
"How did you know? I haven't told anyone about my level besides my friends. No, wait. Did you just said two immortal-grade skills?" Nura spoke, realizing that even he doesn't know the entire of Ryu's real power.

"You can't hide anything from my eyes." Enlil said.

Deep within Enlil's eyes, a golden light glowed, giving the man an appearance of a god looking down for two ants. And Ryu felt a sensation of something touching his very soul as if Enlil was looking at him from inside.

"You, since that day we met on the rock. What is this power?" Ryu asked.

Ryu remembered the strange encounter he had with Enlil when he returned from the village. At that time, Ryu didn't place much importance on that encounter, thinking that the advice Enlil gave him was the only event of relevance.

However, he realized that Enlil knew for a long time that he got various skills. And maybe, some of the events that occurred since then may not necessarily be a coincidence.

"It happens that you are not the only one with an immortal-grade skill. I carry in my eyes the 'truth of nature' which allows me to see beyond the material world and inspect the soul directly." Enlil explained.

Enlil's revealed his ultimate power, a skill that could see other peoples' skills, the possibilities of such ability are indescribable. With such overpower skill, Enlil would never be surprised in the middle of a fight by a hidden power.

Contrary to Nura, Ryu wasn't much impressed with Enlil revealing their power. Instead, what worried him was that he hadn't mentioned his recently opened stat.

Having two immortal-grade skills is truly a shocking event that can boost Ryu's power to the level of a combat genius when he reaches a level to correspond such power. But a new unique stat is something even rarer than an immortal-grade skill.

Despite the strength of hidden stats, not necessarily guarantee combat power, the rarity alone of such an event should be enough to trigger Enlil's curiosity. So, for Enlil did not mention the 'aura' stat, it could only mean that Enlil couldn't just see a person's skills, or at least, he couldn't see stats beyond the normal ones.

Although Ryu knew that Enlil could not see his 'aura' stat, he wasn't sure if he should share this information, as even his master didn't know about this power.

"You can see the skills, but you can't see the stats, right?" Ryu threw a bait.

In the end, Ryu decided to tell about his new power to help him and Nura to get out of this problematic situation by appeasing his mood revealing the last of his secrets.

After a short deliberation, Ryu reached the conclusion that he had no actual reason to hide this piece of information when Enlil already knew about his two skills. In fact, the situation was exactly the opposite, as Enlil was thinking of making them an inner disciple, showing that all his strength could result in more resources.

About Feng Po's reaction when he discovers about this power, Ryu could only guess that he would react badly, but this is a problem to deal with in the future.

"That's a will guess for you to make." Enlil said, whatever the reason, he was not in the mood to admit that the skill he most dots on was not perfect.

"Maybe, who knows." Ryu spoke, trying to build suspense to trigger Enlil.

"What are you trying to do? Whatever you have in your sleeve is better to speak." Enlil asked.

"No, it's nothing. You can continue." Ryu spoke, laughing inwardly, he knew he got Enlil on the bait, and it was only a matter of keeping him hooked.

"I will really punish you both. If you have anything to say that could help in your poor situation, I sincerely advise you to say." Enlil insisted.

"No, no, it's nothing, for real. I was only speaking with myself. I mean, your eyes can see a person's skills, that is strong. It's a pity that it can't see the stats also." Ryu said.

"Why do you think I can't see your stats?" Enlil asked.

As Ryu kept Enlil on the defensive, the pressure on him was slowly diminishing. The 'truth of nature' skill of Enlil was his pride, and someone questioning his skill efficiency was something that he didn't take well.

"So, are you saying that you actually can see stats?" Ryu asked.

With this question, Enlil looked down, and after some hesitation, he spoke.

"No, you are right. I can't see stats, but I can't see how this is relevant. You are actually the first person to point this after hearing about my skill. Now, tell me, why did you ask specifically about this trait?" Enlil asked.

"Because, if you could see my stats, you would have mentioned it." Ryu said, teasing a little bit longer.

"Why so? What do you have in special in your stats to be so sure about it?" Enlil asked.

At this point, Enlil's curiosity reached such a high degree that the pressure on Ryu decreased by half, and this allowed him to move and adjust his body to a comfortable position.

"I have one extra stat unlocked." Ryu said.

As soon as Ryu said that he had one extra stat, the pressure on him disappeared instantly, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief with all his lung capacity. On the other side, Enlil appeared to be profoundly disturbed as he stepped back with his eyes wide open, a reaction shared by Nura.

"Wh- what stat have you unlocked?" Enlil asked.

"It is called 'aura', and I only know a basic concept about it since I only have two points." Ryu started speaking, and he explained what he learned from the system about these mysterious stats.

"Since when do you have this stat?" Enlil asked.

"I got it after the fight with those three guys. By the time I met you on that rock, I didn't have it yet." Ryu answered.

"He didn't tell me you had such power. That basically changes everything." Enlil said, speaking more to himself than to Ryu and Nura.

After a moment of thinking, an evil grin surged on Enlil's face. What kind of thought he was having was unknown for both Ryu and Nura, but that smile gave goosebumps to them.

"I will have to change plans. I was about to give you some punishment for lying to me and then dispatch you both to a place to do some quest. But with this new information, I will have to think carefully about what to do with you." Enlil spoke.

"And what do we do now?" Ryu asked, raising from the ground, which Enlil seemed to don't mind.

"Today, you will stay here. Gu Huan will find a room for you. Tomorrow I will inform you of my decision." Enlil said.

Then Nura raised from the ground and left the hall together with Ryu, where Gu Huan waited on the other side of the door.