaining her reasoning.

"I will deal with them, you go." Ryu said.

"I will bring help, please hold on." Cahya said running to the sect.

It took some time for the big man to stop yelling and reestablish his composture, the drunk man was guarding him looking at Ryu. The two men were facing Ryu with hatred, they were prepared to kill.

Waiting for the big man to recompose was a decision on Ryu's side, he knew the drunk man was stronger than him so fighting head-on wasn't a good option, he was counting on Cahya to bring help before he died, thus he had to do his best to stall for time.

"Bold on you part to send the woman ahead, but meaningless, we will kill you quick and vent our anger on her later." the drunk man said taking his own sword in his hand. The big man was on his side with an expression of pain, he lost his sword but was still dangerous.

"Daring on your part swearing to kill me fast, why don't we ask your leader what he think about this?" Ryu said pointing to the headless corpse on the ground.

The two men's faces twitched in anger, but they still not moved, they were scared of Ryu's abilities and confidence. Those used to fighting in a group are easily frightened when they lose their advantage.