Happy Family!

---------/Time Skip\--------

2 Years 9 Months And 29 Days

---------------/(3rd PoV)\-------------

Inside a normal japanese house, Three people could be seen enjoying their dinner. Around the table 2 people sitting next each other could seen eating, On the right side of the table was a man about 183 cms with messy ink like black hair and a sharp jawline with little facial hair.

He had mesmerizing golden eyes that shone like the sun itself.

Beside him was was a women about 170 cms with dark blood red like hair which fell from her shoulder till her lower back. She had a beautiful visage and deep blood red like eyes, the same as her hair. She had little to no fat on her body and her skin was fair and smooth.

Both of them were Araya Izanagi and Kaya Kiyoko Respective. Infront of them was a boy around the age

age of 3-4. He had a cute and chubby face with Blood red like hair just like his mother which fell from the back of his head almost reaching his shoulders. He had deep dark golden eyes just like his father that seemed to be in thought while he was eating his meal.

--------/(PoV) Araya\-------

'I Looked at my son that seemed to be too mature for his age and in deep thought. Though Kaya seemed to never notice this and apparently to her, he is a shy and silent type of boy.' I scoffed at such notions. ' For me my son is obviously a genius that would be above his peers with deep wisdom and no matter how weird it was,

he was after all mine, Araya Izanagi's Son.'

'Looking at the Face that seemed too in deep thoughts,

instead of serious like it should be it looked too cute and seems like my wife can agree with me on that, seeing how she is still trying to contain her giggles as to not disturb him hehe.'

"So lil champ are you excited for your 4th birthday tomorrow? There's a chance you might awaken your quirk tomorrow." I asked him curiously after all no matter how mature he was, he was still a 3 yr old. I saw him lifting his head from his meal and look at me. The excitement in his eyes was a clear giveaway of one of his childish features left. Kaya too was curious of what his answer would be.

---------/PoV Ryu\---------

'Looking at my father, I think he might've misunderstood my excitement for the quirk awakening'

What happened 3 mins earlier was.

3 mins earlier

While eating my dinner and glancing at my father that seemingly wanted to ask a question, I ask Zero


[Haii Onii-chan~~?]

'The main quests you had given me, can I accept both of them at the same time?' I asked curiously with a little hope, after all if I could accept them both there wouldn't be too much of hassle completing both and those juicy rewards 'hehheehe'*cough*

'So Zero'


[Haii Onii-chan~~, You can accept them both and both of the indivisual rewards will be given to you but after accepting them you cannot abandon one of them or you will get stuck on this world forever onii-chan~]

After giving it some thought I agreed, after all both the rewards were too enticing for me to refuse.

After confirming that I accept both of them a screen popped up in front of me with a ding sound.


[Main Quest Triggered----------->

1. Kill All For One And All Might ----->

Rewards -->

(i) Multiverse Travel Token (Two uses) And Extra Token

(ii) Random Lucky Spinwheel Reward x2

(iii) 50% Increase In All Stats.

(iv) One Random Skill and Talent

(v) 19% Increase In the Void Walker Bloodline And Second Abitlity Of The Void Walker(???)

(vi) Activate Another Sub Ability Of Void Dimension.]

Looking at those rewards I gulped my saliva and looked at it with excitement and heard my father ask me something

I replied with the same excitement still present in my tone and eyes" Yes Father!"

Seemingly happy with my answer he again asked me something. "So any thoughts about your future? whacha wanna do lil champ?" He asked curiously.

I just shrugged and replied in my mind 'Ill be killing your number one hero in the future' "Yes Dad, Ill be a hero like All might and Save everyone I can with a smile on my face and make them feel safe around me." I replied with enthusiasm, concealing my dark thoughts from him.

Apparently Satified with my answer he ruffled my hair and asked " How do you wanna celebrate your birthday tomorrow?"

"Can we celebrate at home by ourselves? The kids from the neighbourhood are annoying" chuckling at my answer he said "Fine,"

Mom cut in our talk while scolding me "Ryu don't ralk about your friends like that" She said a little frustated from my behavior. Since I have no friends.

'I mean sure I act like a kid sometimes too appease you two but that doesn't mean Ill go and play around with 3-4 year olds' I grumbled in my mind while staring at her with narrowed eyes. The attempt at a serious face seemed to have failed seeing how she is still staring at me with her eyes and using her hand to block the sounds of muffled laughter coming from her.

She didn't seem like she would let me eat in peace unless I agree with her.

'Nope its your loss mom, like always' I thought after seeing her eat her food again in a grumpy manner after failing to intimidate me again.

Dad chuckled at our antics, he tried appeasing mother trying to get her good mood back to her. While looking at him I mutter under my breath "Observe".


Name ->Araya Izanagi

Age ->25 Year Old

Bloodline -> Human(100%)

Physical Stats--->

STR- 51 | Vit- 56| AGI- 62

Quirk--> Laser Shot-->

The user is able to generate and release deadly ray of beams from the palm of ones hand. Direction of beams can be controlled with enough training. The more concentrated the lasers are the more destructive they are.]

Seems like mom's 'Passive Energy Absorption' isnt just for show. After comparing the physical stats of his mom and dad he understood that while his mom wasn't well known she could easily defeat anyone in a fight under the top 50. Unless they have tricky quirks or quirks that could directly counter her own quirk

As for Dad, He couldn't tell properly, while for his mom it was as simple as energy manipulation, his father's laser beams could be concentrated for far more destructive power, but how much power? And how much had his father trained it?

He didn't know.


I started to eat my meal again and while I was enjoying the thought of receiving those rewards in the future I noticed something,

'Zero Shouldn't there be 3 uses of The Multiverse Travel Token?' I asked seriously confused.

[Onii-chan~~ According to the restrictions placed on me you are not allowed to recieve more than 2 Multiverse Travel Token uses at the same time.]

'FUCK ITS THAT SHITTY GOD AGAIN. What the fuck is his problem, why can't he fucking leave me alone already.' I cursed with rage at the so called 'god'.

My face immediately morphed into a scowl but I started calming down thanks to Ability 'Calm mind'. But it seems like my parents noticed it and seeing their worried looks made me guess my scowl was ...not cute at all.

"What happened lil champ does it hurt somewhere?" Dad said worriedly while walking towards me. Mom too came with a worried look towards me.

"Ah Dont worry about me I bumped into the table at the corner earlier and its still hurting" I said with a little fake pained expression. He came and checked my leg but couldn't find anything wrong with it.

He said with a little confused and worried tone "Ryu you should go to sleep and rest properly or you won't be able to enjoy your birthday tomorrow"

I made a little fake sad expression and replied saying "Fine, Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad." After saying this I went to sleep in my room that I asked for to sleep alone in.

Moments like these warmed his heart, he hoped they could stay happy like this forever.

---------/Next Morning\---------

'Hmm' The moment I woke up and opened my eyes I could see a face so close to mine that our noses were touching.

Seeing that I was waking up the figure immediately yelled "BOO!" next to my ear.

A very failed attempt at trying to scare me.

I looked at the figure with a deadpan stare for a few minutes till the figure let out a "tsk" sound.

------------/3rd (PoV)\-----------

After seeing that her son wasn't scared at all and kept looking at her with a deadpan stare, she couldn't help it and let out a "tsk" sound

Looking at him she said with a tone fulled of indignation "What's wrong with you lil ryu, You should be scared and jump to hug me with frightened expression while I keep on giving you headpats to console you, giving me deadpan stares was not part of the plan" with a wronged face she muttered "Your no fun".

Looking at his mother's face that was as if blaming him for all of the wrongs of her life, he left the bed and walked toward his mom and sat down on her lap while bobbing his head up and down, Apparently giving his consent for headpats.

'Heh I knew it would work' She thought happily seeing her little tricked worked and started ruffling and kept on patting his head. "Annoying"he grumbled under his breath but the satisfied expression on his face said something entirely different.

After a while of cuddling was done she took him by the hand and led him to the dinner table where his 4th birthday cake could be seen. After she saw that he was looking toward the cake, she lifted him high up and circled around her toes spinning him around in her hands befor saying "Happy Birthday Ryu".

"Thanks" was all he said to her.

-------------/Kiyoko's (PoV)\------------

"Thanks" was all he said to her but she knew he was just a shy and silent type of boy thats a little embarrassed thats all. After all she could sense the happiness he felt when she congratulated him.

'Aww my shy little boy mommy will teach you how to talk to girl's later' She thought happily as if she could see the future as she went into daze.

She quickly snapped out of it when her Lil ball of happiness asked her a question.

"Mom where's Da-" before he could finish his sentence he suddenly fell down. I immediately panicked and tried shaking him awake" Ryu, lil Ryu what happened to you"!

She forcefully calmed herself down, she knew panicking would do her and her child no good. She picked him up and used the spare car to leave towards the hospital.

While on the road driving her car, anxiety and worry could be seen all over her face. She tried calling Araya many times but he wasn't picking her phone up no matter how many times she called him.

'Calm down, Calm down nothing will happen' she kept on consoling herself, She has been having this very bad feeling since the morning and she couldn't get rid of it so she went to play a little with Ryu to distract herself.

'It's Ryu's 4th birthday and it must be his quirk getting awakened causing him to go unconscious nothing else, I'm just overthinking things.' She thought after getting out of the car while picking up Ryu in a princess carry and hurriedly went to find the doctor.

----------/Araya (PoV)\-----------

After walking out of the shop carrying a lot of bags filled with candy, chocolates and various stuff used for birthday party celebration's. I happily walked towards my car.

'Heh, I can't believe I actually got All mights last latest action figurine. I can imagine how lil champ's usully stoic facd would turn to joyful and excited'. He didnt want anything to do more than teleport home somehow and gift it to his child as soon as possible.

After dumping everything in the car, he went towards the driver's seat and just as he was about to sit down he heard a scream in the alleyway nearby.

He would've usually ignored it since even if he could help he was no samratian himself but he remembered that he now had a child who he has to teach and guide towards adulthood with the right steps.

How could he teach his son morals if he himself didn't have them.

Taking a deep breath he thought 'Whatever It's my child's birthday today, might as well do a good deed while I'm at it.'

He didn't run or scream like a madman but cautiously went towards the area of the scream. After reaching their he could see three thugs dragging a girl to a secluded are from there.

Ignoring whatever vulgar comments or screams he could hear he gathered energy in his hands and shockingly the energy gathered around 6 of his finger tips and the beams were as small as Fingernails.

'It took me 5-6 seconds to perfectly aim at the intended positions' Shaking his head he mockingly thought 'Ive grown too rusty'

Not wasting anymore time he shot at the legs of the thugs just above the ankles causing them to scream like pigs.

He dashed towards them and knocked them out one by one. After that he tied them up and walked towards the lady and said gently "Don't worry miss I've taken care of them" The lady seemingly calmed down and said "Thank You"

"No Problem" Replied Araya. Who was going to walk away.

"Uhm mister can you help me get home, I've lost my purse and walle-"

Before she could even complete her sentence, Araya Slapped her face causing her to get knocked out.

'Annoying' Muttered Araya. The police could do that he had no intention of wasting any more time here. His little sage boy filled with wisdom was waiting for him at home. He chuckled.

He went towards the lady and after picking her up and laying her against the wall he searched her body but couldn't find a phone.So he went towards one of the thugs and used the phone on them and called the police and reported the place and incident in a muffled voice before leaving the area safely after confirming that there were no cctv's around him

After leaving the area he went towards his car and sat down, started the car and left the area.

While driving he grumbled with annoyance 'Damn if only my phone wasn't dead' He wanted to call Kaya and tell her that he would be a bit late but now all he could do was complain while driving.

Just as he turned around the car,


A Large truck rammed at his car with such force that it flipped up and down in the air before slamming in the nearest wall.

Inside the car a man covered with blood could be seen and glass shards could be seen stabbed almost everywhere in his upper body.

'Am I going to die?' Thought Araya with despair.

Remembering his marriage with his beautiful wife and the most blissful 4 years of his life with Ryu caused tears to slid down his face from his eyes before the light in his that used to shine like the sun eventually died down.

After Araya Died the truck didn't immidietly leave, it stayed there for a few minutes before dissapearing as if it was never there in the first place.


(A/N): Damn he took so fuckin long too die the word count reached 2500 from 1800...fuck.

Well there we go now that he's dead, The wincest route is clear now oof.

So I've decided wincest it is . Ill try to make their relationship as natural it could be (Not like wincest could be called natural but meh)

So no they wont start fucking in like 2-3 chapters .

And no I wont take forever either.

oof This is likely the last chapter for today so

bye bye fellas hope u dont get bored and have fun.