
After the meeting with Enlil, Gu Huan guided both Nura and Ryu through the large mansion until they arrived at a corridor, where Gu Huan assigned a room to each one of them.

Unlike the small huts on the sect city, the rooms on Enlil's mansion were exactly like the mansion of a cultivator should be. In space, each room was bigger than the whole hut, the bed alone wouldn't even fit in their own rooms, and the furniture could decorate an entire regular house.

However, neither Ryu nor Nura was in the mood to enjoy the luxury as the encounter with Enlil left them utterly frightened. So they gathered in one room to discuss the previous event.

"That plan to avoid trouble by lying didn't go quite smooth." Ryu commented.

"Who would guess that sect master would have such cheat skill." Nura said.

"What do you think will happens with us?" Ryu asked.

"He said that we would be promoted to inner disciples. But that doesn't seem like the whole history. Whatever he is planning seems to fit in a bigger scheme." Nura said.

"Anyway, I don't think he is planning something that could harm us." Ryu said.

This way, the day continued without anything disturbing the two friends. Only at night, Gu Huan called them down to have dinner, which consisted of a banquet with several dishes served at a large table.

However, Enlil was not present for this banquet, and his absence left them concerned about what was happening. Gu Huan didn't provide any help when asked about the sect master location.

On the next day, after breakfast in the mansion, when Ryu and Nura were resting and waiting for something to happen, Gu Huan called them to attend a meeting with Enlil.

When they arrived in the same hall as the last day, the broken throne and the window were in perfect condition, leaving any evidence of Enlil's access of fury. Unlike the last meeting, Ryu and Nura reached before the throne and kneeled, making Enlil shake his head in approval.

"Your shocking revelation yesterday made me rethink our strategy to deal with you both. And after some deliberation, I've decided to send you to a mission." Enlil said.

Ryu and Nura looked at each other confused, as the sect doesn't send younger and inexperient disciples to missions. The 'normal' process would be to accompany a senior in hunting quests until they get enough practice and strength to defend themselves. Just then, after a test with the elders, they are graduated and become eligible to go on a mission.

"I know that you are worried, but you can trust me. We have to make you grow fast." Enlil tried to appease them.

"Excuse me, sir, but why do we need to hasten things that much?" Ryu asked.

"The truth is that our sect is lacking strength. If something happens, we can only count on a handful of elders to protect the sect. I will not force you to go on that mission, but I can guarantee that you will grow much." Enlil said.

"I will go." Ryu said with confidence.

"I will go too, but I have some questions. How do you plan to make us stronger?" Nura asked.

"The greatest problem for both of you is the low affinity with qi, and that's what we have to address urgently. First, we will make sure that you can meditate well enough to improve the amount of essence you get while meditating." Enlil started explaining.

As Enlil told his plan, Ryu's face turned white pale, as, for some reason, Enlil's training plan seemed the same as Feng Po. Thus, the perspective of another session where he would spend days afraid to be physically punished surged in his mind.

"N- no, I don't think this is a good plan." Ryu spoke.

"Why not? I have selected a good mission for you. One that will help you mature fast." Enlil asked.

"Mature fast? Is that your plan?" Ryu asked with his eyes shining in relief.

"Yes, by forcing you to acquire experience, not only in combat but with the real world also, I hope to make you evolve faster. And this will translate into a better meditative state, which will hasten your cultivation." Enlil said.

"In that case, it's fine." Ryu said with a smile.

"What were you expecting? That I would force you to meditate and whip you every time you lost concentration until you can enter a profound state of meditation and remaining in that state for days?" Enlil asked, laughing.

"No, who would do something like that?" Ryu asked, laughing in agony.

Only Nura was left serious without understanding what was so funny that the two guys were laughing. A couple of minutes later, the laughing session ended end Enlil returned his attention.

"About you, Nura. You have good talent to get exp and plenty of resources to get qi in consequence, your level is good, but your lack of skills is a problem. In this mission, continue with this program, don't use any points to buy skills, and focus on raising your level to the highest possible. When you return, I will teach you some skills on the old fashion way." Enlil said.

"The old fashion way?" Nura asked.

"By training with a martial scroll." Enlil said.

This information caused a shock on Ryu and Nura, as the possibility of training with a martial scroll never occurred for them. People are used to getting skills conveniently by buying them from the shop within the system, thus no one trains with martial skills.

"So, you can leave now. Here are the details of the mission you will be doing." Enlil said, handling a scroll for Nura and dispatching in sequence.

"Wait, what about me? You didn't tell me about my training program." Ryu protested.

"Just focus on raising that level. I want you both strong enough to attend the all sect meeting when the time comes." Enlil said.

When Enlil mentioned the all sect meeting, Nura's eyes at the side shone with passion and excitement, but, unfortunately, Ryu failed to notice his mood. Yet before they left, Nura remembered something.

"We have to leave now? Can I at least say goodbye to someone?" Nura asked.

"It's better if you say goodbye to Luise, or she would be angry with you." Enlil said teasingly.

"It's not like that. We are just a friend, and besides I..." Nura started to argue, but he stopped when Enlil and Ryu began to laugh.

With everything settled, Ryu and Nura went back to the sect to meet and say goodbye to Luise before leaving on a mission.