Enforcement hall

As the knocks on the door continued and both Ryu and Nura didn't move to open it, the knocks started to become even havier.

"I wasn't expecting that she was so angry. You have to hide me, Nura." Ryu said.

"Why are you asking me all of a sudden? It's just a woman, go there and talk with her." Nura said, retreating two steps.

"You... are you going to betray me like this?" Ryu asked.

But before Nura could defend himself, another voice came from the other side of the door.

"Here is Yan Bo, from the enforcement hall. Open that door, or I will force entry." a male voice said.

"You see, it isn't her. You are panicking for nothing." Nura said.

"But why the enforcement hall is here? Do they discovered about those three guys?" Ryu asked.

"Impossible, It should be because you went missing for two weeks. Whatever they ask, don't mention what happened there." Nura spoke, making a serious expression.

As the two keep discussing how to deal with the situation, a loud bang came from the front door, shaking the whole house. And before the next punch comes, Ryu rushed to open the door.

When Ryu opened the door, a middle-aged man two heads taller than Ryu was on the other side, looking down at him. The robes of this man were brown, and on his left arm, he had an emblem tied, indicating he was from the enforcement hall.

Before Ryu could speak anything, another two men, younger than the first one, passed from behind the middle-aged man, they came before Ryu and pushed him inside, entering his house without saying anything. Ryu had no chance to prevent the entry of these two men as they overpowered him easily.

Inside the house, each one of those two men positioned at the one side of Ryu and the other at Nura's side, while the middle-aged man entered, inspecting the house and the broken table with pieces of wood scattered everywhere.

Then, the middle-aged man stopped one step from Ryu and Nura, looking down yet without saying a single word, for ten seconds until an awkward silence filled the room.

"Junior disciple Nura greets elder Yan Bo from the enforcement hall." Nura spoke, bowing slightly. And next, Yang Bo turned his head for Ryu, waiting for him to speak.

"Junior disciple Ryu greets elder Yan Bo from the enforcement hall." Ryu said, mimicking Nura's action.

"Follow me." Yan Bo spoke the simple sentence, turning and walking out of the house.

But when Ryu was about to protest, Nura touched his arm, drawing his attention. When Ryu looked at the side, he saw his friend gesticulating, warning him of the two men surrounding them, so he closed his mouth and decided to follow the Yan Bo in silence, as requested.

With Yan Bo leading, Ryu and Nura at the middle, and the two other men behind the group, they walked in the streets of the sects, heading to the mountain. As they passed on the streets other disciples looked at them while whispering, some put their heads out of their houses to see the group passing.

The more the group walked, the denser the pack of lined up disciples looking at them became, and the walk turned into a public execution march, which made the fear in Ryu's heart rise even more.

After crossing the whole sect, they reached the base of the mountain in a stone building, where the letters 'Enforcement Hall' were stamped at the front.

Inside the building, Yan Bo pointed a stool to Ryu and Nura while they both sat waiting, the other two men took up positions beside the stool while Yang Bo went to the counter to talk to another man.

"I've got them both." Yan Bo said.

"Good. He is waiting for them." The man behind the counter said, taking a bunch of paper from his desk to make some notes.

After a long wait, while the man behind the counter kept writing something, Ryu lost patience and raised, in response, the man at his side stepped forward, blocking his path, but Ryu didn't retreat.

"Why are we here? I have the right to know what I am being charged." Ryu asked.

The two men at the counter turned to look at Ryu, making him shrink in response, but both of them refused to talk to him. Then, the man behind the counter handed the papers to Yan Bo, and he turned back.

"Come with me." Yan Bo said, walking out of the building.

This outcome confused Ryu and Nura even more, but they were not in a position to complain. The group walked along the mountain base to the other side and continued walking beyond.

After half an hour of walk, they reached a place with large and luxurious buildings, with beautiful flowery courtyards. Those were the elders' residences, a place where the disciples don't usually come.

Guided by Yan Bo, Ryu and Nura walked between the large houses, if they were not worried about their fates, they would have enjoyed the view and the decorations on each mansion.

Yan Bo guided them straight to the biggest mansion, he stopped before a large gate and placed his hand in on pilar at the side, a moment later, a light pattern passed through the gates, lighting several inscriptions on its metal frame, and with a click sound, the gate opened.

A beautiful three-story mansion unfolds behind the gates. Without losing time, Yan Bo led the group to the front door, passing by a withe stone walkway with a colorful garden and large pine trees on either side until they reached the front door of the mansion, where another man waited.

Yang Bo went to the man in the front mansion and bowed, then he handed him the papers, and after receiving instructions to leave with his two guards, he turned and walked out.

"I am, Gu Huan. Follow me, please." Gu Huan said, walking inside the mansion.

Inside the mansion, Gu Huan pointed to an armchair for Ryu and Nura and told them to wait while he passed through a large door, leaving the two alone in a large room with luxurious furniture.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Ryu asked.

"I don't know. If this were about the three guys, they would have left us in the enforcement hall to pass trial. Maybe, they are still investigating and don't believe that we could have killed them." Nura said.

"If that is the case, we can skip trouble by combining our stories." Ryu said.

"Don't exaggerate too much, or they will find inconsistencies in our histories." Nura said.

However, before they could combine their histories, Gu Huan opened the door and said.

"You can enter. Follow me."