New stat

Sword Mastery increased to beginner level 8

Asserted your determination and morality, a cultivator can't lower his head and tolerate another trampling on him, fought and prevailed against three enemies two cultivating stages above to protect a friend.

Reward: 3000 exp

total exp: 4380/ 1600

Necessary exp to next level achieved.

Level up

You are now level 8

Necessary exp to next level achieved.

Level up

You are now level 9

System analyzed your will and behavior and found the absolute lack of emotion you show to your enemies suitable compatible to the role of a conqueror.

Anyone can look down to a weaker foe, but only a true conqueror can look down to a stronger opponent and instill fear in their hearts. A true conqueror is a person who can remain impervious to the action of his enemies, waiting for the best opportunity to strike, however, once he steps in stage, his presence is absolute, his enemies tremble in fear, his friends shake with joy and third parties bow in respect.

New stat unlocked -> Aura.

Aura stat: your presence spread beyond your body, instilling fear in your enemies and elating your friends' disposition, have enough power, and the world itself will recognize you and bend to your will.

Aura stat can't increase by distributed points nor level up.

Aura -> 1


"Heeeeeyy, you still there? Ryuuuu, hey." Nura said, shaking his hands in front of Ryu's face to get his attention.

"Yes, I'm here. What's up?" Ryu answered, closing the system, while Luise and Nura looked at him attentively, concern explicit on their faces.

"How what's up? Are you really okay? You were saying you were at level 7 when you looked at nowhere with that stupid expression for over 10 minutes, so we were worried that you were having a stroke. I understand that you got a reward for that fight. Is it that amazing?" Nura said.

"About that, I am level 9 now." Ryu said with a satisfied smile.

"My quest still persists. Why is your level so low? I told you to go to a village level." Nura said, while Ryu looked confused at Nura, and Cahya was completely lost, level 7 was already incredible for her.

"I went, just like you said. I stayed there for over a month, met a lot of people, made some good friends, did various jobs as a lumberjack, farmer, mason, and hunter, performed different types of quests, gained various skills, and gained various levels;

there was a time that things went slow, and there weren't many quests, this time I just stayed with Anne, but even that time was important to show me what kind of path I should follow as a cultivator;

I did everything there, but I am not even close to your level." Ryu said, summarizing his time in the village. It was only two days since his departure, but talking about that time made him feel nostalgic and ache in his chest when he remembered Anne.

Just as Ryu finished talking, a sharp pain assaulted his back when he turned back to see, he was greeted with a cynical "Did it hurt?" from Cahya, and the woman got off his back and sat at his side, staring him with an inquiring expression.

"So this was the reason you went to that village you were talking to me early? I don't remember any Anne in your history." Cahya said with an intense gaze.

With no excuse at hand, Ryu looked at Nura, seeking help, but his friend slowly shifted his head to Luise, pretending to have something to talk to her. After stammering wordlessly to get out of this compromising situation, Ryu decided to change the subject.

"I'm sorry to let you pass to that situation Cahya. I stood aside watching, waiting for a chance to act, while you were suffering." Ryu said with sorrow.

"I am not a fool for not understanding what you have done. I knew their levels were way higher than ours, and I was so scared thinking we couldn't do anything to stop them, this until you came out of nowhere decapitating that guy all of a sudden.

I saw your strength when you fought that silver wolf, but I wasn't expecting you to be able to fight those guys as you did. You saved me, and I am grateful. I am so glad that you stepped in for me." Cahya said, hugging Ryu's arm and appeasing his mind, thankfully she was not left with a trauma.

As a consequence of Cahya's words, Ryu's admiration for the woman increased many folds. She had a strong mentality, great disposition, and courage to face danger, all these were characteristics of someone worth being a friend. As he looked at her eyes with admiration and saw her pretty eyes shining like a star, she blushed slightly.

"Still, you avoided my question. We will talk about who Anne is later." Cahya said, her mood appeased by Ryu's tenderness, but she would not let the matter go that easily.

With these words, an ominous feeling took over Ryu, a forecast of pain in his future. He looked at Nura, only to see the other struggling to hold a smile, his friend was having fun with his suffering, but he would not let things go cheap.

"By the way, Nura, how was your honeymoon with Luise?" Ryu said with a mischievous smile, Ryu barely finished his speech, and a shadow passed fast by his peripheral vision, and he felt an intense pain in his head.

In the next moment, Ryu woke up on the ground beside him only Nura remained, Luise and Cahya distant chatting.

"What just happened to me?" Ryu asked, confused.

"Who told you to tease that woman. She is a devil disguised in a girl's little body." Nura said, and his eyes were deep and devoided of life.

"Ouch, does she have to be this angry with a simple joke?" Ryu said, massaging the swelling on his head.

"Things were a little awkward between the two of us in these past few days. That is why she was so energetic about it." Nura said, looking at Luise.

Silence covered the place as no more words were necessary. Those two young men were sitting on the ground looking at the two young women chatting lively a few meters distant, but the atmosphere around these men was gloomy, and they could only foreshadow sorrow in their future.

"I wasn't expecting you were to be so dumb, you know, but it seems that you achieved something amazing in that village. It wasn't a waste of time in the end." Nura broke the silence.

"What's this all of a sudden? I don't want to hear I am dumb to someone like you. Let's not forget that you were the one who got into trouble with these guys first." Ryu said, triggered by Nura's remark, but he was not in the mood to react properly.

"I didn't send you to a village thinking you will get along with the people, work on the farm, nor anything like that, much less to get a girlfriend." Nura said.

"So you should have been more specific, I remember asking for a reason, and you just threw a 'believe me' like it would solve everything, now enlight me then, what should I have done in the village." Ryu said in a mocking tone.