Dangerous egg

In just twenty minutes, Ryu and Nura returned to the sect's city, from where they went straight to Louise's house. As they knocked on the door, it only took a couple of seconds for someone to open it, and the one who attended was not Luise but Cahya.

When the young woman opened the door, her eyes landed on Nura and quickly shifted to Ryu. On her shining round eyes, there was a mixture of emotions, passing from angry to concern.

However, before she could decide on which emotion she should fix, Luise appeared behind her and pushed her back, making her lose balance and move forward straight into Ryu's embrace. On his side, Ryu hugged her affectionately, and at first, he was worried that she would get angry with him, but it only took a second for her to hug him back, and the atmosphere calmed down.

"Don't pretend to be tough after spending the night awake worrying about him." Luise spoke after pushing Cahya.

As Ryu and Cahya separated and the group exchange greetings, Luise invited them to enter her house, where they could chat comfortably. As expected, Luise's house was exactly like the others, and he learned that Luise moved to this house recently to live with Cahya.

"What happened yesterday? Everybody is talking about you both being escorted by an enforcement hall elder to the elder's city at the other side of the mountain." Cahya, sitting on a couch with Ryu, asked.

"That was awkward, but he guided us to sect master residence. Apparently, he wanted to turn us into inner disciples." Ryu resumed the previous event.

But this simple summary wasn't enough to please the women, so Ryu and Nura had to answer a long list of questions. In the end, the group was relieved that they could finally leave the traumatic event with the three criminals behind.

When they recounted the lying history they told Enlil, Cahya grabbed Ryu's hand, and he understood that this history still caused some discomfort on her. So, taking the opportunity to change the topic and help Cahya.

"Luise, I have something that I want you to take a look at." Ryu said, forcing the egg out of the system.

Barely the egg went out of the system, and Luise jumped from her chair and picked the egg from Ryu's hand without even asking. Her eyes glazed on the golden egg with faint black inscriptions encircling its oval shape.

"Where did you got this?" Luise asked, carrying the egg to the table where Ryu.

"I had a stone that I got as a reward a while ago, primal stone. It ended fusing with the egg I stole from those horned lizards, and this is how I got this egg. Can you tell me what this is?"

After examining the egg attentively and emit a few sounds of curiosity, Luise spoke, "No, I can't say what will come out of this egg.". But a moment of pause later, she continued, "But I can most certainly guarantee that it would not be a horned lizard."

"Are you certain about this? I am kind of angry that the stone was used on that egg. I was thinking of saving it for later use." Ryu spoke, getting some hope with Luise's words.

"I can offer any proof that it will not be a horned lizard, but the shape of this egg, color, and size are entirely different from what I would expect from a horned lizard." Luise said.

"What did this mean?" Ryu asked.

"It probably means that this egg mutated to some other beast. But what is more intriguing is those runes." Luise said.

"Can you understand them?" Nura asked surprised, he chose the job of inscriptionist and still can't understand a single rune from the egg.

"No, not that. I can't understand those runes, but I've read about eggs with inscriptions before, and they all had one thing in common." Luise said, building suspense.

"What? What do they have in common?" Ryu asked, bending forward to examine the egg closely.

"They all belong to mythological beasts." Luise said.

With Luise's sudden revelation, the other three in the room jolted in surprise, as a mythological beast wasn't something often seen. They are all strong beasts rarely seen on this world, and some of those beasts can bring calamity to the world.

"Can a dragon hatch out of this egg?" Ryu asked, completely ignoring the danger of the powerful beast.

That delusional question made the other three look at Ryu with scorn, as Ryu's dream to have a dragon was beyond the scope of reasonable. It was a dangerous and unrealistic dream, plus no one has ever had a dragon as a pet in history and, furthermore, dragons are known to be selfish, arrogant, and extremely intelligent beasts, and the mere possibility of a dragon submitting to a human as a pet is nothing more than a fantasy.

"I don't believe a dragon will come out of this egg." Luise scattered Ryu's dream, "It is too small to hatch something big like a dragon, but who knows? No one has ever seen the actual egg of a dragon before."

"Don't worry, Ryu. I am certain that whatever comes out of this egg will be awesome." Cahya said, patting Ryu's back to console him.

"Let's go, Ryu. We have to leave before it's too late." Nura said, preparing to leave since they came only to say goodbye.

"Do you really have to go now?" Luise turned to Nura and asked.

From everything that happened in the last two weeks, Luise ignoring something beast-related to giving attention to Nura was the thing that proved more incredible, to the point of impossible. This simple event was enough to make Ryu consider the possibility of being trapped in an illusion.

However, before Ryu could express his incredulity, Cahya pulled him by the collar, dragging him to the side of the room, leaving the couple alone to speak. When Ryu looked at Cahya, he came across a beautiful young woman with red cheeks, cutely avoiding his gaze by looking down.

"Ryu, I've met Anne in the village, and I was..." Cahya started speaking.

"Cahya, what happened between Anne and me is over. Please don't get angry about that." Ryu ran over with his excuse before Cahya could say something.

When Ryu was staring at Cahya, thinking how cute she was, the woman turned her eyes at him and approached her face until her lips touched his. Ryu wasn't expecting that she would take the lead kissing him, so he was surprised and took a second to react.

As Cahya started to move away, Ryu passed his hand around her waist and pulled her closer, and stick his tongue in her mouth, turning the light kiss into a passionate one. On her side, Cahya answered, passing her arms around Ryu's shoulder.

A minute later, Ryu and Cahya separated from each other, and still hugging, Ryu saw her pupil dilated, making her beautiful eyes shine even more intensely.

"I wasn't expecting that." Ryu admitted.

"Well, I've owed you this kiss since you helped me with the feather

quest." Cahya said.

"Is that the only reason for the kiss?" Ryu asked teasingly.

"This, you will have to discover when you return from your mission." Cahya said.