Main Quest?

(Important Note : Before uploading reviews or comments about the quest please read the next chapter and then comment.)

-------/3rd (PoV)\--------

It's been a year since he was born, and besides moving here and there he couldn't really do anything else besides the occasional weird missions.

Do you know how it feels to not be able control one's own piss and shit?

If anyone asked this question to Ryu He would definately say 'Shit'. He could feel it every time he needed to piss or shit but no matter how hard he tried he could only despair over the fact that his diaper would be filled with his own shit and he couldn't do anything about it.



Though he wasn't able to grow much stronger it's still better than nothing.

'Zero show me my stats' Said Ryu.

[Haii Onii-chan~]


Name -> Ryu Izanagi

Age -> 1 Year Old

Bloodline -> Human(99%)/Void Walker(1%)

Physical Stats--->

STR- 1.2 | Vit- 2.4 | AGI- 1.6

Stat Points-> 2

Abilities (Innate ability of Void Walkers) --->

1.Void Dimension -Ability to enter the Void

Dimension and make the physical body



System Abilities--->

1. Observation - Allows the host to view the

stats of anyone.

2. Calm Mind - Allows the host to remain

rational and deal with situation calmly.

Host will never act on sudden emotional


Quirk--> Not Yet Acquired.

Skills--->|Perferct Aim|.]

Though he wanted to increase his stats using stat point's he thought there was no reason to, after all what would be the point of adding a bit more strength and agility to an one year old and he was already quite healthy so rather than using it on vitality he decided to save them and use them to balance his stats later on.

He was still surprised by the first ability of the Void Walker, apparently it was not as bad as he thought.

The only problem was that he couldn't even activate it for a single second, it would already deactivate within the blink of an eye. Every time he would get extremely exhausted causing him to fall asleep.

'Zero what with the question marks beside Void Dimension.' He asked curiously.

[It just means that onii-chan~ isnt strong enough to fully use the ability and can only activate a part of it.]

'Oh' While he didnt show much on the outside, but on the inside he was actually quite surprised since his ability Void Dimension was already quite great since it reminded him of Obito's Sharingan ability 'Kamui'.

Would he get his own personal dimension as well? The very idea made him quite excited but he could only wait and get stronger.

'Well I also recieved the skill 'Perfect Aim' from the reward and knowing what my quirk will be it would be quite useful.'

While he was mulling over his own thoughts he didn't notice Kiyoko coming towards him while humming a joyful tone.

----------/3rd PoV \--------

Hmmmm mmm Mm~ While humming joyfully she walked towards her cute lil baby boy who was quite silent at the moment 'It's only been an hour or so since he woke up, It couldn't be he fell asleep again, right?' she muttered under her breath.

She went over and saw him sitting in deep thought 'What could he be thinking for him to remain quiet like that.'She wondered and asked "Whats my baby boy thinking" .

After hearing that sweet voice Ryu turned towards the door and saw a woman apparently 170 cms In height walking towards him. She had dark blood red hair that fell down from her shoulders till her hips.

Looking at her, Ryu always thought that she was the perfect representation of the word 'Milf'.

Perfect Sized perky breasts with an hourglass figure, a little wide hips and glossy and fair skin. She didn't seem to have any flaws.

But whenever he saw that gaze full of love and affection all those weird thoughts would disappear on their own and what left was warmth in his heart that signified that he was slowly recovering and filling his hollow and cold heart from his past life.

He didn't answer her question and not like he could since apparently One year olds usually only spoke a word or two.

He just said" Ma-ma" to her while raising his hands that caused a blissful smile to appear on her beautiful face.

When she saw him raising his hands asking to be carried she happily picked him up while asking " Do you want to listen to mama's new story baby?".

'Urgh' groaned Ryu inside his mind seeing that his mother would start with her 'not so great' stories again that she seemingly makes up on her own.

Without even waiting for him to answer she sat down with him in her lap and started speaking "Once upon a time....

Ryu just ignored whatever she was saying and muttered under his breath while looking at her "Observe"


Name -> Kaya Kiyoko

Age ->21 Year Old

Bloodline -> Human(100%)

Physical Stats--->

STR- 80 | Vit- 93 | AGI- 79

Quirk--> Energy Manipulation (Minor)-->

The quirk allows the user to gather energy from the surroundings and manipulate it as per the users desires. The energy can cloak the body while defending the body since it's as hard as diamond and can extend from any part of the body. Energy cannot be extended for more than 50 cms from the user.

Passively Energy absorbtion allows the body to continue to grow stronger.]

Looking at his mother's status Ryu had mixed feelings towards it. When he was sometimes taken out on strolls with his parents he would observe the stats of various people.

He learned that a quirkless adult would have around 10-13 points in his physical stats varying between STR, VIT and AGI. While most people with quirks have usually more than 30 physical stats and the highest he had seen till now was his own mother. He could see that she was really strong and passive energy absorption might be the cause of it. Even if Someone like Aizawa nullified her quirk he would still have to fight hard to defeat her unless his combat abilities are way better than hers.

What surprised him was her quirk 'Energy Manipulation' and it's description. Since her quirk was quite overpowered itself after all not everyone had quirks that could destroy half the city and directly kill her like All Might. Defeating her in direct close combat would be nigh-impossible unless someone had quirks that could ignore her defence completely or to somehow drag the battle till she is unable to continue manipulate energy anymore.

'It's a pity she has limited range' Thought Ryu with regret.

'I can see why father is a simp now but still a simps a simp' Thought Ryu with disdain towards his loving father.

'Wow She's still not done with that story of her's.'

He started breathing slowly to make her believe that he's already asleep so that she could leave him alone for a bit. 'Looks like it worked'.He thought.

"While picking his sturdy stick and stabbing it at the hole ...."

She stopped noticing the rythmic breathing on her. 'Eh seems like he's quite tired. He even fell asleep during such an interesting story, guess Ill continue later' She layed him down and covered him with a sheet and went humming her way to cook lunch.

'Heh seems like she left. If only I could grow faster' While lamenting his fate he noticed that Zero had isssued another quest for him and the sound was a little different from the side missions. 'Seems like the main quest will be issued now. ' Finally his year long wait ended.


[ Main Quest Triggered----------->

1. Kill All For One ----->

Rewards -->

(i) Multiverse Travel Token (One use)

(ii) Random Spinwheel Lucky Reward

(iii) 30% Increase In All Stats.

(iv) One Random Skill and Talent

(v) 19% Increase In the Void Walker Bloodline.

(vi) Activate Another Sub Ability Of Void Dimension.


2. Kill All Might----->

Rewards -->

(i)Multiverse Travel Token

(ii)Random Spinwheel Lucky Reward

(iii)Void Walkers Second Innate Ability (???)

(iv)20 % Increase In All Stats.

(v) Extra Travel Token (Allows Another Person Of Your Choice To Travel With You)

(vi) Chance To Use The Multiverse Travel Token Again Without Having To Complete The Main Quest Of The World That Comes After The MHA World.

[Accept And Complete One Of The Above To Complete The MHA World Onii-chan~~]

'...' Ryu

Looking At Both options Ryu was conflicted on which to choose since both had there own advantages and both were equally enticing to him.

But he was leaning toward All for one because by activating 20% of his Void Walker Bloodline he could gain Another Ability of Void Dimension. He believed he would eventually activate his second ability. The question was just when?

The 30% Boost was better than 20 % no questions asked and about the random skills and talent? He could easily obtain them from side missions.

He believed that the 'Extra Token' would of no use to him since he would not be carrying or travelling with anyone. He would rather not take any burden with him since he believed it would only take some time till others wouldn't be able to even compare with him. He had no intentions of babysitting anyone.

As for his parents? He had no intentions of seperating them.

But what really made him conflicted was the 6th reward of killing All Might.

The second chance of using The Multiverse Travel Token.

Another life saver of his since he could end up in whatever fucked up world Zero Randomly decides and if it turn outs to be somewhere like dragon ball where even Vegeta Could kill him with a flick of his finger. Then he was doomed to die. Sure it was all easy on how to be 'God101' In dragon ball but was it really that easy?

No he didnt believe that shit one bit. He was paranoid by nature after all.

'Zero' Said Ryu

[Haii Onii-chan~~?]

'Can I accept the quest later on?' Asked Zero with some hesitation. While it was not in his nature to be indecisive he needed time to think about the choices. Killing All Might might sound easy with his injuries and all but he has too many allies and is directly connected to the fate of the 'Protagonist' Izuku Midoriya. Its not like he could go and say "All Might Die" and he would die. It's Significantly easier too kill All for one than All Might.

[Onii-chan ~~ Has 14 Years To Decide]

'Fuuu, Great I don't have to rush it then. 14 Years huh, I should be 15 by then and since I'm born in the same year as midoriya then that means I have time to accept it just before the plot starts.'


(A/N)-> Damn Writing chapters is taking 4-5 hours each. I made him conflicted for a reason and it would be explained later on.

I really shouldve planned what to write and not go with the flow thingy its irritating to write while thinking as well.

Well As much I hate info dumps Its necessary or you guys are just going to be confused. Well The next chapter would be a timeskip im not doing one year olds its too fucking irriting when the mc can do nothing but think think and think xD.

And no i dont want people explaining to me how easy dragon ball is. I was just taking it as a reference to say the next world might be too dangerous and he could change it if it was the second chance thingy.

Ill Try Updating As soon as Possible and no im not simping his mom. The father would be introduced a bit next chapter and his stats aswell.

What do you guys think about wincest?

Decide Decide The poor guy's father's life depends on y'all 😏

THE plot for mha should start by Ch 8-10 and it will be a fast paced one . It wont take forever to complete mha since not many Info dumps are left. So no need to worry.

Being a fanfic reader myself i know what to avoid and what to include.

Backstory and Meeting with God Coming Soon~~

See Ya All !

Hope You Enjoy👍