New course of action

In front of what might possibly be the worst motel in the town, Ryu told his plan to Nura, which consisted of another set of lies to skip the problem of being chased by the highvale gang, this time using information acquired randomly from listening to the three gang members.

"No! We tried lying already and if failed miserably two times in a row. First with sect master Enlil, then with those two at the entry of the city." said Nura shattering Ryu's delusional dreams.

"But this time, it will work. You've heard the guys talking before. They are already thinking Steve and Lya ran away after robbing us." Ryu tried to protest.

"No. When you start telling lies, things can easily escape from between your finger. What about when they discover the bodies on the river?" Nura steeled his decision and continued, "and besides, the role of a schemer doesn't fit you as you are too straight for that. I sincerely advise you to try changing that aptitude."

Nura's words touched the source of the problem for Ryu, making him feel sad and lower his head in a wail. But, when Nura tapped his shoulder to console him, Ryu said, "You are probably right, I've read too many books with people scheming, and they are cool in the extreme. But I have to admit that this role doesn't suit me."

Since Nura dismissed Ryu's idea, they went to the motel and pushed the door open, revealing a sight different from what they expected from an inn. The place had a large bench with four high stools, five tables, and, behind the bench, two shelves with different bottles of wines and other alcoholic beverages.

"What do you want? Don't get stuck at the front of the door." a thin man, appearing to be in his fifties, said from the middle of the pub.

"I'm sorry, we thought this place was an inn." said Nura.

"Grace, you have customers." the man said, turning away and returning to serve one of the two tables with two customers at the place.

Ten seconds after the man screamed, a chubby woman in an apron came out of a door behind the bench, and just like the man, the woman looked to be in her fifties, though her cheerful expression gave her a more youthful appearance, and she approached the bench and called out to Ryu and Nura.

"So, are you two looking for a room? Is it just for the night, or are you going to stay longer?" the woman, Grace, said with a captivating smile.

"I am not sure about how long we are going to stay." said Nura, still confused with the place.

"Okay, and do you want two separate rooms or one room with two beds?" Grace asked.

"A single room will do." Nura said.

Then, Grace registered Ryu and Nura, collecting their names and receiving money in advance for one night. Meanwhile, the man kept mumbling and walking from one side to the other in the pub.

"I have one more question before taking you to your room. What are your levels?" Grace asked. But when Ryu and Nura made an expression of surprise, the woman added, "I'm sorry to ask you this. I know it is rude, but the city is a mess, as the highvale members are searching for two people that have entered the city today, and we need to inform them about the levels of every new client."

"Those guys wearing gray robes with a red armband? I've seen them on the way, are they rulers of this city or something like that?" Nura asked, trying to get more information.

"Yes, they are the highvale. They are in control of this city, but they are not rulers, strictly speaking." Grace said.

"They are bandits. That's what they are." the man spoke, angry.

"Ian!" Grace scolded, "but, this pretty much resume, though it's better if we don't speak like that, cause if they hear we will be in trouble." she whispered so that only Ryu and Nura heard hear.

"I understand now. And to answer your question, I recently reached level 20." Nura said, and he didn't lie since he really reached level 20 not a long time ago, but the fact that he was two levels higher he kept for himself.

"And I am level 12." said Ryu, a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about that. Most of the people that come here are like you both." Grace said in her motherly self.

"Like us?" Ryu asked in confusion.

"The only people who come to this inn are people who come to this town trying to get money to buy some pills and cores to advance some levels." Ian explained at the side, "If you want advice, forget about it. No one saves money in this town."

"Don't mind my husband. He is angry because the highvale came here." Grace said.

As the registration finished, Grace took off her apron and walked to the front of the pub, where she said to Ryu and Nura to follow her through a door on the right, which led to a staircase. On the second floor of the building, there was a hallway with five doors on one of the sides. Grace stopped in front of one of the doors and took a key for Nura and Ryu.

"We sell food at the bar, and I guarantee it's very tasty since I'm the one who cooks." Grace said with a last smile, going out in sequence.

Although the furniture and painting in the room were old, with signs of wear, the room was clean to the point of smelling good and had two beds and a single table. In addition, the window faced the entrance to the alley, revealing a beautiful sight, which pleased Ryu a lot.

"This whole situation seems very strange. How can someone control a whole city?" asked Nura, not meaning to ask for real, but just express his incredulity with the situation.

"It doesn't matter. I think we should get in on the action as soon as possible." boldly proclaimed Ryu.

"What do you mean? You want to fight them even without getting info?" Ryu asked.

"At this point, it already became clear that this thing is way bigger than we thought. I'm not sure Sect Master Enlil knew this, but he probably didn't because he wouldn't have sent us here like that." Ryu started saying his point of view.

Then he turned away from the window to look at Nura, continuing, "But if we stay safe, we will never get to the deep of what is happening. I suggest that we start chasing some of the weaker members of this gang and see what happens."

"That's surprisingly straight. When I said you should change your behavior, I didn't mean to that extend." Nura laughed and said, then he continued, "But this plan is not entirely bad."

"Really? Then we should start tomorrow." Ryu said, eager to fight.

"Tomorrow morning we talk and decide what would be the best course to take." Nura said, "but, for now, let's rest. I am tired of that journey."

"Good, because I have some decision to take about my stats." Ryu said.