A fight without technique

Without a moment of pause to appreciate the defeat of Big one, Nura shifted his attention to drunk one, who was visibly shocked with the outcome of the first trade, but before he could say anything Nura was already on his front swinging his club ruthlessly, Drunk one managed to parry the strike successfully, yet another strike came his way from other direction.

Despite having superiority in stats drunk one couldn't deal with Nura's sequential attack, Nura dictated the rhythm of the fight with furious blows, and he pressed forward attacking without a trace of technique.

As a consequence of the rustic nature of the club, this weapon is not commonly used by cultivators - it actually has a bad reputation among them - because it lacks the elegancy of the sword or the graciousness of the spear, but this lack in popularity does not translate in ineffectiveness, the club is an amazing weapon to use, it allows one to put as much force as wished into every single blow and the absence of an edge gives a versatility that is not found in any other weapon.

Therefore, Ryu couldn't believe in his eyes, those blows completely devoided of technique was achieving a feat that he with his immortal grade skill couldn't, he was satisfied with himself for being able to put a fight against an opponent much stronger, but a conflicted emotion of defeat was also there.

In the same manner, the fight progressed with Nura delivering powerful blows in a frenzy, as the trade progressed drunk one face was changing to an expression of affliction, no matter what he couldn't find a breach to make a counter-attack. Eventually, drunk one missed time and got a blow within his arm, he used this rare chance to jump back to open distance to breathe.

Both Nura and Drunk one were breathing heavily, it was a normal thing that Drunk one was exhausted since he had fought for a long time Ryu and was drunk from the very beginning, however, Nura had only fought for a short amount of time, the explanation his state of exhausting was because he was pushing himself to the limit.

"Lets stop things here, I surrender." Drunk one said holding his arm in pain, he realized that he would not be able to escape his present situation, even if he managed to get the upper hand on Nura there are still the two women waiting aside.

In this moment of defeat, he remembered that he had actually not participated in the **** attempt, of course, he would be severely punished for taking part in it, but the **** had been stopped and no one aside his friend had been killed, a negotiation would be possible, and surrendering would grant margin for him to live.

"Kill a fellow sect colleague is not tolerated by the elders, if we continue to fight you will get punished as well." Drunk one tried to argue after he received no answer from Nura.

In contrast with the talkative man Nura remained silent staring at Drunk one, the awkward silence added fuel to the despair of this scared man, the look on Nura's eyes revealed no intent to show mercy.

"Now you remembered that we belong to the same sect? But you have missed something there, how would the elder figure out about your death? We will just feed your body to the beasts and erase the evidence." Nura said in a cold tone.

As his words broke the silence, an eerie atmosphere descended on the place, there was a great discrepancy between the frenzied Nura attacking relentlessly just now and the cold and merciless Nura declaring his judgment.

Forasmuch Nura made his position clear, a fight was simply inevitable, Drunk one lunged forward in an attempt to control the fight, he had a bad time with Nura on the lead, but his attack made with just one hand didn't carry the same threat as before, a single collision on weapons and Drunk one progress were shattered.

Taking the opportunity, Nura unleashed his reprimanded fury using all his strength, one blow and Drunk one lost balance, a second blow, and the sword dropped on the ground, a third blow came in a downward arc.

In a reaction, Ryu and Luise shifted their gazes from the grotesque scene, the fight was over and Nura turned back walking to the group retracting the club in his ring, as the fight finished and he was able to relax Nura skin paled white and he found a spot to sit on the ground near Ryu.

Meanwhile, Drunk one was left behind with a cranial sinking, he was trying to raise from the ground while mumbling incomprehensible words, but every time he pressed his body up he lost balance falling again, he suffered brain damage and would die soon, however, Nura was not on the mood to give a merciful final blow to put an and to his suffering.

"How did you do this? This guy level was at least 20, still, you fought head-on what is happening here?" Ryu asked with a serious expression, curiosity was killing him.

"What about you, from what I've heard you fought three of them, killed one, wasted the second, and exhausted the third. Isn't your feat much more impressive? How did you do that?" Nura replied joking.

"You know very well how I did what I did, even so, I couldn't do the same as you. Since you are my friend and knew my secret, please enlight me." Ryu insisted.

As he finished the sentence Nura shifted his gaze looking at Cahya and Luise, Ryu then realized what he had just done, he told loudly in front of two people he had a secret, he was so focused on Nura riddle that he said something he shouldn't.

Before he could say something that could compromise him even more, Ryu gave a sneak glance; luckily, Cahya was not paying attention to the conversation, the previous event caused a disturbance on her mind making her alien to the surrounding; Luise was busy on her side trying to avoid the scene of a man dying a pathetic death just a few meters away, despite her attempt to pretend she has not heard Ryu had the impression that she heard everything.

Since the mistake was already done keep ruminating it would bring nothing, but it was a reminder to be more attentive in the future.

"You are asking me to say how I have become strong so fast, but in truth, I already told you. What level are you?" Nura said making an expression of doubt.

"I'm level 7. When have you told me about it? It's been more than a month since we last seen each other." Ryu answered.

"Level 7? didn't I told you to go to a village to level up. What have you been making this whole time? NO, more important how the hell did you fought this guys in such level?" Nura said agitatedly, he was not expecting this outcome, he was actually thinking Ryu's level was far higher than this.

Just when Ryu opened his mouth to say something, a notification sound from the system caught his attention.