
"What's is wrong with your stats?" asked Nura, curiously looking at Ryu.


Name: Ryu Sei

Cultivation technique: Heaven and Earth Inversion (book one)

Pet: Egg

Level: 12 Exp: 280 of 3.500 Qi: 33.800 of 15.000

Essence: 0


Strength ->33 Agility ->45

Dexterity ->27 Resistance ->28

Focus ->31

Aura -> 3

distribute: 17


"I'm not sure in what type of build I want to follow. At first, I liked the spear, but I also thought about a glaive, and of course the sword. The point is that the heavenly pillar martial art style works on any weapon, so I'm not sure what to do." said Ryu, jumping on the bed close to the window.

"Why don't you focus on that aspect of the skill?" Nura suggested, and when Ryu looked at him, asking for an explanation without using words, Nura continued, "Since you have a natural talent to get skills, you can focus on using too many weapons at a time."

"You mean, switch weapons according to the situation? Like using a spear against an opponent strong in close combat, something like exploiting the weakness of my foes?" Ryu asked, starting to understand Nura's idea.

"Yes. In that case, it would be a good idea if you make a more balanced build. Maybe prioritize dexterity a little bit." Nura said.

"That's a good idea you gave me. I will go this way for now and discuss it with the master later. My only problem now is the profession, which I haven't decided yet." Ryu said.

"Take your time with that decision. I picked inscriptionist out of necessity, but if I were really going to choose, I would probably choose something else." said Nura.

With a temporary decision, Ryu opened the system and distributed the remaining stats: putting 8 points in dexterity, 7 points in strength, and the two remaining points he put in resistance.

As Ryu and Nura were tired from a long journey and the battle at the entrance to the city, they fell asleep quickly, and the day ended without any disturbance.

The next morning, when Ryu woke up, he found Nura sitting on the chair staring at the window, "Goodmorning." said Ryu.

"I thought about your suggestion, and I think we should do it." Nura said, then he raised from the chair, put it beside the table, and walked to his bed, "We currently have two problems: First their large number, and second, we are too weak. But if we defeat some of them, we can quickly raise a few levels improving our chances, and also, we can force them to move."

"So, what's the plan?" Ryu asked.

"At day, we will walk on this labyrinth of a city until we know these streets like the back of our hands. We have to know where are their base and their route. At night, we start our hunt." Nura said his plan and added, "But before we start, look at that woman ring. Maybe there is something useful for us."

Ryu quickly picked the ring and forced his consciousness inside the ring, examining everything inside. Aside from 1.700 coins, there was a sword, some clothes and other items of personal use, two crystals, a handful of pills, and an unknown hexagonal item.

So Ryu forced the relevant items out of the ring and reserved the coins, the sword he stored after seeing it had only simple runes on its blade, the pills he identified as weak healing pills and kept them, and the hexagon didn't have any special about it.

However, most surprising were the crystals, bright green and translucent. Ryu had only heard of them, as they were qi stones, a crystal used to replenish depleted energy after a fight, and are highly coveted among cultivators as they are a life-saving treasure.

"Do you want to share our profit?" asked Ryu.

"I got two of those crystals too. You keep those to use in an emergence. About our profit, we can share it at the end of our mission. For now, I am interested in this hexagon-shaped item." Nura said, showing Ryu another identical item.

"What are these?" asked Ryu.

"I'm not sure, but it looks like an identification crest. It's probably a piece used to identify themselves as part of the gang, and it should also have some use within the organization. Whatever it is, is another thing for us to investigate." said Ryu.

Eager to start the day, Ryu and Nura went to the first floor and ordered breakfast with Grace. At that time, there wasn't anyone at the pub, and they ate a slice of pie, sitting at a stool with Grace close, talking with them.

"Thank you for the pie. It was delicious." complimented Ryu to Grace, to which she answered with a smile. And then he asked, "Can you help us with an orientation? The streets of this city are very complicated.".

"My son used to say the same thing." said Grace, then she turned away and grabbed something at a shelf. When she returned to handle the object, Ryu noticed that her usual smile had gone.

"I can do better. Here is a map of this city. You can have it." Grace said.

"Really? Thank you very much, Grace. You are an angel." Ryu said excitedly, and Grace's smile returned halfway.

In possession of a map, Ryu and Nura exited the inn and went to the street. According to the map, they were a third of the distance between the city's outskirts and the inner city, far from their original plan to be near the center. So they went out to explore the city and, of course, first opted to go to market street.

It took more than an hour to reach the market, mostly because they didn't go straight but made several curves to see places indicated on the map. With this, Ryu and Nura prepared to go into action at night, knowing in advance places to hide, flee, attack, or which streets to avoid.

On Market Street, though there were not many people walking between the many sales stands, the vendors made a lot of noise, shouting energetically, trying to draw attention to their own business. The stores at the road had similarly few clients, but most of the products they sold consisted of simple products metal made with some selling raw metal.

After giving a look at some of the stores, Ryu and Nura decided to separate to buy a few things. As the money they got from Steve and Lia came easily, neither of the guys planned to be stingy about it, so they decided to buy whatever they wanted.

Another hour passed in a snap, and both Nura and Ryu spent a lot of money buying useless things that they would otherwise have never buy. So, tired of walking around the market, Ryu went looking for Nura and found him in a large store with a luxurious look.

Entering the store, Ryu felt uncomfortable, as if he shouldn't be there. Then, walking carefully so as not to break anything expensive and have to pay later, Ryu caught up with Nura and saw him finalizing his purchase.

"So, it is a brush, two pots of black paint, and two hundred sheets of paper. The total is 1800 coins." a middle-aged man told Nura.