Hit and run

Ryu's plan worked, somehow; the head of the group lays beheaded on the floor, by removing the group's leader he blocked their capability to organize and plan, proof of this is that the two men stood behind to fight against Ryu if they split up and sent one after Cahya they should be able to take the woman and come back to in time to join forces, But these two are so used to leaving the decision to their leader that they didn't even think about this possibility.

Also, another part of the plan consisted in taking down the big man, his main stats consisted of strength which made him a thread if Ryu had to fight head-on, with the gap in level a single blow of this man would make Ryu unconscious. The man survived the surprise attack but he sustained a heavy injury sealing a great part of his power.

Finally, Ryu was left to fight with two men, one was drunk to the point of losing balance and the other injured enough to block his movements. Still, it would not be an easy fight, the gap in levels made things unfavorable for Ryu.

The drunk man took the lead attacking Ryu with a thrust attack, he had to finish this battle as fast as possible to go after Cahya, otherwise, the woman would reach the sect and he would be labeled as a rapist. The sect has a great tolerance to bullying and fighting between disciples, but something like rape is usually dealt by the sect with iron hands, he would face a punishment worse than death.

A sword came targeting Ryu's heart and he paired it aside using his own sword, he was deeply surprised with the speed the blade came his way, he was expecting that at least his agility stats would give him an advantage, as he paired the attack Ryu lost balance revealing the disparity on strength and his imbalance in stats.

Seeing the moment on his side drunk one sent another attack, he aimed a slash at the neck. Ryu pressed his foot on the ground and used all the force on his core region to move his sword up intercepting the incoming attack just a few centimeters from his neck. Had Ryu not used a move from his immortal grade martial art style he would be dead at this moment, it was only because he used the force of the earth he that was able to press his body to move fast enough.

However, Ryu still was taking the downside of this confrontation, drunk one stepped to the side slashing down aiming for the shoulder and Ryu answered raising his sword horizontally above his head. The impact came with such force that Ryu went to his knee, but before drunk one could take advantage he jumped back gaining distance.

Although jumping back allowed Ryu to escape from a dangerous position he ended up falling into another one, as he moved backward the big man was waiting behind him, the big man was throwing a punch against the back of his head. To escape this lethal punch Ryu bent his body and the blow passed above his head, he could feel the mass of air moving along the trajectory of the fist.

Another time Ryu found himself in a bad position, with a big one behind him in close enough to grab his robes and a drunk one moving in his front to open a cut in his body, he was trapped, sandwiched between his two opponents, the worst situation he could have not allowed to happen in a fight against multiple foes.

With no other options, he activated his vanishing raindrop steps vanishing from his position, he went behind Big one with a sword moving into a slash to kill him. Without a weapon to use big one was the person in this fight in the most disadvantage, he had no way to block an attack directed aimed at him.

However, before the slash could touch Big one, he lunged forward completely evading Ryu's attack. Ryu's slash passed blank making him lose balance while drunk one lunged his way thrusting his sword, with no time to evade all he could do was to twist his body a little bid to make the attack not come straight his way.

Albeit the connected thrust transferred force against Ryu's chest hurting him, it failed to pierce the leather armor made from the iron skin boar saving his life, he jumped back separating from his foes.

In this short period, Ryu was already feeling tired, he used the vanishing steps a third time and was facing two opponents at once, this extreme pressure made him feel tired much faster than he should, at least he got some time to push his plan into phase two.

"You thought we would fall that again? You certainly have many tricks under your sleeve, lets see how long they can continue to save your life." drunk one said.

"If it is trick that you want to see what about this one." Ryu said turning away and running in the direction Cahya went.

"Think you can run? Coward." Drunk one said chasing Ryu, while Big one went after.

At first, it looked like Ryu was running to avoid fighting, but if he continued to run in this particular direction he would eventually reach Cahya, which would make the whole point of sending her ahead useless. He could not run in another direction leaving the two men alone because they could get the idea to split and send one after her too.

After running for half a minuter, Ryu suddenly halted his running drunk one was just a few steps distance, almost catching him, while the big one was far more distant, thirty steps behind. Ryu turned to his back slashing in a downward arc, drunk one was barely split in half, but he managed to block the attack with his sword ending with just a small cut on his chest.

A violent clash succeded, with drunk one slashing wildly, he went to a frenzy in anger to be caught in a sneak attack, Ryu was getting slow because of fatigue, he ended up receiving two blow in his torse area, luckily the leather armor was able to absorb the blows.

When big one reached the clashing and was waiting for an opportunity to join the fight since he doesn't have a weapon he could not recklessly step in.

In a brief moment of separation on the trade Ryu saw an opportunity, he turned back and started running another time. His strategy consisted in running to get a distance to face just the drunk one alone, if he stood in only one place his opponents would be able to grasp a chance to team up and take him down, thus he made this plan. He would run, turn back and face drunk one, the faster of the two, when Big one caught up Ryu would find a chance to run again.

This way he would not only have to face just one opponent at a time, but he would end up getting near the sect, making it easier for a rescue. The only flaw in his plan was that drunk one was getting angry and advancing more violently, in every trade he ended up receiving one blow.